
Back to the Fold

-7:38 AM, October 26th, 2054-

-Uscru District, Coruscant-

From my slumber I awoke. The light pierced the veil of my eyelids, allowing me to rest no longer.

I cracked my eyes open and saw the light of the morning sun piercing through the windows across from the bed. I turned my head away from the light and slowly opened my eyes further.

On the other side of the bed, I found Violet. As if sensing my gaze, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled. "Good morning, Ky."

My heart fluttered as she said my real name. I shifted forwards and kissed her forehead. "To you as well."

Violet smiled and pulled the sheets tightly around her, exposing her very naked figure. "I'd say that we should get breakfast but there's a board meeting at 9."

I chuckled, flopping over to my back and letting my head sink into the pillow. "Isn't it supposed to be me who ditches you in the morning?" I turned my head and looked back at her. Our eyes met.

She blinked slowly and shook her head. "I wouldn't call this ditching."

Violet then rolled over and lifted her leg. She then straddled me, sitting on my crotch. "It's more of a rain check."

I wrapped my hand around her waist, biting my lip as I felt her soft curves. "What exactly are we rain checking?"

She shifted her hips, causing me to shiver involuntarily. I looked into her eyes and found only one thing; pure desire. "Just breakfast."

-8:58 AM-

-Limitless, Coruscant High Orbit-

I waved my hand, using the force to open the door to the conference room. I then turned to Violet who was walking next to me as we entered. "KDY did a pretty good job with this one."

She nodded. "Everything is state of the art and takes heavily from our design input. The final product still impresses me nonetheless."

Kuat Drive Yards had just recently delivered the first lot of cruisers for us. Our design was very similar to the Harrower-Class Dreadnoughts of the Sith Empire. They did have some impressive battleships in both aesthetic and function after all.

The visible differences included the removal of the square that jutted out, a narrower bridge, and less of a cutout running down the center of the ship. That last one was my insistence as it adds a lot more structural vulnerability to the ship.

Other than that, we obviously changed the reactor to the Universe Reactor which allowed for plenty of additional weapons systems and amenities to be added. Lastly, we also connected the ship to the AI core that was currently housed in our partially built headquarters on Coruscant. It could operate without a direct connection and handled most of the ship's basic functions.

The coolest part, at least in my opinion, was the paint. We had the entire thing painted navy blue with white accents like our guild colors. It was dope.

But, there was one important question. "Hmmmm, can I order food to here?"

Violet giggled. "Yes, you can."

I grinned and pumped my fist. "Hell yeah, now this is what I call a flagship-"

My comm suddenly beeped, interrupting my excitement. I glanced at it and saw that the Jedi Temple was contacting me.

I sighed and opened the comm channel. "Good morning, Master Shan."

I heard a chuckle from the other side. "Good morning indeed. Soryn, there is a task for which I require your assistance."

I shook my head, not wanting to be bothered. "I wasn't quite done with my training."

She scoffed. "The council wouldn't have assigned you if there were other choices. We understand how much you've been through in such a short amount of time."

I tilted my head. "We?"

There was a giggle from her side. "Yes. I was seated to the council last month."

I smiled. "That's wonderful. Congrats."

She sighed. "Thank you. It was a long time coming. Report to the temple by noon. We'll be leaving then."

I sighed. "Alright. Shall I bring my padawan?"

There was silence for a moment before she replied. "That would be for the best. I'd like to see his progress under your tutelage."

I nodded. "Very well, Master Shan, I'll see you soon."

Then I closed the channel and smiled wryly at Violet. "Duty calls."

Violet shrugged. "No biggie. I think Samir enjoys sitting in your seat anyways."

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the door. "I'll let you know when I'm done with this op."

She winked at me. "I'll be waiting."

Suddenly, the doors to the conference room slid open. "Oh! If it isn't my dear nephew."

Shit, it's her. I carefully eyed my Aunt who was standing in the open doorway. She was scrutinizing every inch of me with a suspicious expression. "I see you had fun last night."

I quickly glanced down at my clothes with confusion. What could she have possibly noticed? "Yes, I supposed I did."

Rosalina (Susan) nodded. "As long as you're being safe. Are you not staying for the meeting?"

I shook my head. "I was summoned by the council."

She shook her head. "I see. Since you're out of training, I'll have Sheema (guild secretary) send you a report on what you've missed."

I smiled. "I'd appreciate that. Oh, can you do me a favor?"

She nodded. "What do you need?"

I thought for a second before replying. "If you have a trusted contact in the tourism industry, specifically in accommodations, I'd like to set up a meeting back home. I've discovered an opportunity to diversify our portfolio."

She smiled. "Say no more. I know just who to call."

I nodded. "That's good to hear. I'm not sure how long this op will take so for now, just probe their interest in the galaxy."

Rosalina chuckled. "I've taught you well. I'll keep you updated."

I turned and started walking out of the room, waving as I did so. "Thanks!"

The doors slid shut behind me. Immediately, I heard snickering from my right side. "How was the sex?"

I immediately recognized the voice. "Fuck off."

I departed the cruiser with a reddened face as Jeremiah (Jordan) and Tomas's (Taylor) laughs echoed in my mind.

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