
"VIP at psychiatric ward."

"I am your first?" Jerrod exclaimed.

Larissa tapped Jerrod's mouth because he spoke too close to her ear.

"Yes. I had never dated anyone before."

"You're lying! You're going thirty and never dated? That's ridiculo—aaah!" Jerrod shouted in pain because Larissa suddenly pinched his nipple so hard he thought it would rip apart from his chest.

"W-what was that for?" he whined as he moved away from Larissa.

"Are you proud to have dated a lot of girls before?"


"Are you proud you dated so much that your mom is now used to seeing you naked with someone?"

Jerrod sighed while rubbing his chest. He finally realized what was upsetting Larissa, and he crawled back to her.

Larissa kicked him to stop him from hugging her, but he locked his arms and legs again around Larissa, and they ended up wrestling in the bed.

"Move! Let me go!" Larissa shook her body, but Jerrod just giggled in her ears. "What's funny?"

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