
Chapter 050 - How can I get stronger?

For a moment, I am stunned as I watch the young woman fall to the ground. Once I regained my composure, I kneel before her and try to check her pulse. It's weak and slow, but she's still alive.

Anger boils inside of me as I glare at the monster. "You monster!" I scream, my rage boiling over. "How dare you do this to her?!"

The creature chuckles and steps forward, eager for another fight. So, I raise my hands in a combative stance. "You're going to regret that," I hiss through gritted teeth.

I concentrate all my energy on my hands and reach for the air above me. I focus and then I hurl a gust of wind towards the monster. The force of the blast sends the creature flying backwards, slamming it against a brick wall with a sickening thud. It slumps to the ground, unmoving.

But I am done playing games with it. It is employing the same trick it has done earlier, the reason I let my guard down and allowed it to hurt the young woman.

I approach the beast, ready to deliver a final blow. "If you continue pretending, you will die in my hands in five, four, three..."

I start to count down, but the monster is still pretending to be dead.

"Okay. If that's your play, then fine. At least you won't hurt anyone else again," I say.

I activate my psychic ability and form the shape of a spear with my wind. I am about to impale the monster with it, when suddenly it roars and lunges at me. I sidestep from its attack and hurl the wind on it. It evades, but the wind explodes on impact on the ground, still fatally injuring it.

And so, as I watch it fade away, I whisper. "I wonder how many you have killed by playing dead."

The monster only snickers and coughs, its body turning to ash until it's no more. The night air feels heavy around me. I can feel the young woman's presence behind me, who is still on the ground. 

Turning my attention back to the young woman, I realize that she's breathing unevenly. I walk over to her and kneel beside her once again. 

"Come, I need to bring you to the nearest hospital," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

She sits up slowly, wincing in pain. "Th-thank… you," she whispers.

"Can you stand?" I ask.

She tries to get up, but her legs buckle beneath her. I catch her just in time, a sheen of sweat covering her forehead.

"Be careful," she warns. "I, when I chance upon the monster, it is killing a hero."

I scowl. "The monster has already disintegrated. I don't think it can play dead anymore."

The young woman nods weakly and I help her stand up. After I deposit her to the hospital, I need to return to the mountains. I will need to train again. This string of weaknesses cannot continue anymore.

We walk towards the hospital, and trying to ease her discomfort, I say, "I'm sorry this happened to you."

"It's not your fault," she replies weakly. "I should have been more careful, too. My parents warned me not to go out this late, but I... I just want to play around with my friends."

We walk in silence for a few minutes until we reach the hospital. After gently placing her on the gurney, she is quickly taken into the emergency room. And I, stay outside, leaning against the wall and thinking about my next steps.

It was then, when I felt something was amiss. I look around. There's a sense of danger about to come. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. Something is wrong. I stand straight and focus, my senses alert for any signs of trouble.

And then, I see it. In the distant shadows, I see some kind of presence coming closer. A dark presence that, I am sure, can overwhelm me. And then, the figure becomes clearer, the closer it gets to me.

"Fuck," I whisper.

It has the same shape as the previous monster that I fought, but is only bigger and more menacing. Worse, it is heading straight towards me.

"So, you are the one who killed my brother," it growls.

Then it lunges towards me. I dodge its attack and counter with a swift punch to its face. But instead of causing damage to it, I growl in pain when I realize that my fist is bleeding, despite the protection I've placed on it.

"What are you?!" I ask.

"A monster that is ten times stronger than my brother."

How does it work? He looks so much like the previous monster. The previous is definitely not just its brother.

"You seem confused. You see…" it starts and stops a meter away from me. I can see its beady red eyes, sharp fangs, and pointed claws. "Every time my versions die, I come back stronger than ever."

Without warning, it attacks again. I barely dodge it and my shoulders are getting cut in the process. Getting into the offensive, I look around and find that it disappears, or hiding, so it can attack again.

I am still scouring the nearby areas when I feel another slash on the back of my knees. I groan as I kneel. I turn around, but it's nowhere to be found again.

Another slash comes to my back. I grimace as I attempt to attack, but it is again, cannot be perceived. It is too fast! I cannot follow it with my eyes!

Then I hear a mixture of laughing and jeering. The monster is playing me!

"Show yourself!"

Another slash and then a whisper, "If I do that, then the fun will end."

I slash towards the voice, but my cardboard cutter only meets the air. My frustration grows with each missed attack. This monster is playing games, toying with me like a cat with a mouse. I need to figure out how to defeat it once and for all — in a way that it won't regenerate its new versions.

"You coward!" I scream at it.

I breathe heavily as I try to focus on my surroundings. The monster could be anywhere, watching me and waiting for the right moment to attack. I have to be careful, or else I'll end up dead.

"You have no right to call my way of fighting as cowardly!" the monster's voice echoes in my head. "Especially when you don't stand a chance against me!"

Another cut on my legs and I completely fell to the ground. Both my legs have become unusable.

"A weak hero," it says as it finally stands in front of me.

I grit my teeth and clench my fists tightly. I refuse to let this monster look down on me! I've come too far. I've grown stronger already!

"I will defeat you," I say, my voice low and determined. "No matter how many times you come back, I'll keep fighting until you're gone for good."

The monster laughs mockingly. I can hear it moving around me, but I still can't see it.

"You're so naïve," it says. "You don't understand the power that I possess. I cannot be defeated."

But Saitama possibly can. I shake the thoughts away. Now is not the right time to think of him. I take a deep breath and focus. I am about to activate my psychic ability when another slash appears on my right shoulder and I drop my weapon.

I click my tongue in frustration. The monster is too fast! I need to come up with a new strategy that takes advantage of its weaknesses.

"Are you ready to die, hero?" the monster asks, its voice filled with malice.

I look up at it, my eyes blazing with determination. "I'm not going down that easy," I reply.

In a flash, I charge at the monster, my fists poised to strike. It tries to evade and I scream as I force my battered body to cooperate with me. I land a solid right cross to its jaw, and it staggers back a few steps.

"You can't beat me," the monster snarls, and in a quick movement of its arms, it produces a sword and slashes towards me.

I raise my arms to defend, but it slashes on my left shoulder, causing me to become completely defenseless. As I fall to the ground, I watch the sharp edge of the sword coming closer.

Damn, I think I am going to die.


I blink. Oomppphh? Is that the sound of dying?

"Oh, Fubuki, thankfully, I came just in time to get your part of the rent."

I look up to see Saitama peering at me, his arms around my body. I grimace in frustration and struggle to break free from his grasp.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I snarl at him. "I don't need you!"

Saitama looks taken aback by my outburst and releases me. He takes a step back, "What are you so angry about?" he asks, sighing.

My fists clench at my sides and I glare at him with all the pent-up anger and frustration within me.

If he's here, if he's always saving me, then I cannot get stronger!

"I hate you!" I hiss at him. "You are annoying! Get lost!" I lash out at him.

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