
The Hospital Tour

The bustling streets of Moskva in the 1935s were a sight to behold, with cars honking and people scurrying about their daily lives. The city had undergone a transformation, with new buildings and infrastructure cropping up every day, thanks to the tireless efforts of the government to modernize the country.

But amidst the shiny new buildings and gleaming automobiles, some anachronistic features stood out like a sore thumb. Cars from the 1980s drove down the streets, their sleek designs contrasting sharply with the vintage architecture of the city. People walked on the sidewalks, dressed in a mix of contemporary and vintage fashion, creating a curious blend of old and new.

Despite these quirks, the city was thriving, and its residents went about their business with a sense of purpose and pride. And in the midst of all this activity stood a recently built hospital, funded by charity and opening its doors to the public for the first time tomorrow.

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