
Chapter 26: Moonlight (Part 1)

Julia's POV

Julia let Cecilia rest on her chest, "she doing more than that, right?" Julia hummed as her answer. She stroked her head as the duo looking at the stars. The rain stops and it's already midnight. They decide not to do that tonight. They want to enjoy chatting the entire night until they fall asleep.

As The sky is trying to get them to know each other, Julia embraces her and fills her lung with Cecilia's vanilla scent. "Are you like sweet scent?" Cecilia played with Julia's fingers and hummed.

"Yes. What about you?" Cecilia asked as she rubbed her hand. "Do you like masculine scent?" Julia shook her head.

"I like AXE Black. The scent was light and classic. What I'm using this time was BOSS. I like the scent, but it's too elegant for camping." Cecilia rubbed her face.

She did not respond or replied to her question, but she focused on reading her. "You're familiar with the brand, Salvatore." Julia grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers.

Julia's hand rubbed her waist as she looks at her. "It's a gift from my best friend," Cecilia tries to snooping and made Lady Salvatore chuckles. "You don't believe me?" She shook her head as she parting her lips slightly.

"How do you know? I'm not telling you anything!" Julia's infectious made Cecilia pushed her slowly. "Tell me!" Julia laughed, then smiled, stroked her hair again.

"I have Ph.D. in Psychology." She said. Cecilia raised her eyebrow. "Then I quit." Cecilia narrowed her eyes.

"You quit?" Julia nods.

"U-hum…" she said. "What's wrong with that?" Cecilia slapped her shoulder.

"Don't lie to me!" Julia scratching her hair.

"Asked my ma," she embracing her and Cecilia leaned her back on Julia's chest.

Cecilia's POV

Cecilia never feels so comfortable around someone without being tied to Chester. She closed her eyes to enjoy Julia's embrace. She grabbed her hand and playing with her fingers.

"Speaking of witch," Julia kissed her shoulder and made a kiss mark. "Where's your pa? I neve seen or heard about him." Julia sighed.

Cecilia feels her wife's mood decreasing. She turned her body and rubbed her face.

Julia gulped her saliva and took a deep breath. "I-it's okay if you did not want to answer my question." Cecilia embracing her.

"He busted." Cecilia hummed.

"Have you ever visit him?" Julia shook her head.

"He wasn't a monster after my mom died. I don't know what's wrong with him." She said.

Cecilia reassuring her. She knows it's hard to tell someone who did not exist at your side. Cecilia stroke her hair for the first time. "Can you tell me?" She tries not to cry.

It's hurt for her because she couldn't recognize her dad anymore. He was the one of her idol since she was a child, but the past is the past now. He wasn't the one Julia recognize anymore.

Cecilia wiped her tears. She felt uneasy to heard her crying in front of her. Cecilia can't breathe. She feels something inside her chest makes her can't take a breath.

"Have you visited your dad?" Julia shook her head, "let's we visited your dad, after we go back to civilization." She said. Julia shook her head, and she took a deep breath.

She sighed and hunched. "What if he wouldn't to see me?" Cecilia shook her head and cupped her cheek.

"Don't be pessimist, Julia. I know you can do it." Cecilia grip her shirt and pulled her closer. "If you don't want to try, you will feel the same repeatedly. It won't solve your problem with your dad, right?" Cecilia was right. Her problem and her dad won't solve itself.

"It's unfair, right?" Julia was speechless, what she can expect from a fortune teller? Your future will decide when she tells you about your fate. "Sometimes life it's fair and unfair," she said. "It depends how you dealt with it, right? You told me that when we were at the hospital! Are you forgotten!?" She furrowed her brow.

"When?" Cecilia slapped her shoulder and chuckle. "What?" She kissed her cheek and tidying her shirt collar.

"Your Zippos." Cecilia wiped her stain. "You already said it without a word." Cecilia shows Julia's Zippo's.

"You…" Cecilia smiled at her as she put her Zippos inside her shirt pocket.

"I gave it back to you," they were kissing underneath the stars as the moonlight shine them from the sky. Julia let go of their kiss and she take a deep breath. She looks into her eyes and touches her scratch.

"Everything happened the past few days. Let's we make it become our new start," Julia grabs Cecilia's hand tightly. Julia can't escape from her gaze. Her blue eyes made anyone in this world hypnotized by her. She's not to worry about it because a woman in front of her is her wife.

Bad guys always got their lads. Maybe it's a correct phrase for Jula, but she never takes Cecilia to anyone. Beside of that, she tries to be patient until a woman in front of her become hers. "I thought it will force you to marry you," Julia said as she rub her cheek with her thumb.

Cecilia shook her head and put her hand on her waist. "No, it's not the reason I agreed to marry you," Cecilia said. She took a deep breath and put her hand on Julia's waist.

They yawning and closed their mouth in sync. "I'm sleepy," they said it together. They laughed, then smiled.

"Ladies first," Julia said. Cecilia sat, and she took off Julia's jacket and gets inside her sleeping bang and zipped it into the half.

"Good night," Cecilia said.

Julia's POV

"Can you give me a rating about this camp tonight?" Cecilia rubs her jaw while she humming.

Julia patiently waits to her to give her rating, "I give 10/10!" Julia relief that her wife likes her plans. "We should do it often!" Julia nods. She hugs her waist and kissed her cheek.

"I'll see you in my dream. Goodnight," Cecilia turn to facing her and kissed her wife on the cheek.

"Do you want me to make you a dream catcher?" Julia raised her eyebrow.

"Dreamcatcher?" Cecilia nods. Cecilia closed her eyes because her eyes felt heavy.

"I will tell you in the morning! Good night!" Julia looks at Cecilia's back and she pokes her shoulder.

"Goodnight." She relaxed her body and closed her eyes.

Cecilia's POV

Cecilia turned herself to face her, and she hugs her. "Good night," she said before she closed her eyes and catch up her wife in the dream world.


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