
Chapter 38: Heart 2 Heart (Part 1)

Julia's POV

Julia stretching her muscle and she blinks her eyes, and saw Cecilia sleep next to her. She hugged her from the back and took a deep breath. "Glad you were here," she said.

Julia sat on the bed, and she heard Max scratching at their bedroom door. Julia took a deep breath. "Ma…" Mariano opens the door and he running to her.

Mariano has already recovered and comes back to school tomorrow. "I'm hungry," Mariano pouted at her. She looks at Sleeping Cecilia and smiled.

"Since it's Sunday. What if we picnic on the hill?" Mariano rubbed his chin and looking at Max. "You want to join us, handsome?" Julia asked Max.

Max barked at her and wiggling his tails. Julia petted Max and smiled. "Okay, it's time for you to check up." Julia gets up slowly.

Julia walks their hallway to the kitchen, followed by Mariano and Max. "What you want for breakfast?" Julia walks to the sink and fills the water tank.

"Um… anything!" Julia sighed. She turned on the coffee machine and opened the fridge. "We… have breads, baguette, blue cheese, bacon, tomato, lettuce, and eggs." Julia said, then looks at her brother.

She puts the cup below the coffee outlet, then opened the capsule container. "I want BLT," Julia opened to take out the bread, eggs, bacon, and lettuce.

"Okay," Julia put a frying pan on the electrical stove, and turned on.

"I smelled coffee," Julia chuckles and kissed her lips. "Morning babe." Cecilia embraces her. "Why did you not wake me up?" Julia looks at Mariano.

"I don't want to disturb your sleep," Julia said. Julia looked at the capsule rack.

"Do you want BLT, scrambled egg, or sunny egg with bacon?" Julia put a thin slice of butter and put on the fry pan. She tilts the fry pan.

"Cereal," Julia opened the pantry and took out a box of Honey Stars and a bottle of milk from the refrigerator.

"Julia, let me help you! Let me help you!" Julia puts an empty bowl, a box of Honey Stars and a bottle of milk in front of Mariano. Julia put the bacon inside the fry pan and took a deep breath. She flipping the bacon.

"Bark!" Julia looking at Max and he wiggling his tail. Julia sighed.

"No, it's bread. Not a plain white bread!" Max gave his puppy eyes and sighed. "Just an once!" Julia picked the bread and gave Max a small amount of bread, then turned off the stove. Julia wiped the fat and put the cooked bacon on the plate.

Julia cut the lettuce and take out two slices of bread. "You want mustard, ketchup, hot sauce, or three of them?" Julia put the capsule inside the capsule container.

Mariano put a bowl of cereal in front of her and smiled. "Do you need something?" Cecilia smiled and stroked Mariano's hair.

"Thank you, little prince." Mariano sat next to her. Julia open the fridge again and picked blue cheese and her coffee.

"I can guess you picked Inda's coffee?" Julia chuckles and takes a sip of her coffee.

"You right," Julia said as she puts Mariano's food.

"I want mustard," Mariano said. Julia picked the mustard and blue cheese and joined them at the dining table.

She take out her bread and put the blue cheese on her bread. "So, Mariano, since you already start go to school tomorrow, Ma will pick you," he pouted.

"I don't want to live there without you and Cecilia!" Julia scratching her hair.

Julia looking at her wife, asking for help. "Babe, can you help me?" Cecilia wiped her mouth with a napkin and stroke Mariano's hair.

"You should go to school, Mariano. You can visit us from Friday until Sunday," Julia nods, "or national holiday." Mariano hugged Cecilia and hunched. Cecilia gave a sign to Julia to help her.

Julia wipe her hand and looked at Mariano. "You can bring Max," Julia said.

Mariano looks at Max, and they hugged. Max barked and wiggling his tail. Mariano looking at Julia. Julia picked Cecilia's empty bowl.

"Let me washing it," Julia smiling and nod. Julia picked the plate and cleaned the table. "Do you want milk?" Mariano nods. Julia put the dirty dishes to the sink and guide Cecilia.

"Do you have cosa Nostra tonight?" Julia hummed. Julia took a deep breath and embracing her from behind, while she was washing the dishes. She kissed her cheek and put her jaw on Cecilia's shoulder.

"You wild," Julia whispers to her ears and chuckles.

"Are you already found out how we can upgrade my business?" Julia hummed and fills her lung with her scent. Julia exhales and lets go of her embrace.

A knocked door heard and makes both Julia and Mariano aware, "let me checked." Julia walking towards the door and she opened the door. She looks at Maria and Melania in front of the door smiled at her. "Hey, Nonna. Are you coming to visit?" Julia let the duo comes in.

"I miss this place," Melania romancing her time with Marco in this room. Mariano hugged Melania, and she looks at him, and smile.

"Nonna!" Mariano leaned her head on her stomach and Max, wiggling his tail and barked at her.

"Hahaha ha… two cute princes," she said. She petting Max's head and he hugged her.

"Bark!" She lets go of her hugged and moved to Mariano. Melania kneel and she gave him a candy, but Julia snatched the candy. Mariano hunched, "it's not that candy, Julia!" Julia giggling, and she gave back his candy.

"I'm sorry, Mariano." Julia sighed and stroked his hair, "take Max walking, at the park, I saw your crush the-" Julia's word cut by Mariano stomping on her feet. Julia laughed as Mariano and Max went to the backyard and leaving two adults and two seniors inside the room.

"So, how's the progress?" Julia looks at her wife, who was rinsing her wet hands and sighed.

"We decide to take it slow, Nonna." Julia interfere their conversation and locked her eyes on the two seniors in front of her.


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