

Mikhailovsky Palace, a place where Alexander is going to meet the trade delegations of the Britannia Empire and the Francois Republic. It was just ten minutes away from the Winter Palace. The reason he chose the Mikhailovsky Palace as a venue is because of its majestic neoclassical style architecture that will surely have a subconscious effect of being asserted by the host nation.

St. Petersburg is home to many palaces rivaling that of the Francois Republic, the Versailles, the Schonbrunn Palace in the Austrean Empire, and the Buckingham Palace in the Britannia Empire.

Inside the car, Alexander was being briefed by his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei, on the talking points of the meeting.

"You'll meet the Francois delegations and I'll handle the Britannia delegations," Sergei said, passing documents to Alexander who was holding them in one hand. 

"Where do we stand on the 50 million pound bond payment owed to the Francois Republic at midnight?" 

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