
Two Eye's

Far away from where the game was taking place there was a person sitting in a chair looking at three different monitors. On each of these monitors there was a similar picture and in one of the monitors it even showed the table where Jonathan and Angela were talking. This monitor in particular is where the person was staring.

"I will get my way." The person said as they stared straight at Angela on the monitor. The person that said this out loud was a person wearing a three-eyed cat mask similar to The Watcher. In fact it was the exact same mask but it wasn't the same person. Beside this person there were another two people with the same mask each holding a tray that held different types of food and drink on it.

Before the person sitting down could even reach out and grab one of the plates of food or drinks the door behind them burst open violently and slammed against the sides of the wall slightly leaving a door knob print on either side.

"HOW DARE YOU!" The new person that walked in shouted. Similar to everyone else they were also wearing a three-eyed cat mask but their current emotion was much different than any of the others.

The person sitting in the chair smiled under their mask when they heard the rage coming from the person that had walked in but spoke calmly, "What brings you to my humble abode Left Eye." The person in the chair said to the new person that had barged in.

Left Eye ignored the person in the chair's words and rushed over to them grabbing them by the collar gripping it and bringing their face close enough that their eyes were only inches away, "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHY I'M HERE RIGHT EYE!" Left Eye shouted in anger bringing his fist back and threatening to punch Right Eye but when this happened the servants began quickly putting their trays down and got ready to fight as well.

However, before the servants could attack, Right Eye raised their hand calming their servants down before addressing Left Eye, "There's no need to be so angry and resort to violence. Why don't you sit down and we can talk about this like adults." Right Eye said applying their own grip to the angered Left Eye's hand ripping their hand off and shoving them back in a quick motion which made Left Eye crash into a chair behind them.

"Good. Now that you're in the chair explain to me the reason for your visit." Right Eye asked while still sitting in their chair even grabbing one of the drinks from the tray placed on the ground beside them.

Left Eye quickly sat up in the chair and decided with a new slightly calmed-down mind that it might be better to just talk to each other since violence would get them nowhere. Left Eye might consider themself strong but they knew that they were no match for Right Eye and then in addition to Right Eye's strength they even had servants and bodyguards all over the place who were trained in a multitude of fighting styles.

"You put my daughter in the game." Left Eye said calmly but both of them knew that the sentence was filled with poison which made Right Eye smile silently under their mask.

"I don't make all the decisions here but it truly is sad that your daughter ended up in the game. I wonder how that happened?" Right Eye said denying any connection to it which made Left Eye seethe with anger under their mask.

"Tell me why." Left Eye asked since this was the most important thing they wanted to know since they had come into the room. It didn't miss their sight that Right Eye currently had three screens up with one of them showing Jonathan's game and Right Eye had seemingly zoomed in on one spot in particular on that screen.

"If you can't even figure out why for yourself then I have nothing else for you. Sorry but it seems I have a lot of work to do now so I will let my guards escort you out, do visit again." Right Eye said ending the conversation completely and making his guards start walking toward Left Eye who was looking at them with pure hatred in their eyes.

This time Left Eye stood up without a fight and walked out with fast steps not wanting to be in the presence of Right Eye any longer but right before they left they shouted one more thing, "JUST YOU WAIT! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!" Left Eye shouted before walking out of the room and into a hallway.

Right Eye sat in silence for a moment after Left Eye left but after a few moments of waiting another sound appeared in the room, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Laughter erupted all throughout the room as Right Eye began laughing without a care in the world pure happiness on their face under the mask as they thought about Left Eye's reaction and everything that transpired.

Even the guards were no different as they began chuckling about what just happened with no fear in their bodies since they knew that Left Eye could do nothing about them since they were under Right Eye's banner.

"Now let's just watch as Left Eye's precious daughter gets murdered and tossed around in this brutal game. This will be quite a treat." Right Eye said chuckling some more as they turned their gaze back toward the monitor that held the video of the table Jonathan and the rest were sitting at.


Back with Jonathan and Angela, they had just finished up their food and Jonathan stood up to begin checking out the rest of the room they were in since he had no clue how long they would be in there or if there might be a clue on one of the next rounds hidden someplace.

When Jonathan finally stood up from the table to begin searching the room he turned toward Angela who was now staring into space without any care in the world looking bored out of her mind and decided that he might ask her to tag along.

"Do you want to go with me?" Jonathan asked.

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