
Guild Directives

Security Directives

1.0 - Clearance Levels

Majority of shareholders must sign off on the appointment of an individual to any guild position with a clearance level of 2 or higher

Leadership Directives

1.0 – Leadership Structure

Defines upper leadership

Owner(s), Leader, Vice Leader(s), Grand Elder(s), Elder(s)

Owner is any shareholder with >10% stake

Implementation of Executive Board

Owner(s), Leader, Vice Leader(s), Grand Elder(s)

Executive Override

Majority of shareholders can override any decision

1.1 - Defines Special Leadership Positions

Director positions added to executive board

Director appointments must be approved by board and majority shareholders

2.0 - Organizational Restructuring

Changes position names to accommodate corporate structure and add new positions

Additional non C-Suite positions may be added without a Leadership Directive

Guild Owner > Owner

Guild Leader > Chief Executive Officer

Vice Guild Leader > President

Grand Elder > Chairman of the Board

Operations Director > Chief Operations Officer

Defense Director > Secretary of Defense

HR Director > Chief HR Officer

Engineering Director > Chief Technology Officer

Intelligence Director > Chief Information Officer

Medical Director > Surgeon General

Communications Director > Chief Communications Officer

Asset Management Director > Chief Asset Management Officer

Guild Secretary > Owner Liaison

Chiefs > Vice Presidents

Elder > Board Member


Chief Marketing Officer


VP, Social media

VP, Sales (Regional)

Defense Directives

1.0 - DEFCON system

Escalation/De-escalation of DEFCON must be approved by Intelligence and Defense Directors

DEFCON can be overridden by a minimum of 3 individuals above clearance level 2 or Executive Override

DEFCON motion can be put forward by leadership outside of those two

Finance Directives


Base Compensation Structure

All compensation shall be paid primarily in Republic Dataries

Employee may elect for up to 50% of their compensation to be converted to their currency of choice

Currency conversion shall incur a .5% processing fee taken directly out of the compensation amount

Bonus pool shall be 5% of ANV profit and shall be distributed based on performance and pay-grade

Compensation increases shall be given on the basis of performance and inflation

Owner = ANV Profit * 0.01 * Stake (ex: MC gets .004 of profit so a few billion)

Chairman = 5 million credits

C-Suite = 3 million credits + bonus

VP = 1.5 million credits + bonus

Officer = 500k credits + bonus

Core = 250k credits + bonus

Elite = 150k credits + bonus

Normal = 75k credits + bonus

1.1 – ANV Benefits

Health, prescription and dental insurance

401k establishment

Unlimited PTO as approved by supervisor

Standard leave provisions

GE game equipment and housing assistance

Subsidized education agreements

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