
Chapter 12: Test of Wills!!!

This will be the update time schedule:

1. Soulsborne System - (150) - Monday

• Borderlands: Siren in the Multiverse - (ongoing) - Tueaday

[ ] Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore - (ongoing) - Wednesday

1. Soulsborne System - (150) - Thursday

• Borderlands: Siren in the Multiverse - (ongoing) - Friday

[ ] Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore - (ongoing) - Saturday

No Sunday - off day (Anything I feel like)

If you read the latest announcement Chapter of my Tensura: Supreme Kitsune fanfic, you will know why this change has occurred.


I stood my ground, firm and unmoving.

I watched as the Herd of Phantom Horses were rapidly approaching me.

I felt fear at first, but I quenched that feeling from my heart.

I prepared myself, but physically and mentally.

A Phantom Horse is a being that would not submit itself to someone with a weak will.

Just as a Horse would resist and neigh backwards to kick the person, who was trying to tame it, off of itself.

A Phantom Horse will not allow the same.

It seeks a loyal master to serve for the rest of its eternal life.

And I will be its new master!

War's horse, Ruin, was the same and was loyal to War even after he had been "abandoned" for many years by him.

War did not actually "abandon" Ruin.

He had actually been framed and had been used as a scapegoat by the Charred Council.

Archangel Abbadon had worked in secret to destroy six of the seven Seals by using the Armageddon Blade forged Ulthane the Black Hammer.

Abbadon had stolen and hidden the seventh seal so as to prevent the Four Horsemen from being summoned and in turn preventing the End Wars from beginning.

When War was frammed he had his power taken by the Charred Council while on Earth, and so he had died and was summoned back to the Council Chambers where he was judged with a hundred years imprisonment.

The Charred Council then sent War to eliminate The Destroyer (Abbadon) and seek out the ones responsible for causing this fabricated and false "End War" on Earth.

During War's journey of Vengeance he had reencountered Ruin, who had resentment towards War for "abandoning" him for a hundred years.

But War did not fight back against Ruin, even though Ruin was about to kill War.

It was then their Bond was rekindled.

It was a different but similar type of thing to a Soulmate.

And now, is when I will create a Bond between my soon-to-be steed.

If I had a Phantom Horse, I would be unstoppable on Horseback and in many fields.

A Phantom Horse is also capable of great Durability and inflicting Lethal Blows to a majority of the beings in the Borderlands Universe.

I faced the approaching Herd and steeled myself.

The steeds galloped towards me on the barron fields, uncaring of the weak Mortal that was in their way.

I saw that they had gotten only Metres from me, I braced for impact should it come.

And it did.

The Phantom Horses fazed through my body, like Ghosts through walls, and I felt a piece of myself burn with such pain.


I roared in pain as I collapsed to my knees.

The Herd noticed I was not dead and began circling around to pass through my body and damage my soul once again.

Horsemaster: "You are resisting them."

Raime: "What do you mean?"

Horsemaster: "You need to stop resisting them. It was natural you would fail at first. Your soul is...peculiar. you are denying reality. Just because you had been reincarnated, does not change what is real."

I wanted to speak and ask him how he knew I was reincarnated but i couldn't. The pain on my soul that the Phantom Horses had inflicted upon me were to great.

Anyone would have died from this, but maybe because I'm a Siren now, I was able to survive it.

I was not only risking my life for just a good and magical Horse, but I wanted to know...

Know if this was real and if I could clear myself of my past attachment to my previous life.

I saw the Herd of Phantom Horses appear once again and were rapidly approaching.

I braced myself once more in an attempt to at least lesson the pain I would experience.

Or at least I had hoped to...


Once again I screamed my lungs out as the same thing had occurred once again.

It was like I was being crushed by a powerhammer and being cut into pieces by multiple electronic saws.

Horsemaster: "Just because you have three souls does not mean you can survive if you continue to fail and keep resisting them."

Three souls?

Raime: "What do you mean by three souls in me?"

Horsemaster: "You have one weak soul and two stronger ones. The weak one is the soul that controls the body and mind. In other words, it is the "you" that is in control. The other two stronger souls are...sitting on your shoulders and is what strengthens and grants you your...peculiar power that resides within. The two souls are opposites to one another, and yet, they are a pair. They balance one another, and in turn you."

As he finished speaking, I had failed to notice a few stay Horses that broke off from the Herd, which had now left to go somewhere else within the Far Fields.

They stray Phantom Horses had attacked me multiple times once the Horsemaster had finished speaking.

I didn't even get a chance before they attacked both my soul by fazi g through my body, and my physical body with their own, knocking me metres back and onto my aching back.

I struggled to stand as I gasped and rasped for breath.

I pondered as quickly as I could on his words.

Three souls...

The two stronger souls must be the source of my Siren Powers and the weak one is my Human Soul.

A Siren's Power fuses with the soul of an individual, and transforms their soul into a Siren Soul.

Then, when that person dies, their Siren Soul will leaves their body and searches for a new host.

Once found, it repeats the process and makes that new individual's soul into a Siren Soul.

My soul hasn't fused with The Siren Powers yet. That must be why I have three souls and it is incredibly hard to learn and develop my abilities with PhaseSpaceTime (PhaseSpace and PhaseTime).

But one other problem remains...

Raime: "And how do I stop resisting them! I'm trying to tame them!"

Horsemaster: "You are refusing to accept who you are. The new you. You have died, and now you have been reborn in a new body. But you must accept that this new reality you now live in is real. Accept who you arenow and your new life. Only then can you tame them. To stop resisting them, you must stop resisting yourself first."

He is right.

I was still in denial of all of this.

I had thought of a few things but never voiced them in my mind before.

I had thought this was all a dream.

I might be in a Coma from an accident?

I could be dead and I was drifting within the endless void?

Or this could be real, and if I did die, then I would die for good?

Of the four possibilities, I still thought it was a vivid dream.

But I began to think over all of this.

Even if this was a dream...what if I died in it...and it turned out to be all real.

I would die.


The horses had struck me over and over with multiple charges, but it only served to strengthen my belief.

This is real.

I had reincarnated.

This is my second chance.


I stood up and faced the Phantom Horses.

They were all standing, 3 of them surrounded me and I was at the center of the triangle formation they had made to encircle me.

I gazed at all of them slowly...

One of them will be my steed...

But which one...

I looked at them all and landed on the one behind me.

I was listening intently to the others l, but I heard them neighing loudly.

But the third one I was still having at didn't neigh.

We just stared quietly and motionless at one another.

This is my steed. This is my Phantom Horse.

It clearly understood my thoughts in wanting to dominate it to my Will.

The other two were spectators now and remained silent as the one I was facing neighed loudly and reared back on its two legs.

It landed on all fours one again and began its charge.

I remained still the entire time.

It was 10 seconds from me. I still did not move.


I waited...


I did not move...


I stared into it's bright orange eyes that pierced the soul...


I closed my own eyes and looked inside myself...


I calmed my mind...


All sounds left me...I was entranced by the silence of my mind...


I steeled myself...


I accepted that this is my new life...


That this is my new reality...


I stopped resistingzanf with that I accepted that I had been reincarnated...that I was now a Siren...that I now can do anything I desired...that I am now free...


I opened my eyes...

I strayed to the right and grabbed onto the Phantom Horse with my hands, as I swung around and landed on its back.

It thrashed around violently as it neighed loudly.

It jumped in all manor of directions as it trued kicking me off its back.

But I held onto it tightly.

I gripped the it's hair and used it to both hold onto it and to control it.

It tried multiple times to kick me off, but all attempts had failed thus far.

It then decided to gallop at full speed and would swerve to the side from time to time.

It would lean to the left and right but even that failed.

Finally the Phantom Horse decided to end this confrontation by running towards a large and wide mountain with a flat cliff face.

I knew it what it was trying to do and what would happen next.

I gripped hard onto the horse as it suddenly became as fast as the wind itself.

The Phantom Horse almost made me fall of as it began to run directly up and along the cliff face!

The Phantom Horse can run on ANY terrain and can run faster than the winds itself.

Taht may not sound like much, but the winds, means EVERY wind to exist.

Even a windless wind that exists in space.

Meaning, once the Rider is string enough, the Bond between them will allow the Phantom Horse to run faster than Lightspeed and become one if the fastest creatures in the Universe.

And I was riding on such a being!

Soon it decided to jump backwards of the wall it was running along and we plummeted towards the ground.


My words did not affect the steed in the slightest apart from drawing a curious expression on its face.

Raime: "SUBMIT TO ME!"

Once again there was nothing.

Raime: "SUBMIT!!"

I roared with more intensity and focus.

This seemed to gain a twitch on its face.

I focused and made my Will unconquerable. I put all my focus and willpower into uttering one final command as we were almost at the ground.

Raime: "Submit..."

I said it like a whisper, but I rang as loud as a bomb exploding in the ears of the Phantom Horse.

It created a spectral platform where its four hooves are. Each hoove created a small glowing blue circle for a single foot to step on.

It ran and jumped on platforms it would create, and soon it had made its way to the ground and stepped onto it.

It...no, we trodded our way over to the Horsemaster who seemed to smile.

As I was getting down fro my new steed, he congratulated me.

Horsemaster: "Congratulations. You should be honoured to tame such a elegant and beautiful creature of the Far Fields. You are the First Human to have ever tammed a Phantome Horse in this, and any, Universe that exists. But the Bond still hasn't been established."

Raime: "I must name it..."

Horsemaster: "Yes. Take your time for their is no rush. I can control the flow of Time here. You can stay a million years here if I so decide, and only seconds will pass on the other side of the Portal that you had came through."

Raime: "Thank you."

That's good. At least Angel won't be worried if I go missing for years on end.

She never had any friends, and I was the only actual one. She views the others as friends, but that is more one sided since they will despise her after her forced betrayal on the orders of John.

I was in such a hurry yo get here that I didn't even think of a name for my Phantom Horse.

Raime: "Horsemaster...sir?"

Horsemaster: "Horsemaster is just fine Young lad."

I smiled, of course he would act like this.

You can tell because of his hat.

Raime: "May I ask some things and a request. I don't know if I could offer anything to someone such as you, but please tell me and I will Terry my best to achieve it."

Horsemaster: "That is fine, ask away. I will try to answer them. And your request, depending on what it is, I can grant it. The only thing I ask in return is that you take care of him from now on."

I should have expected this.

The Horsemaster greatly cared for the Four Horsemen's horses.

Raime: "I will. Questions are the following. Do you know where any of the Four Horsemen are currently and what they are doing?"

I needed to know which Darksiders game I am currently in, if I am to do what you want to do.

All the Darksiders games happen parallel to one another. The exception to this is only the intro of Darksiders 1, where War arrives on Earth and is then imprisoned for 100 years.

Horsemaster: "Hmm. Fury has just been summoned from here to the Charred Council to heed their Summons, and Death...he is tricky to find since he is going all over the place. But I can feel that his loyal steed Despair, is currently on Earth."

So Darksiders 3 has just begun and Fymury is being talked by the Chqrred Council to hunt down the "escaped" Seven Deadly Sins.

While Death, is finding the pieces of the Rod of Arafel for Archon Lucien, so he can open a way into the corrupted outpost Lostlight so Death can "find" and "obtain" the Angel Key.

This is very good.

Absolutely Fucking brilliant!!!

Raime: "What about Vulgrim? Could you Summon him here by carving his glyphs into the ground?"

Horsemaster: "I can indeed. He is talking to Death as of right now....actually, he has just finished."


Raime: "Could you summon the Demon Merchant Vulgrim here for me, please? Also, once I have spoken with him, could you summon Death here first and then Fury, separately?"

Horsemaster: "I don't know what you are planning, but I should War you it had better be good. Otherwise, Vulgrim will devour your soul, all three golf them, and Fury would simply kill you. She is very unpredictable and aggressive. I've seen here kill for less."

I figured.

I also expected his response about Vulgrim. I feel so ashamed of myself, but even that GODDAMN SILVER-TONGUE SNAKE VULGRIM is stronger than me!!!!!

No it's time to wait and prepare what I intend to bargin with Vulgrim in exchange for his wares and various things I desire.

This is all too easy.

And so it was...that Raime would go down in history of the Darksiders Universe as the one person who swindled and tricked not only one Infamous being, but three!





To be continued in Chapter 13: Deal with Demons!

Suggest a name for the Phantom Horse. It must be related to him and his powers though, in some way.

Also, im just asking, but what would you think of a MC that gets reincarnated into Harry Potter, but as a Lycan/Werewolf who has no control over his transformation....and also his werewolf form is Maliketh, the Black Blade/Shadow of Queen Marika in the game Elden Ring.

ps, he has the Destined Death sword as his soul weapon, but can only use it while in werewolf Maliketh form.

pss, to those that don't know what Destined Death (Sword and/or Rune of Death) is...it can basically kill anything...even the Gods of the Soulsborne Sekiro Ring series of From Software games.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts
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