
Can I go to party?!

"Le mai le joli mai en..."

Little humming of the melodious unison french lullaby could be heard in utmost silence of the vacant corridor which wasn't going to any quiter in upcoming seconds...

"Oh come on! I'm worst friend?! You are worst friend! never letting me take a decision! so this time I take the reign!"

I cried taking all my key points in the favor of 'not being the worst bestie'

"You're also worst decision maker! "

One more accuse?!

"Don't you know what kind of party it's going to be?!"

He asked almost slanting onto me with his dry mouth.

And he wasn't entirely wrong about that-

Firstly, I have never been to any party before plus it was a teenager party, it 'may' have everything illegal like intoxicant or some things more off my imagination in that!

But after all that one thing has been my stake to fight-

"Nao would be with me! "

I said that with my chin high but without feeling how in depth was I feeling sure about it Yuki bust into laughter-

"Like Nao is something unexceptional...?!"

"He is nice and I am going!"

"And am I letting you go?!

"Like You can stop me?! "

I asked questionably looking straight into his eyes.

"Right....but your mother can... " he carefreely moved his head away like saying 'Here I rest my case'

"You won't do anything like this! "

Yuki knows my mom because of our vintage friendship and it was a surprise fact he is like the greatest friend of my mother- If he comes home my mother would cook him the best meal which we didn't even know was there for in our house.and we eat same old green leafs!

BasicallyI could say, he is like my mother's unadopted child whose words are always taken by heart by my mom!

"I am doing everything to save you!"

"Let me go, don't you know my reputation is on the line now! "

"Bla...bla... bla!!! "

He chuckled and mimic me!

Doesn't he know what is reputation?!

Oh right! he doesn't believe in reputation!

From which planet this alien has come from?!

Now, I had to try something else to tie the bell in the cats neck-

"Please, I will bring you anything you want!"

"No, Thank you! "

"Latest comis?!"


"I won't annoy you?!"

Suddenly, He halted at my words and my heart skip a beat!

That's it!

I won!


Throwing sea to my imaginatory victory-

He declared at me with hostile glare!

"Really, I can!"

"Say something that is negotiable..."


I have to confess no day goes without me annoying him and him annoying me...

so, It was quiet impossible, in all the ways!

"Fine..." I continued

"I will do your homework for a week?! "

He almost breaking into chotling and then sealed his lips remembering where we were-

"It's better if I do my myself...Atleast it won't have any grammatical mistake!"

Oh my!

"Do you Yuki Hara, accuse me of doing grammatical mistakes?! " with tucked sleeves, I asked pulling my chin to see his about to laugh expressions.

Suddenly, his eyes grew wider with his mouth about to say something...

"No answ-" and then swiftly he grabed my hand and pull me to the wall, placing his palm to the mouth.

"Shush! " He hushed looking through his troublesome eyes which were seem in a some scuffle, his palm on my mouth was getting wet and shaky!

Wait! Are we hiding from someone?!Is there some zombie attack?!

However, The gate to our classroom wide opened!

And Yuki's hand flew away from my mouth...

Mr. Sato came out with his soft heels looking through his rectangle spectacles, and pulled his brake in front of us-

"So, have you learnt your lesson?!"

"Oui, professeur! (Yes, professor!)" I took the lead with the words we usually have crammed without looking at him,

But still I know, he might have been smiling a bit like giving himself a pat 'I am a very great teacher!'

Then he proceeded towards my bestie...


Oh no... same question!

"je suis désolé,professeur..." Without one stammering Yuki pronounced each and every word clear and confidentially!

But by mouth was dropped open- he knew it whole time!

Ouch! now my heart is Breaking!

Professor clapped his hands in overjoyment

"Parfait, tu devrais y aller maintenant! "

'What was that?! '

I had already lost track...but I could clear see he was happy so it must mean something good... I guess...

"Merci... " Yuki bend happyly saying thank you in French so I did was imitate it!

Sir merrily with his swollen chest walked away as we see him fading away til' the end of the corridor.

"I hate you!"

I growled and started to walk away towards the class!

"I love you the most..." he giggled Quilling his arms around my neck.

"Can I go to party now?! "

"No! "

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