
I'm So Stupid!

It was nice being in a place that was relatively understanding about Becca's constant job switches. Even with the general air of 'again' that was always present with Russ as well. There was a lot more sympathy with her roommates. 

They worried about her too but they didn't show it in the same way Russ did. They knew she would find another job sooner or later. They weren't worried about her long-term future the way her family was. 

Becca was twenty-eight. She had no real marketable skills, no degree, and no career plans. 

For ten years, she had been bouncing around from job to job. She couldn't even keep count of them all at this point. It was a miracle she even continued to get hired. And it was only by businesses that were desperate. Retail. Food service. Customer service. 

She was stuck in an endless cycle of failure and sometimes it really got to her. Usually, when she got fired. Again. She was so sick of it all. 

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