
(12) A Furious Mr. Koushirou, is a scary Mr. Koushirou!

"Are you crazy?!" Mr. Koushirou shouted out, his face was red and his veins were bulging. Had me thinking he was going to pop one if he didn't calm himself down.

"I-I know this sounds crazy but trust me, I-I'm doing this for her own good!" I tried to reason with him and calm him down, but his face just got even more red.

"How?! How could becoming a pirate be good for her!? She's a very rare talent in swordsmanship, hell I'd dare say she's a world-class talent! Becoming a pirate would be a waste!" Mr. Koushirou yelled out, making me shudder a bit.

I didn't really know how to explain why; I can't tell him how she'd die in less than a year, he'd think I'm crazy!

As I thought about what to say, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Mr. Koushirou, how about we hear Kuina's opinion about this before we jump to a conclusion." Aoki said with Kuina by her side.

"Hmm, being a pirate would be interesting. I heard about this guy named Mihawk, they say he's the world's strongest swordsman. He's a pirate too." Kuina said, her eyes filled with determination and resolve.

Kuina's eyes suddenly switched from having determination in them, to one of pure cold bloodiness.

"I won't join the crew of someone weaker than me though." Kuina said, as she smiled while staring at me.

Hah, why are all swordsman like this? Stubborn, and proud people.

"I already knew you would say that; you and Aoki can duel. Let's make it a bit spicy though, how about we use real swords? There'd be no actual danger as I'll stop you two when it gets dangerous." I said which caused Kuina to look at me in disbelief.

"Aoki? No offense Aoki, but we've been sparring for months now and you've only won around twenty times. Our current record is twenty to one hundred and ten by the way."

"Don't get cocky now Kuina." Aoki said as she wagged her index finger.

I simply smiled, I of course knew this matchup would be predictable in the eyes of someone else.

But in my eyes this match was already in Aoki's bag, during these six months I had been teaching Aoki Soru, and Geppo. Her proficiency in them wasn't at the master level yet of course, but it was able to be used in combat.

The reason she lost so many times was due to me not allowing her to use them during there spars, it was her little trump card to use in important situations; and this was one of those situations.

Aoki looked at me in confusion and I simply smiled at her, as if telepathically; her confused face turned into one of pure resoluteness.

"Aoki! You can use this sword!" I took out Nidai Kitetsu and handed it to her.

Nidai Kitetsu gave off a cold glint in her hand, it really did deserve its title as a cursed sword.

"This swords really sharp!" Out of nowhere, a small white blank sheet of paper fell on the edge of Nidai Kitetsu. The sheet was cut into tens of tiny little pieces!

Mr. Koushirou walked to the back of the dojo, and pulled a sword that was hanging on the wall off of it.

He walked back towards us with the sword in his hand and I recognized it instantly. Wado Ichimonji!

"Kuina, you may use this sword in your duel." Mr. Koushirou handed Kuina Wado Ichimonji and her facial expression showed her surprise.

"Wado Ichimonji?! Why are you handing me such a precious thing dad?! This sword has been passed down for generations in the Shimotsuki Clan!" Kuina shouted.

Wow, I didn't know the sword was a family heirloom.

"Calm down my daughter, if you don't win this duel I'd lose you. If using our family's ancient Meito could prevent you from leaving me, than I'd do it over a thousand times over!" Mr. Koushirou's eyes started to water a bit, it looked like tears were threatening to stream out.

Such a heartwarming scene. Come on who's cutting the onions?

"Dad it's not like I'm going to die if I lose, I'd just be joining Avery's crew. Plus you'd be seeing me in the newspaper anyway, If I'm going to become a pirate I'd want to be one of the strongest and most well known."

"Damn right! Bahahaha!"

"Now come on! Let's get this duel started!"

Bit of a shorter chapter but next chapter will be much longer, anyway thx for reading!

kaiwtff_creators' thoughts
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