
Nabat Spaceport Part II

(Yeah, yeah. The chapters are coming slow. Went through a breakup and then had a procedure on my nose. It's been tough to do anything other than work. I'll pick up speed as I recover.)

As I heard Tomas' order, I removed my left hand from my rifle. Metal clinked across the stone floor with an uncomfortable cadence. All I knew was that I was glad my eyes were covered.

With a loud pang, a slight flash of white light bled through the gaps in my fingers. As the light faded, I removed my hand from my lenses just to see several operators rushing through the large opening on the far end of the holonet lounge.

I was about to follow them but then I saw a flash of light collide with the chest of one of our operators. As they stumbled back, I caught them with the force and pulled them behind the wall.

Their identity was revealed as I knelt next to their body. It was Katarina. I'd recognize her figure no matter how much clothing she wore.

I reached up to my vest and grabbed a stim-shot. Placing my hand just below her breast, I jammed the syringe through a gap in her armor. Her body shuddered as the stimulant rushed through her veins.

With a few gentle taps on her cheek, her eyes shot open and she tensed up. I slid back a few inches. "Kat, you good?"

She nodded and pushed off the ground, sitting up. "I am now!"

I nodded. "Any pain?"

She shook her head. "Nothing too much."

I nodded again. "Alright. Come see me if it gets worse."

She nodded and stood up. "Got it, doc."

I smiled as she moved back into formation and began shooting. Tomas then spoke through comms. "Soryn, I need you on left."

With a sigh, I stood up and raised my rifle. "Roger, moving left."

I rounded the left side of the opening and immediately saw a guard peeking over a large planter. With a slight adjustment to my aim, I squeezed my trigger once. They dropped to the floor, lifeless.

In the next fraction of a second, I absorbed what was visible before me. The center of this massive room was home to a fountain flanked by large planters. The palm leaves and ferns broke up the open space.

Right down the center of my field of view was a square pillar with blank displays on them. If the power hadn't be cut, they would probably be displaying a variety of travel information.

Past the pillar was a pair of benches with their backs facing each other. It was there that I found two guards attempting to find their weapons. They had knocked them on the floor, but I could see them clearly.

I aimed true and dropped one of them. Another operator handled the other. They slumped over on the couch.

After taking a few steps forwards, I tapped on Reeve's shoulder twice and pointed towards the pillar. He nodded in response before shuffling up to the pillar and mounting up on the left corner. He was now watching my flank so I could cross.

 Suddenly, another guard popped up from the other side of the planter I was about to move towards. They began firing wildly since they couldn't see.

I quickly turned and dropped them. They fired off a few more shots as they fell to the ground.

While crossing the gap, I took note of the 8 civilians in the open and the 3 officers cowering behind counters. They posed no threat to us.

Just past the planter I was moving towards, there was a large pile of crates and luggage. Two guards were lying dead next to the pile.

Before reaching the planter, I looked back at the fountain and found a guard waving their rifle around. Their mouth was open, but no sound was coming out. It was an eerie sight.

I quickly put them out of their misery, putting a blaster bolt in their stomach. They dropped their weapon and fell to the floor, clutching their stomach.

I turned back to my left and continued towards the planter. I walked past it and rounded the corner. I found a guard crouching next to it. With just two feet separating us, I raised my foot and kicked them in the head. Their weapon flew out of their hands as they fell backwards. I then aimed my blaster at their head and fired two shots. They stopped moving.

This planter was long. It extended halfway across the room with a walkway on each end. Next to it was a desk with a civilian and officer cowering in fear. I paid them no heed.

A brief flash of light came from my right. As it faded, a body fell from behind the opposite end of the long planter.

Across from the desk was a short flight of stairs. They led into the room with the civilians I had secured earlier.

I moved alongside the long planter and approached the desk. Even with barely being able to see me, the civilian moved out of the way. The officer stayed behind the desk.

At the far end of the planter, there was a set of open doors that led into what appeared to be a trading post. As I moved past the desk, a guard peeked out from the open doors.

I quickly stepped to the left, dodging a few shots. I returned fire and landed 3 bolts on their chest.

My focus immediately left them as I moved towards the end of the planter. I reached the end and knelt while leaning around the corner to the right.

Two operatives moved past my back and entered the trading post. "HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEADS! NOW!"

Once again, I had but a split second to take in my surroundings. Just past the trading post was another set of doors that had a sign over them that said "Currency Exchange". Past that, the wall curved to the left towards a wide opening.

Across from me on this side of the room was a café with several tables. There were several plate of food but no one there to eat them. Whoever was sitting there had not been gone for long.

Next to the tables was a couch and then a café counter. On the couch, there was a guard that was fast asleep.

From the currency exchange, a guard swung around the door frame. I quickly turned and dropped them.

Immediately after, several guards emerged from cover across the room. Without hesitation, I rolled across the gap and into the currency exchange.

I landed on my feet and leaned against the door frame. There was a whimper from behind me. "Please don't kill me. I have a family."

With a glance, I noticed two civies and an officer. I quickly grabbed three zip ties from my vest and tossed them to the officer. "Secure the civies and then yourself."

He froze for a moment as red blaster bolts reflected in his eyes. Then, he moved. He tied up both civilians and then himself. They all sat in the back corner of the room.

I nodded before turning back to the situation at hand. After standing up, I leaned against the door frame.

With a deep breath and my eyes closed, I effortlessly cleared my mind. They opened with renewed focus. Then, I rounded the corner.

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