
Alpha Mark’s crazy wife

Unbeknownst to Judith, she remained constantly observed by her pack and her husband.

When Mark was away, he kept a close eye on his wife and ensured the two packs took turns guarding her.

The enemies they had traveled from their homes with were also slowly remembering who they were.

Their foes; were progressively immersed and engulfed by the depravity and bitterness with which they got created, as were their powers.

They were already killing the humans and the other beings. Even the mythical creatures who could sense that they were of older spirits, fought and picked up on them now and then.

They had a sensation of being lost since childhood and had no sense of belonging no matter where they were.

Some had already murdered their parents and were moving from foster home to foster family.

A selected few were reborn into loving households; some were even fortunate enough to be born into families with members who were themselves legendary beings, albeit nice and gentle ones.

Their relatives assisted them in suppressing their natural thirst and hunger.

When Serena and the others noticed that the number of deaths was increasing and that it was happening inexplicably, they knew it wasn't the work of humans. As a result, they had to investigate.

Serena and Judith's cousin Peace worked as a detective. She was in command of the assassination campaign.

Serena was allowed to investigate the situation. She could see that the fatalities weren't caused by humans and that the methods utilized weren't futuristic; they were barbarous.

Serena was more shaken by the fact that they had brought them there, and was scared the packs from there would begin to question them and perhaps, chase them away.

"Can you tell me what we have here?" Serena's words echoed from the washroom as she noticed Peace laying several files next to the murder scene photos.

"It's that time of year again. Around this time, it's as if all the wild dogs and bad lads come out to play "She yelled back, biting the apples she had brought into the room.

"People call me a freak, but how the hell do you eat when you're surrounded by dead people's pictures?" Serena was now sitting across from her at the table, picking the images one by one.

With a smirk, Peace remarked, "The food tastes better when you eat it while working."

"These aren't human-made, and they certainly aren't... It could be an animal or something. Take a look at how twisted this arm is. The missing flesh was pulled away by the fangs, as you can see. The body in this photograph has been burned..."

"Exactly, and the scorching was out of the ordinary. There was no smell of petrol, gas, or anything else. On other crime sites, there was fur and even feathers. There was also a lot of blood."

She stressed and stretched a lot before continuing, "We obtained blood samples from the crime scene and sent them to our lab. Let's hope we receive some leads for you to work on."

Peace had made a copy of whatever they were looking at and pushed it to Serena "Here's where you'll find your folder. At the very least, I hope you'll be able to discover anything else."

Serena's phone rang, and the name Alpha Mark was displayed on the screen. "We've located one of them!" He exclaimed as she picked up the phone.

Serena was already racing out the door before Mark could finish his sentence. Rena's senses were heightened and she was ready to smother it.

She knew precisely where they'd be bringing it, so when she arrived in the woods, she immediately shifted and sprinted with her wolf, Rena, until they arrived at Mark's father's cottage.

When they arrived, he had prepared a meeting spot for them, where the two packs would meet.

She walked inside one of the rooms to change right away as she reached. In the rooms, there were a variety of sizes and kinds of clothing.

They had already surrounded the enemy—or let's just say her—when she met up with them.

Her skin was pale, and she had dark thick eyebrows. She was a tall beautiful young woman with black straight hair.

Serena became aware of something as soon as her gaze dropped on her. It would be tough to find them all if they all looked like this unless they came looking for them. It was going to be a challenge, to say the least.

"Who is she?" you might wonder but everyone present knew she wasn't human. Serena's tone was not cheerful. The members of her pack that were present were similarly indifferent.

Mark's pack, on the other hand, was already organizing a celebration since they had accomplished something and their leader had acknowledged it.

Serena was a unique type of leader. Her face would stay calm and unfazed even if they served them all on a golden platter.

"Alice was a vampire who was resurrected as a baker's daughter. It had already killed three people and transformed one into a vampire," one of her associates answered.

When the vampire fought to get free, the chains pressed even harder into her skin. They could all see the rage it was expressing.

"You're not from around here, are you?" The Vampire eventually spoke up, even though she was still trying to find a way out.

Mark cocked his head to the right.

"You are all elderly creatures. Why would you chain me for killing these humans when we are all the same? When they realized I wasn't human, they were the first to draw their knives." She went on to agitate them by saying, "We should be killing them."

"How did you figure out we were ancient beings?" A perplexed audience member inquired.

The vampire scowled at him and looked away.

Rena remained silent for a while before finally saying, "Release her!"

They had captured one of the beings from there once more.

"Call Mùchén Wang and have him take care of this one," Mark spoke to one of them as he walked out of the room, dejected. From that period, Wang was in charge of the Vampires.

They had made connections to help them in their search, but every time they believed they were one step ahead, they found themselves scurrying around like crazed dogs.

That was the case for the rest of the month and the following ones; all of their leads were dead ends.

Mark was fatigued at this point and just wanted to go home and embrace his wife. He couldn't tell the others, of course. His people looked up to him because he was the Alpha.

Sage, on the other hand, could hear his Alpha's wife panting with rage every morning since she suspected Mark of cheating on her, and with Serena at that.

Apart from Judith herself, she was the wildest woman he had ever encountered, and he was only ruling her out because she was essentially a different person. That was just hilarious. What name of foolishness are you talking about, Mark and Serena?

"How's it going, buddy," the Alpha mind-linked him.

Sage came up laughing uncontrollably and spoke through each one, "You'll have to figure it out for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Sage gave out a burst of uncontrollable laughter and spoke through each one, "You- have- to - find- out- yourself. You wouldn't believe me."

Mark then chuckled because he knew what his Beta was like. Tough by day, a joker by night.

As a result, he disregarded him and met him at his house's gate, eager to come home and grab his wife in his arms, nestle into her embrace, and forget about his exhaustion and sleepless nights.

He wished, though, that he had listened to his best buddy; his wife had gone insane!

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