
Please, Think About It!

Adoora and Irene entered the room. They settled on the bed.

"Daughter, tell me, what's bothering your mind?" asked Adoora.

"Mother, they already found a wizard who can perform the Soul Switch Method on me and Aurora..." Irene told her mother.

"That's good!" Adoora gushes ecstatically. "God had finally heard our prayers! Thank you so much, Lord!" she said, looking heavenward to thank the heavenly father.

Irene bit her lip.

Adoora looked at her daughter and saw the uneasiness in her eyes. "What's wrong? Why are you not happy that you can finally return to your body?" she asked, confused by her daughter's weird reaction.

Irene breathed deeply. "Mother, the wizard can only perform one way ticket soul switching..."

A deep frown appeared on Adoora's face. "Huh? What is that?"

"The wizard can successfully return my soul to my body but Aurora's soul and body will have to die to complete the process," Irene explained.

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