

-Narrator pov -

Lucas stood on his balcony, the dark sky blanketed by stars entrapped all who looked up to see its presence, the pale light of the moon paired with the soft chilly wind that blew ushering in the cold made Lucas look all the more captivating, he leaned on the railing with a glass of crimson blood in his hand, he swished it around as he softly hummed a tune.

"Sir, you know it is a trap," Dembe said knowing why Lucas was in a state of deep thought

The humming stopped as Lucas gently raised the glass to his lips, after taking a sip he turned to Dembe his back now leaning against the railing, "I know but, the strength I might achieve from getting the book is not small, magic tomes are rare after all,"

Dembe sighed, "can I speak candidly?" he asked

Lucas frowned, "Dembe you are one of my only friends I would be mad if you didn't,"

Dembe sighed then a small smile spread across his face, "sir, you are smart and strong, but your weakness is your greed. One day this greed will cause you something important I have seen it many times before. Please reconsider walking into this trap,"

A sad smile graced Lucas's lips, "I know," he replied turning his neck slightly to gaze at the moon

"Are you still going to do it?" Dembe asked

"Of course," Lucas replied chuckling at his friend's disappointed look


Circe gazed at the moon, a cruel smile etched upon her lips, her eyes were cold and calculating. She waited for her trap to be tripped.

"Tonight," she whispered her words carrying through the soft breeze of the wind

"Tonight, I finally win" her gaze resolute

She slowly walked from her balcony to the living room, and with each step, her smile grew.


Wonder Woman paced rapidly in her temporary apartment in Starling city, she felt nervous for some reason.

No not nervous she felt the feeling of trepidation, in her gut, in her very being she knew something was going to happen tonight.

She checked her sword, shield, and lasso once more. It was a ritual she did before battle, no matter how many times she checks they are always in perfect condition but, she has seen great women fall from not checking their gear.


"Heheheehe" a sadistic chuckle came from an alley in Starling city

A boy with horned hair stood in a suit petting his cat, an evil chaotic glint flashed through his eyes as he stared at the museum in front of him.

"Not this time~"

"I will kill you~"

"There is no escape~"

"Your chaotic fate~"

He sang softly his voice sending shivers down the spines of some of the homeless nearby, he didn't notice one man filming this scene live of DCO.

The stream title, 'Creepy boy singing about death! Have I found a ghost? Or the new joker?!'


Three men silently broke into the museum of history, the moved like a cohesive unit silently and steadily approaching the glass tome casing. Of course, they weren't perfect in their Infiltration.

As the three men reached the glass, one carefully touched it, almost as if to examine the strength of the glass.

What he didn't expect was the cloak he was wearing to disappear and a woman to appear from the shadows, she mumbled some words, and the men were locked in place.

Suddenly her body froze before pure anger passed through her eyes, "a bunch of street rats!" she seethed in anger

As she was about to leave she realized that the magical signal from one cloak was still floating through the air.

She began to mumble incantations, her head snapped in the direction of a building perfectly overlooking the museum.

She teleported right on top of the building, "you are not the people I sent," a voice sounded behind her she spun around to see no one

Suddenly she felt danger approaching her back, she swung her hand backward, *WHOOSH!* air currents picked up forming blades as they approached her attacker

She turned and saw they hit nothing, "tch come out coward," she sneered

The thin layer of smoke that floated above the floor began to condense into a man, Azreal now stood in front of Circe.

"Why did you set a trap for me?" he asked curiously

"Libriomancy," was the only thing she said

Lucas sighed. His posture seemed to relax.

Circe didn't bother with any more words, the winds began to pick up around her, and a dark fire danced at her fingertips.

She flicked her wrist causing the flames and winds to fly forward at once, both seemed to join together creating hundreds of dark wind blades, there was nowhere to dodge.

That is if you couldn't fly, Lucas turned into a bat flying to the sky, he then turned into his human form, a crossbow in his hands, *shink* *click* *swooosh* multiple thin metal disks began to fly rapidly at Circe, she quickly summoned a shield and began to chant, the rooftop began to shake and tear apart as stone golems rose from the ground.

Lucas began to combat them while approaching her, he had to dodge and weave the blows from the golems and the magical attacks.

*crack!* he there a golem at another and aimed his fist at Circe, a magical ram head began to fly at her at breakneck speeds.

*BANG!* it hit her shield cracks cascading down the sides

Just as he was about to dodge the first of another golem a shield flew down and destroyed it.

A woman landed on the rooftop, "Circe," Wonder woman growled seeing the sorceress

She turned to Lucas, "I know you, although I cannot condone your actions against superman I will fight beside you to defeat this mad woman,"

If Lucas wasn't wearing his mask Wonder Woman would have been able to see his bewildered face, her manner of speaking was weird.

Suddenly Lucas felt an urge to dodge, he jumped to the right and picked up wonder woman's shield, right as a red beam slammed into him.

"Urghh!" he grunted as the chaotic energy assaulted the shield

"Klarion," he growled

"Princess looks like it's two on two now," he said with mild annoyance as he passed her the shield

She nodded at him with a grim expression. They both moved at once, Wonder woman charged Circe and Lucas Klarion.

"Do you think you can beat me?!" Klarion said in a mocking tone firing chaotic beams

Lucas dodged them expertly, he then shifted into smoke and began to drift across the rubble.

Reforming Lucas held a pistol, *click* *ZAPPP!* a bolt of lighting fired from the chamber, and Klarion lazily blocked it.

Suddenly Lucas saw Wonder woman fly backward, then he was hit in the side by a magical lance formed of rock.

"ARGHH!" he grunted in pain while pulling it out, he jumped backward next to the fallen wonder woman

No one could see the large smile he was sporting.

"Wonder Woman listen closely, when I make my move tie her with the lasso," Lucas whispered into her ear

"AWE! They are whispering~" Klarion chipped as chaotic energy cascaded off of his body

"Silence Klarion, let's just end this," Circe said

Lucas stood tall, a book appeared in his hand instantly he opened it to the right page and read, "the sword of vengeance was firmly in his grip he began to spin the sword,"

Circe had a bad feeling she formed a small dome around her, ancient Greek symbols floated around shielding her from harm.

"for the one, the one that has wronged me Circe!,"

The sword disappeared, *SHICKKK* "GAHHH!" Circe yelled in pain as the sword appeared in her abdomen, with the lapse of concitrarion her shield fell.

Wonder woman flew forward lasso swinging out, and Kalrion moved to eradicate Lucas.


*SHICKKK* "AHHH NOOOI!" Kalrion yelled as he saw his cat impaled by a crossbow bolt with holy energy surrounding it

"NOOOO!" he screamed firing his last bout of energy at Lucas

Lucas jumped off the roof and turned into a bat flying away as the roof of the building began to fall leaving a flying wonder woman and a tied up Circe.

Back at the museum, her tome was gone.

Maybe a homeless man got it.

-end -

A/N: Klarion plays too much so I figured he would here as well, honestly don't know much about Circe Lucas showed his superiority in agility. If it was a true one on one I think she would win purely from magical power and experience though. Wanted to show off his more developed combat Iq from the book he read.

More on the background of the fight will be explained next chapter, but basically, Lucas set up a trap for her. But didn't expect Klarion.


Gregory Keyes' Age

of Unreason series. It's alternate history set in an 18th century where Isaac Newton discovered

sorcery a century earlier, so it mixes firearms and other technology of the time with alchemy-powered devices like the aetherschriber (a magical telegraph/fax machine), kraftpistole (a lighting pistol, basically), and flying ships.

the Sword of Vengeance from Fred Saberhagen's swords series. You spin the sword around, chant "for the one, the one that has wronged me," say a name, and let it go. When you release it, it immediately appears impaling the person you named

Elizabeth Hayden's series, Symphony of Ages, one of the main characters, Achmed, carries a weapon called a Cwellan. Achmed created the Cwellan himself, and it is sorta like a heavy crossbow that shoots out paper-thin metal disks at an incredible speed

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