
Chapter 189 | Feedback

Ferris Bueller's Day Off was released a day ago, and the hype was still up. As the marketing and promotion process had gone on for weeks, the people were already expecting the movie to be released sooner rather than later.

It had been a day and the theaters were already filled with crowds considering it was just one movie that was released and was by a famous studio.

The House of Movies was a famous theater around Beverly Hills and was filled with the same crowd of people who wanted to watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

"This was the first time the hall was pre-booked fully and at the same time there were people in line to get inside," the lady who was in charge told her colleague who was equally surprised and busy.

"Ticket please?" her friend asked from the couple that was in front of her. The couple showed the phone screen and the lady at the desk continued to proceed.

"For real though, the premiere hit it big and the critics attracted a lot of crowds. Couldn't have expected anything less!" the lady said and shifted to the people after the couple who walked away.


After the movie premiere, the critics put their true thoughts and criticism out to the public and in IAM, the website of all movie criticism. This time, not just criticism, but also trivia from behind the scenes was included on the website.

[IAM - It's A Movie!]

@Botanicalmovielover ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Ferris Bueller's Day Off is about being smart, being slack, and getting away with it. If Ferris had a different personality he would be a consummate con-man but he displays sympathy to his friends, and his sister and genuinely loves his parents. No one is hurt by his activities except those who want to punish him for his unconventional behavior. The film is about getting around society's rules if you are smart enough to know how the system works. But it is also about a lot more. It's about how to enjoy yourself on a lovely day with your friends and let's admit it: taking off time from work or school is a guilty pleasure. Would you rather spend another day listening to boring teachers or your stupid boss instead of actually being outside in the sunshine, visiting the museum, and the baseball park, and having a nice meal at a restaurant while driving around in your best friend's dad's exquisite vintage car? We all know the answer to those questions and Ferris Bueller's Day Off shows you had to do it in style.

@Segnora.De.Via ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

As a director, there are so many things to start and comment on… But the reason I rate this movie 5 stars is simply because of how good it is. In fact, I loved it more than I've ever loved a movie of this genre. Raelynn Sawyer had done great work with everything, and the actors did a wonderful job too. Thank you for this amazing movie.

@Elister.with.Batman ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I've been in love with movies produced by Renner Studios since day one! Although this movie is comparatively different considering the director is different, I see no big differences but a simple masterpiece. Ah! A must-watch, y'all! A MUST-WATCH!


Among the good reviews, there were also people who had commented on the bad side of what they saw through the movie. The public who came across to check the views and comments on the movie, also got the unfortunate privilege to read the bad reviews.

@Critic.101 ⭐⭐⭐

It is an ok movie. I thought it was a bit draggy. Ferris's best friends could have been better cast since the actors who were cast in those two roles were rather boring. This movie, in general, was not that entertaining.

@RudeWorld.90 ⭐⭐⭐

Ferris is an unlikable character who dishonored his loving parents, lied to them cunningly, and used his wily craftiness to flunk the school semester.

He blackmailed his friend who was ill to come over and stole his friend's dad's car. Horrible protagonist.

@Stephanie.McLie ⭐⭐

Never suggest this movie to any one it is a big disgrace and a waste of my time I tried watching this with the boys then I got bullied because of how bad of a movie just imagine having a movie with a good name and a good cover be so bad


[L'Hombre Theatre - Los Angeles]

After several days that seemed to be passed in a blur, the settings, and the environment for finally Ian to settle in and start on his next movie approached.

The first few steps to create the movie were done and dusted, while the day when the auditions for the cast were there.

Waking up, Ian's first thought was how it was 'The Day'

"Good morning, everyone! I'm Raelynn Sawyer! The 'in-charge' of the waiting list for the auditions. The scripts have been provided and in less than thirty minutes, your name would be called up. Good luck, people!"

Raelynn walked away from the auditioning actors. There were not many as Ian had arranged actors to the cast with the agency. Plus, since Renner Studios were in such a good position, the A-graded actors were right where Ian wanted to be.

Inside the theater, Ian and the other judges including Mason sat and the first name was called up when a tall-lean guy walked up to the stage.

The theatre went silent and the audition started right away.


The last and the fifteenth actor walked up to the stage. The man looked as if he could scare any kid away and immediately, Ian knew it was not the Johnny Strong he was looking for.

"I don't think his physical appearance would fit into the role," Ian whispered to Mason and the latter agreed with Ian.

"I thought the same when he walked right up, just make him do some dialogues," Mason said and Ian nodded.

"Hi, what's your name?" Ian asked.

"I'm Mark. Mark Antonio."

'Finally, a face that fits the name' Ian thought and nodded.

"Let's start with what you got. Are you ready?" He asked the man who nodded before getting into the role.

The audition started and he followed the dialogues.

Dom: Jesse, since you were the first to reach in and grab some chicken, why don't you say grace?

Jesse: [saying grace] Dear Heavenly... uh…

Raelynn repeated the lines of Dom and Jesse in the script while the part of Leon was done by Mark who looked nervous standing in front of the panel of judges.

"Spirit," Mark repeated with actions.

"Spirit. Thank you. Thank you for providing us with the direct-port nitrous... uh... injection, four-core intercoolers, an' ball-bearing turbos, and... um... titanium valve springs. Thank you."


"Very nice."

"He was praying to the car gods."

"Alright. I can see that you're nervous. And what was your name again?" Ian cut him off shortly as the man walked two steps forward from where he was and answered, "Mark… It's Mark sir"

"Mark, right. Mark, the thing is… The first and foremost lesson in acting or any job you go for is not to show how nervous you are. Your confidence… It should be seen through your actions, and if you do not possess it, fake it. If you can fake your confidence and not show how scary all of this…. Standing and acting in front of strangers… It'd have made me not think about your acting skills. So, let's work on that, huh?" Ian asked with a smile, being kind to the newbie in front of them.

"Of course, sir. Of course, thank you so much. See ya!" he said and walked down the stairs just to stop in his tracks to look back. "I'm a huge fan of every movie you create, sir. I wouldn't be sad if I didn't get the role, because I've seen you and met you in person. That'd be enough for me to not give up, ever!"

He walked out of the theater, earning a wave from Ian.

"Why are rookies auditioning?" Ian asked Mason as soon as he left. "I thought that there'd be actors at least B or C-listed?"

"Uh, actually it was my idea, Ian."

Raelynn jumped in, turning the eyes of everyone. "There were three applications we got from the agency and were pretty new to acting. I gave a chance considering maybe we might find someone-"

Mason nodded approving what she did and Ian nodded along.

"And we did, actually. James Carter acted in a single movie, literally. And we gave him a role… No one even knew he was new!"

Raelynn shrugged, making Niko chuckle.

"Except you, of course. And hey, everyone! Party at Blue Sapphire! Ferris Bueller's Day Off is finally in the top 10 of recently released movies! Cheers to Raelynn!" Niko said loudly, making everyone clap including Ian.

"Thank you!" She said shyly as everyone stood up to wrap up the day.


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