
Chapter 53 - Mariano (2)

"You humiliated me out there!" he yells.

I imagine him raising the leather again, but the hit doesn't come. Instead I hear another voice. Someone else is in the room. Oh, no. That can't be good.

I turn my head and see a large and tall man wearing a tux, grabbing my father by the collar with both fists. I think his name is Alessandro De Luca. I only know this because the De Lucas have been my family's enemy for a long time and my grandfather told me about our history. They killed my great-grandfather.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Mr. De Luca snarls at my father's face. 

My father pushes him at the chest but he doesn't budge—he's bigger than my father. "It's none of your business! I'm disciplining my son!"

"Discipline? You're high! You're not in your right mind!"

"He needs to learn a lesson!"

"This is not a lesson, Marino! This is abuse!"

"This is a family matter! And last time I checked, you're not family!"

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