"Sensei!" Prince bowed to Treech as he appeared. It looked a lot more like an actual bow now that his character was mostly humanoid in shape.
"Hey, kid, congrats and welcome to the clan," Treech said and threw him an invite to join [Dark Reunion].
"Thank you Sensei!" Prince happily accepted the invite. There were now 2 members of [Dark Reunion].
Treech nodded as he glanced at the Legendary Staff that Tonks dropped. He could turn it into a data crystal and repurpose some of its abilities for another crafted item. Or he could add it to his newly crafted robe. But it was only Legendary level... he wasn't expecting much.
"Here sensei." Prince handed the staff to Treech in a bit of an awkward manner. He kneeled down like a knight and held out the staff in a presentation to him.
Treech's mouth twitched as he thought to himself.
'I'll never get used to this. Where does he get his ideas from to do this? Are school systems so weird nowadays?'
"Well, good job," Treech took the staff from him so that he could stop this awkward situation from being seen for much longer. He dropped the staff into his inventory quickly.
"Okay, first I want to show you our clan territory and I want to let you know about the roles you will have." Treech started walking down the mountain leisurely.
He was the only level 90+ player in the game at this time and he had absolute confidence in defending himself now that he had Nullification and two 0-counter abilities. His dreamy robe waved around as he walked, the comets on the front seemed to have a small animation, like they were burning in a white cold fire in the deepness of space surrounding them.
Prince's eyes shined as he watched the back of his sense's robe. He was excited and happy he passed the test! He was his teacher's comrade. Who in all of Yggdrasil could say they were the number one player's friend and ally? Only he could.
"Sensei, I have a question about..." Prince's voice faded into the distance as Treech and Prince leisurely strolled down the mountain. They would kill any mobs that appeared with Treech doing it to farm any Data Crystals. Throughout the way, Prince asked many questions and he had a familiar scroll in his hand. He wrote as they talked and he questioned how he could improve, about the World Class Item, and Treech answer him the best he could.
They walked down the mountain until finally, Treech teleported both of them to the Hidden Celestial Ore Mine, which their clan owned. They went to work, planning to farm for Data Crystals, dungeon raiding, and exploring the Yggdrasil world. Treech wanted to be able to raid dungeons with just a few clan members, something that Prince didn't think would have been possible. But he trusted his teacher and went along with his plans full of excitement.
(Author's Note:
Hahaha, dear readers, I have learned the supreme magic:
[Triplet Maximize Magic: TimeSkip]!!!
3 months later, the World of Midgard, 1st Outer Zone.
Momonga was laying face down on the ground. His boney hands grasped the dirt below him, he felt like completely giving up playing this game. He had been hunted down by players 3 times in a row tonight. Was he really so awful at this game or was it just a mistake of him to choose a heteromorph?
He didn't have any friends in-game, everyone wanted to hunt down characters like his, and he couldn't change his character either. He really tried over these past 3 months. He tried to meet friends, progress in the game, to find something important to him. He didn't log on often, but when he did, he tried to enjoy his time as best he could.
But it's not fun playing games by yourself. Who was he going to cheer with when he overcame his limits? Who would support him? He didn't have any friends in real life so how was he supposed to meet some here in a game where he was treated as a monster player.
"Awh, why do you heteromorph players always try to run? Just give up and let us farm you." One of the players in the group said in an annoyed tone.
It was as if the player was counting leaks at the store. He didn't even see Momonga as a player, but more like a mob to be farmed.
"Well, it's not like it's their fault." Another player spoke.
"Ew, he picked the undead race."
"Who cares, pick up the pace already. We have our shifts in a few hours."
The players took a few steps towards Momonga, who was sprawled on the ground prone. Then suddenly they heard the sound of a powerful Technique being used.
"[Rank 9: Knights Justice Entry]!"
"Whaa-" The 5 hunting player all saw their HP bottom out and drop to 0. They burst into sparkles of light and died.
Momonga looked around and saw a player in silver armor heroically posing after he finished his slash on the 5 players. The player then turned and walked straight in front of Momonga, putting out his hand for a handshake/helping him up.
"Don't be afraid, Justice has Arrived!!" the player shouted.
Momonga checked his HUD for the player's name. His name was TouchMe and he was a heteromorph like him!
"Don't worry innocent victim, I, TouchMe, won't tolerate any injustice here." TouchMe stood straight and reached down pulling Momonga up from the dirt.
"Ah, nice to meet you..." Momonga said. He bowed slightly in politeness during his greeting.
"It's nothing. It's nothing. Just doing what every man should. Haha," TouchMe laughed a bit.
" I remember seeing you yesterday! The skeleton mage player with a funny name. Weren't you level 30 a day ago?" TouchMe asked as his mind flashed recognition.
"Ah, yes, well. I died and lost my levels." Momonga responded.
TouchMe's fists clenched and his arms started to shake. You could almost hear the grinding of his teeth. The silence passed for over 20 seconds and Momonga was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Did he say something wrong? He was really bad with people outside of a professional environment.
"Um, TouchMe-san..." Momonga started but he didn't know what to say. He couldn't just ask if he said something wrong. Maybe he could approach it like he was talking to a coworker asking about a job report. Yes! He knew how to do that.
Momonga was about to finish his question, but TouchMe started yelling loudly.
"GGrrraaahh, such injustice! Such bullying! How can you just accept dying 3 times in a row like this to level 70 players silently? Doesn't your heart cry out for Justice?! " TouchMe held his arm over his head in a fist clench of exclamation.
"Ehhhhh " Momonga was taken aback by the screaming of this player. Justice? What Justice? Why does he talk about Justice so much?
"Come, Momonga-san I will help you regain what you lost. I know many players like you who are hunted down, but you are the worst I've seen." TouchMe sent Momonga a party invite.
Momonga was a bit stunned, he had just been thinking about quitting the game and now he met someone to finally send him a party invitation. He had never gotten one since he started. He accepted the party invite with some happiness in his heart.
'Maybe, things will get better.' He thought in his heart.
2 weeks later, the World of Midgard, 3rd Outer Zone.
"So because of those reasons, I'd like to ask all of you, my friends, to join me in my clan: [Nines Own Goal]" TouchMe said to the other 8 heteromorphic players in the room.
Momonga looked around the room curiously. He felt a sense of belonging in his heart after meeting TouchMe. He finally found a reason to continue playing Yggdrasil and even a meaning for his small and humble life. He didn't have anyone, but after he met TouchMe he would have someone who would greet him as a friend, ask about his work, joke with him, and even help him in his PVP strategies.
'I am glad. I hope that the rest of us can become good friends too.' Momonga thought to himself.
"But TouchMe-san, this is the first time I am meeting everyone here." A crab-man player said.
"Then let's start with introductions! I will start. I am TouchMe, World Champion of Álfheimr, and Eternal Pursuer of Justice!" TouchMe clenched his fist in the air.
"Then I am Nishikienrai."
"I am Wish III."
"I am Warrior Takemikazuchi, Eternal Samurai Warrior and the pursuer of supreme strength."
"I am Ancient One."
"I am Flatfoot."
"I am Amanomahitotsu, Pursuer of Blacksmithing Arts and lifestyle player, nice to meet you."
"I am Bob Uchiha-san, nice to meet you."
It had finally come to Momonga's turn for an introduction and he felt excited in his heart.
'It feels like I've made even more friends. Thank you TouchMe-san.' Momonga thought.
"I am Momonga. It's nice to meet you all." Momonga did a polite bow of his character on habit.
"Pfft, Momonga-san you sound like you are greeting coworkers haha," the crab-man Amanomahitotsu said in jest.
"Ehhh, oh I'm sorry" Momonga bowed again in apology.
"Forget it, I was just messing with you since you seemed nervous," Amanomahitotsu said.
"Well, it's not like things are that much different among us. I heard we were all saved by TouchMe-san in the first place." Nishikienrai said. He was a ninja character who was dressed in rags and paper-thin armor.
"Really?! I didn't know that!" Flatfoot said as he joined the conversation.
"Ah, I guess you all experienced the same things I did," Momonga added.
"Yes, I've heard your story from TouchMe. Did you really not give up after being killed 3 times? You have a warrior's spirit." Warrior Takemikazuchi added in a bit of a monotone, but a slightly impressed voice.
"Guys! Please accept the clan invite before you all go off talking on your own. The meeting is still in session and I am the presenter!" TouchMe called everyone back to attention.
"Alright, TouchMe. I'll join your clan. I like the idea you proposed at the beginning. Gathering together to help one another. To prevent others from being hunted down by the Heteromorphic Hunter guilds and clans. " Nishikienrai said.
"It is a noble goal." Warrior Takemikazuchi added.
"I also agree," Flatfoot added.
"I Agree"
"I agree as well."
Momonga felt kinship blossom in his heart.
"I also want to join," he said with happiness in his voice.
"Good! Then from this moment onwards, I declare the formation of [Nines Own Goal]!" TouchMe posed for dramatic effect with his fist clenched in a justice pose.
Bob Uchiha-san was definitely the most mysterious of them all. It was like he didn't even exist and was some sort of background character.
"Then, for our first mission as a clan, we will take back Midgard from the clans of Heteromorphic hunters." TouchMe's eyes flashed with a moment of ruthless resolve to implement justice for the uncontained racists of Yggdrasil.
"Yay! Killing Racists!" Wish III bounced around with a happy smile.
"It's justice!" TouchMe nodded.
"We will take the celestial mine in Midgard from the [Dmarks] Guild and starve off their resource supply. Then we will take the fight to them at the medium-sized [Modreal] City. I think we could pull a Treech on the city." TouchMe explained and joked.
The meeting continued for another 10 minutes before wrapping up. They planned to begin their assault in 2 days on the Celestial Mine. Everyone in the group was feeling excited at the opportunity to strike back at their oppressors. It distracted them from their dying world in real life.
Momonga felt that Yggdrasil was more of a home now than in the real world, as here he now had friends. As he logged in each day from then on, he was greeted warmly and he enjoyed every minute of it. He felt like each member of the clan was family.
(Author's Note: The mysterious and all-powerful Bob Uchiha-san is too much and I need to nerf him asap. He is the 9th member of the clan whose name was never mentioned in the wiki of cannon, so I made his name a small joke. He won't make a comeback as some mysterious and all-powerful villain I promise)