
Chapter 431 Race to The Top

"So where is the treasure?" Aldred asked.

"It's in my heart."

"I have no time for riddles, Avre. Just tell me where it is."

Avre stabbed her own chest, and with a disgusting sound pulled a shining smoke pipe. "This is the treasure you need."

"… So it's literally in your heart."

"I always keep my prized treasure whenever I go."

"Okay… here is the golden emblem."

Avre received the emblem. "Be sure to return me my treasure."

"Okay, I will."

Avre vanished into thin air.

"So are we going to look for the worm now?" Sophia asked.


Then they traveled to the tree trunk once again. It took them a few weeks, and when they arrived, they flew up again with the dragons, trying lure the the World Tree Worm.

"Hmmmm, we have been looking for a few days now, but there are no signs of worms. Do you think Herakas has killed them all?" Sophia asked.

"That can be the case," Aldred replied.

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