
Strange Dream II

Drops of blood leaked like tears, trailing down Olivera's face to her surprise as she squinted to try to control the sensation of pitching and rolling as she viewed the rainforest.

Emotions poured in. She tasted dark fear, something she hadn't known since she met Jeremy.

What was going on? Olivera fought to get on top of the strange tumbling of jumbled thoughts in her mind.

She pushed hard to clear away the debris and focus on what she knew of her past. Fire burned through her insides, spreading rapidly as something like poison worked its way through her system.

Blood ran in rivers and light faded quickly. She heard voices calling, chanting, and felt someone reaching for her to try to hold her to earth.

She found herself in a shadowy realm, banshees wailing, shadows flickering and reaching. Skeletons. Dark spiked teeth. Talons. Spiders and cockroaches. Snakes hissing. The skeletons are drawing closer and closer until…

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