
Chapter 85

Mal is glaring at the others, she doesn't like to be touched and right now she has been waiting to find her mate.

They land in a clearing on a beach Tai and the others marvel at the black said with the red waves hitting the sand, Tai watches a giant frog that has small plants covered with leaves and moss on it's back. Then a turtle that has spikes on its back and it's legs are longer than a normal turtle. When it runs across the beach in the blink of the eye, Tai smiles widely at the creatures.

They leave the dragonflies to walk through the jungle in search for the flower they need for the cure their praying will work for her.

Larissa kisses Tai on the cheek, then holds her hand and pulls her along with her.

They've been walking for two hours, the soldiers will be setting up camp while they search.

Tai watches Faunal walk up to some trees that hav a humanoid look to them, they move around and when they talk its like the in slow motion speaking.

" Fauna. how. have. you. beeeen " the tree folk says slowly while Fauna smiles ten hugs the trunk.

" Seta its been a while since we spoke, I'm looking for certain flowers and on of our children is sick.... we need to find these flowers " Fauna said as her hands started to glow white touching the willow folk and leaves bloom on his branches.

" the Grim Bell is what we need " Fauna said in a worried voice and expression, as she glances over at Tai.

" please help me save our daughter, I'd even give my life for her " Fauna said, Tai hurries over to Fauna grabbing her wrist pulling her into a hug.

" that will not happen, do not ever say that again or I'll drive a silver blade in my heart to go into eternal sleep" Tai said as she slices hernan doing a blood oath, Una has already warned her of the demons personality and looks at the others doing the same oath.

Larissa smacks Tai, then pulls her into a hug, she holds her tight kissing the mark sheleft on Tai.

" you have no right to make those decisions for us an I'd rather die then you " Larissa said while crying, Tai rubs the back of Larissas head.

" Go. thirty. miles. west. do. not. fall. for. his. tricks " Seta said while he smiles at Fauna, then the pulls the map out to plan their way to the demons place.

( " I've never been so angry, I've been there for her even before she was born.... I won't lose her ") Mal thought to herself as she points to the direction they are taking, she walks slightly ahead of Tai and her heart is full of dread.

( "The demons knowledge is needed but what would he want, could she find a way around the blood oath and what if she only meant her mother and her mates.) Mal was thinking about as she kept going west.

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