
This curse

"This is getting boring... Boring! Boring—!" Donnalee called over the roars of motorcycles leaving the scrapyard, she coughed waving at the dust they left behind, then when it finally went quiet she stood there swaying.

Its been years now, following Ezekiel and his head full of dreams, sometimes she wanted to just pack her stuff up and fuck off but that will mean desertion, and in return she will be hunted down by other Wendigo clans.

She dug in her pocket to take out another small bottle of rum and drank at it, rubbing her nose she looked to her bike, now halfway submerged in scrap.

"Tooldee, toodle-dum" she hummed and pocketed the bottle.

As her hands grabbed the back of the bike she started thinking of a plan to infiltrate the wolf pack, it was rather easy to be human, Donnalee can change her appearance into anyone, but in this case it had to be one of Raphaela's pack members, and that's where the difficulty sets in.

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