
Chapter 99: Combat

Entering the large cavern, we yet again saw our three combat instructors.

The bulky Bearkin, Thorn Oakam, was leaning against his axe, chuckling as he talked to the thin elf beside him, Hawn Sariel.

As for Liako, she stood off to the side, kneeling with her blade across her knees.

Seeing us enter, Thorn and Hawn quieted down, while Liako sheathed her blade and rose to her feet.

"Welcome back new-bloods!"

Thorn's booming voice echoed around the cavern, making Hawn sigh.

"Yes, yes, welcome. Now, we have two hours of 'class', so here's what we're going to be doing. Since this is our first look at you all, you will be doing a bunch of basic exercises and some basic reps with your weapon of choice. Once we split you into your respective groups, you'll start training with us."

Hawn sighed again, before gesturing towards Liako, who stepped forwards.

"Alright, here's the plan. Push-ups, sit-ups, sprints, a reaction test, and then some weapon drills. So, everyone get on the ground."

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