
Chapter 30

But the sword was immune to fire and protected Rala and Rava from getting hurt.


The sword quickly flew them back to Crescent Kingdom unharmed.


Crescent Kingdom:

Philip and Lucan where elated on seeing their daughters and they both hug them. After that the girls called upon Arizona, their grandfather (Zeus), their grandmother (Moon Goddess), Ben, Reed, Eric and Erica all together and told them their adventures to the Hidden land of the Fire Wolf kingdom.

Rava explained what the old man had told them back at the seven gates of Hell and then presented the half to her father, Prince Philip, who took it from her.

"You have done well Rala and Rava and for that we are grateful, thank you". Prince Philip said to them.

"So what are we going to do since the hybrid king isn't the one controlling himself". Ben said as all eyes were on him.

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