
Opening a Gate to my Life

Well...Hi, lemme introduce myself to you. I am Kim Yeona and it's very normal for you to not know me! I am biggest army of BTS - worldwide stars! They are my love at first sight 😍 which existed more than any romour...(chuckles)

As usual dragging myself in early morning to go for 'From Me to You' (my start-up name), worrying to not have any new problem. Opening start-up is something which I definately looked for from the age of approximately 12yrs, thinking that it will be 0.0000000000000007% for this DREAM to be REALITY. But I proved myself wrong!

I have quite big connection for my start-up, and I am doing pretty well in my VR development and games and Fashion Designing all at once...Way multi tasking & multi talented. Excuse me for bragging 😁

I have my bestie who works under me, her name is Park Yeonhee. We met when I was working as an intern to collect money to start my business and she was also working there but just for a reason which she didn't tell me till now. As it saddens her when I mentioned, I don't ask much now until she herself is ready to reveal. We meet daily and are 24/7 together...She is not at all into K-Pop and that must be one biggest difference between us!

My dressing style is usually loose but attractive and her is casual all time regardless of the occasion. I always tell her to be ready for each new day with new start and groom yourself to the fullest! That gives me not only a good mind, confidence but also a different today from yesterday.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

BTS_ARMY_GIRL_07creators' thoughts
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