
Chapter 426 Sky Battle 2

"Grigradd, The Sky Dragon!" Mary's eyes widened. "I can't believe they send someone like him to chase us."

Aldred activated his godly eyes.


[Grigradd The Sky Dragon]

Level: 89

Power: Ultra Reflex, super sight, Multi-Tasking Capabilities, Spiritual Focus, Advanced Tinkerer, Advanced Blacksmith, Advanced Craftsman, Fine Control, Precise Movement, Advanced Air Contraption Control, High Spatial Awareness.


Known as The Sky Dragon, Grigradd delivered fear to his enemies through the air. His flying dragons contraption would roar in the sky, making all heads look up, and then he would drop hell towards them…


"So he's a craftsman like Dobbs," Aldred said.

"That is correct." Mary nodded. "But his work focused on making flying contraption. Using magic and mana crystals he created his infamous Sky Dragons."

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