

Konosuba Love Circle: My Blessing's On This Wonderful World!


Loving Chapter #28. Aquatic. Ft. Kazuma and Aqua.


After those crazy shenanigans with Aqua, Kazuma had no choice but to give in to Aqua, only this once. If she continues to whine like a bitch, he'll result to punishing this stupid goddess.

It's going to be a pain in the ass to carry her if she decides to be drunk somewhere later that Kazuma has to carry her fat ass back to the barns.

But for now- Aqua seems happy that she gets to freely drink alcohol without Kazuma meddling. This made Kazuma smirk a bit, it's rare to see Aqua smile genuinely when the old Kazuma keeps being a douche.

The current Kazuma right now is still a douche, but less douchey, if that makes sense.

"Hey Kazuma." Aqua approaches the lonely teenager and sits beside him.

"What is it now, Aqua? I told you, only one bottle."

Aqua shakes her head. "That's not what I'm going to ask."

Kazuma looks at her with an eyebrow raised. "What is it?"

"Soo~ You remember yesterday where we kind of- you know."

She's talking about what happened yesterday? They fucked, that's about it.

Kazuma peers his eyes to the nearby people walking by before looking back at Aqua. "Yeeah? What about it?"

Aqua looks at the water at the lake.

"Well since we did that. I was kind of wondering if we can do that again someday, although not forcefully. I just realized I can god punch your testicles if you dare try to rape me again."

Well that's a threat if Kazuma ever heard of one. But Kazuma looks at the sky. "Well, I'm not against it or anything. As long as I don't hear you whining, it should be fine."

Aqua got quite annoyed from hearing that, and is about to stand up, but Kazuma stops her.

"Before you go do useless stuff. There's something I wanna give you."

"Oh? A gift? Oh how kind of you, Kazuma~ I never expected you would realize my god status that you're starting to give offerings."

Kazuma pulls out the tiny box and shows it to Aqua. She looks quite surprised as Kazuma doesn't flinch.

"Just for the record, I'm not proposing to you. I'm not that crazy."

Aqua sighs in relief. "Well I'm glad. I would've rejected your ass so hard that-"

"Just open it you dimwit!" Kazuma says, irritated a bit. The time he's being generous, he's getting mocked.

Aqua takes the box and opens it.

Her eyes widen a bit as she sees the ring with what seems to be a blue crystal on it.

"Kazuma… I thought you weren't proposing."

"It's called a friendship ring, stupid! In my world, whenever girls have a good friendship, they wear friendship rings to signify their friendship."

Kazuma shows his green friendship ring on his finger as he closes his eyes. "I know we've had fights now and then. And it still happens. But I just wanna thank you for sticking around with me, Aqua."

Aqua looks at the ring as she takes it from the box and looks at it. This seems like high quality. He didn't just take it out of the trash.

Aqua can't help but smile a bit. Despite being an asshole, he's still a softie sometimes.

Kazuma opens his eyes and sees Aqua infront of him, wearing the ring.

"Since you're being generous. I guess I'll accept it. You should be thankful a goddess like me is by your side. You wouldn't know where you would end up if it weren't for me."

Kazuma rolls his eyes as he sighs, although not a displeased one.

This moment just seals the deal on their friendship. Soon, maybe it'll be more than that.


Aqua and Kazuma: Konosuba: Love Circle!

Kazuma: If you sell that ring. I'll sell your whole body to the prostitution camp.

Aqua: I-I won't! Don't uh worry about it, Eheh..

Kazuma: I'm serious.

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