
Stressed Up

It's been a week since the ridiculous article was posted on social media about Mason. However, the gossip might have died down as the people have found another gossip to sink their teeth in. Mason's grandfather still wasn't off Mason's back about him finding a wife. And he wasn't having it quite easy with the board of directors of the company either.

Mason hasn't gotten a wink of sleep in the last week because he's been trying to figure out how to get his grandfather and the board of directors off his back about this whole marriage thing. His grandfather almost died the last time Mason mentioned he wanted to resign from the company because he didn't want to get married. Mason has decided to find another way out of the situation as he wouldn't want to be held responsible for the old man's death.

The strange thing is that, in the midst of all this chaos, he never stopped thinking about Ava. He hasn't been able to get her off his mind. He kept wondering how she was if she was okay. He hadn't had the chance to check in on her because of his busy schedule. He hoped she was doing well. He'd have to stop by the store where she worked, using the excuse that he needed new sneakers, just to see her face again.

The door to Mason's office opened, and his assistant walked in holding a letter.

"And who might that be from?" Mason asked her.

She was hesitant to speak.

"What is in the envelope?" Mason asked her again.

"It's….. It's my two weeks' notice, sir," his assistant said, stuttering.

Mason immediately stopped what he was typing on his laptop and looked up at her. "What did you just say?" He asked his assistant, who was still holding the letter in her hand.

"Erm, sir, I'm sorry I have to resign….."

"No! Whatever it is, I'm quite sure that it can be resolved. Do you feel overwhelmed? Perhaps you need to take some time off? Take some time off if that's what you need," Mason said.

"That is not the case, sir," his assistant said with a sorry look on her face.

"No, Becky, I have a lot of things going on with me right now. I can't afford to lose you," Mason said, not wanting to accept her resignation.

Becky has been Mason's assistant since he took over the CEO position of the company, and aside from the fact that she was competent with her job, she was also one of the few persons he could trust in the company. How was he supposed to be able to find someone good enough to replace her?

"I'm afraid that I have to leave, sir. I can't stay back even though I wanted to," his assistant said.

"What is the issue? Why are you resigning?" Mason asked her.

"My boyfriend proposed to me last week, and we're getting married in a few months."

"Congratulations," Mason said, waiting for her to say what her engagement has got to do with her resignation.

"Thank you, sir. My fiance got promoted at his place of work, and he has been transferred to another state. And I have to go with him," Mason's assistant explained.

Mason ruffled his hair as he swept his fingers through it. He already had a lot on his plate, and now he has to add looking for a competent assistant to his list of problems.

"I'm sorry, sir. You've been a wonderful boss, and if it were up to me, I wouldn't want to leave, but….'

"It's okay, Becky. I understand your situation." He exhaled loudly, "I hope the HR would be able to find a good replacement before your two weeks notice is over so you can show the new intake how things are done," Mason said, not happy with the situation.

"I would be more than glad to show my replacement the ropes," his assistant said.

"I hope we are able to find someone as good as yourself," Mason said.

The company's manager walked into the office, and Mason's assistant excused herself.

"Are you aware that she is quitting?" Mason asked his manager.

"No, I didn't. Why is she quitting?" the manager seemed surprised.

"She just handed in her two weeks' notice. Apparently, her fiance's job requires that he moved to a different city, and she has to go with him," Mason explained.

"Hmm, I didn't see this coming," the manager said.

"Neither did I. As if I didn't have enough problems already," Mason sounded frustrated.

"Not to worry, I will ask HR to start looking for a replacement immediately," the manager assured him.

"He has to be fast about it, and whoever he hires has to be competent."

"I will see to that."

"You came in here to tell me something?" Mason asked.

"Redon magazine has contacted us again…."

Mason groaned, "Oh God, Trevor, I thought I already told you that I don't want to grant any of these magazines or newspapers an audience?"

"But it will be good for us. Ever since that useless post was made about you, you are yet to say something to the public. Granting an interview with one of these magazines would give you a chance to redeem your image."

Mason chuckled lightly, "you, of all people, know that I care less about people's opinion of me."

"I know, but perhaps you should consider doing this. It won't only be beneficial to you, but also the company."

Mason looked thoughtful a second, and then he said, "all right, set up a meeting with one of them."

Trevor smiled, "perfect! I will do that right away."

"Trevor?" Mason called as Trevor was about to leave his office.


"Just one interview. I'm not doing more than one."

"Just one," Trevor repeated before leaving the office.

Nancy, the company's head of marketing, walked in a few minutes after Trevor left Mason's office.

"Hey," she said in a seductive tone she only used when they were alone.

"Hey….." Mason closed his laptop, grateful for the distraction.

"You seem to be having a rough day," Nancy observed.

Mason blew out a breath, "you can say that again."

Nancy walked around his desk and stood behind him, her arms draped over his shoulders. "How about I assist you in relieving your stress?" Nancy spoke into his ear.

"Hmm, not here. I still have a lot of work to do," Mason responded.

Nancy was Mason's fuck buddy. They both have an understanding. Nancy understood that Mason wasn't looking for a relationship, and she wasn't looking for anything serious either. She relished the expensive gifts Mason bestowed on her from time to time, knowing that was all she could expect from him, even though sometimes she wished for more.

"At my place then? After work?" Nancy suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea," Mason replied.

"See you after work then," Nancy said as she exited Mason's office, pecking him on the right cheek.

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