
You Really Feel That Way?

Derek really didn't know what to make of Rachel Webster. He was happy for Joy—of course he was!—but this was all so sudden. 

She was a weird kid too. Very polite, very clingy, way too accepting of everything. She had been there for three days and he had never seen her complain or even act like this wasn't perfectly natural. 

Like mother, like daughter. He was willing to bet there was more going on in that little head than she showed. She was always smiling. And her smile was unnervingly like Joy's. 

Rachel had to be upset hearing about Paul but she hadn't cried at all. She obviously loved him since she wore that monkey everywhere like it was a necklace and he had been the one to give it to her. She was excited when they got his piano out of storage too. 

She played very well. Her mom wasn't the only one she took after. 

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