

Whether because of happiness or because of her longing for Rafka, Hanin's eyes filled with tears after reading Rafka's letter.

"Are you crying Han? what did Rafka write that made you cry?" Jonathan asked with a serious face.

"Rafka said there he had enrolled in a well-known school, he was lonely without being able to talk to me. Rafka also gave us a cell phone number so we can talk directly without writing letters." said Hanin without telling where Rafka asked her to be patient to wait until he returned to the village to marry her.

And because of those words, Hanin was moved and wanted to cry.

"Is there anything else that Rafka said, Han?" Jonathan asked who felt that not everything Hanin had told him.

"Secret to know!" said Hanin after a smile.

"Okay... okay I know for sure the expression of love, right?" Jonathan guessed with pouting lips.

"No, Jo, it's normal." Hanin replied, folding the letter and putting it back in the envelope.

"Excuse me,. Mr. Hasta has been waiting for Miss Hanin at the dining table," said Minah, who came with a smile.

"Okay, Auntie, just a moment." Hanin replied with a very hungry stomach.

"Jo, let's eat?" Hanin asked Jonathan who got up from his seat.

"No Han, I want to go to the field now, there is a football match with the village neighbors," said Jonathan who didn't want to disturb Hanin with Hasta.

"Hope you win, Jo." Hanin said with a smile.

After Jonathan left, Hanin went inside to look for Hasta's whereabouts.

"Miss Hanin, Mr. Hasta is at the side of the house, follow me Miss." said Minah while bringing a cup of Hasta's favorite coffee, even though Hasta clearly is not allowed to drink coffee or smoke anymore.

By following Minah, Hanin was finally able to see Hasta's presence sitting at the dining table, which is next to the house with a garden.

Hanin stood with her gaze fixed on seeing the beauty of the garden beside the house. It's very comfortable and beautiful.

"Sit down Nin." Hasta said breaking Hanin's fixation.

"Thank you sir, the place is very beautiful sir. Makes the heart feel at ease." Hanin said with a gaze that was still amazed by the scene in front of her.

Hasta smiled, happy to see Hanin who felt comfortable at home.

"Let's eat Nin." Hasta said taking a plate.

"Give it to me sir, let me get it for you." said Hanin, taking over the plate that Hasta was holding.

Hasta looked at Hanin with a full gaze, his heart was even more touched by Hanin's attention, who was still said to be a teenager but could take his heart.

"This is sir, for you." Hanin said while placing a plate of rice and carp in front of Hasta.

"Thank you Nin." Hasta said smiling as he took the spoon and fork that was already available on the table.

"You're welcome sir." Hanin said with a smile.

Today Hanin feels complete happiness surrounded by people who love her very much.

Especially by getting a letter from Rafka, someone she always misses. Hanin's heart really wanted her to give it to Rafka, who was struggling to get a higher education to become a doctor.

"Uhukk.. Uhukk.. Uhukk"

Hanin's daydream was instantly shattered when she heard Hasta's coughing sound that always stopped for a long time.

"Sir, this is a drink." said Hanin who immediately stood up and gave Hasta a glass of water.

Hasta slowly drank the water that Hanin gave him.

"Thank you Nin." Hasta said as he put his glass on the table.

"Seeing Hasta's wet chin, Hanin reflexively took a tissue on the table and gently rubbed Hasta's chin.

"Hanin." Hasta looked reflexively holding Hanin's hand which was still on his chin.

"Sorry sir, I didn't mean anything. I'm just helping clean it up." Hanin said with a red face as she pulled her hand from Hasta's grip.

"It's okay Nin, thank you for paying attention to me." Hasta said trying to calm his pounding heart.

"You're welcome, sir." said Hanin, lowering her face because she was still embarrassed because it was presumptuous to touch Hasta's chin.

"Hanin you should rest, because tomorrow morning we have to go to school at the high school you want. Now I have to go to the village dreamer's house and to your mother's house to show me the marriage certificate." Hasta said while gulping back his glass of water.

"If Tuan Hasta goes to the village leader's house, it means the village leader will know we are married, sir?" asked Hanin not understanding what the status would be.

"Only the village leader knows that we don't marry Hanin, because I've explained our situation." Hasta replied calmly.

"But in the eyes of all the villagers, they know that I am Mr. Hasta's wife now, is that right, sir?" Hanin asked again with increasingly complicated thoughts.

"That's right Hanin, are you embarrassed? or object to this? because this is the only way so that you can escape from your mother and inherit from your father." said Hasta with a feeling of despair because Hanin still doubted his good intentions.

"I don't mind sir, I believe in Master Hasta and why should I be ashamed sir?" asked Hanin not understanding Hasta's meaning.

"Maybe you're embarrassed because I'm old and for sure you'll be the talk of the people in this village later." Hasta said looking full at Hanin's face.

"No sir, Mr Hasta is a good person, why should you be ashamed? and many more of my friends are married to men even older than Mr. Hasta. And I also don't care anymore about what people say because I've always been talked about by people when Dad married Momy Dina," said Hanin with a look full of sadness.

"You have to be strong, Nin, I'm here now who will take care of you." Hasta said with a smile.

"Yes sir, I just want to go to school and achieve my dreams sir." Hanin said excitedly again.

"What are your goals Nin?" Hasta asked seriously.

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