
Impromptu Address

Several hours later…

Because the events occurring inside Zenith Online were of no importance to Kieran at this moment, he took the time to act according to Scar's advice. In this case, it was easing his mind and focusing on stabilizing his emotions and outlook.

While leaning his head back over the hotel's luxurious and plush sofa, he gazed up at the chandelier overhead. Though the chandelier itself was magnificent, it seemed quite strange if looked at from the right angle.

Perhaps it was the crystal that comprised the opulent piece, but some areas of the room were engulfed in distorted shadows rather than clear light. As Kieran stared at this phenomenon, his eyes flashed with a strange light. 'It's all the same material, but different positions result in a difficult outcome. In some absurd way… there could be a lesson here.'

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