
48.2 RNG?

Climbing ever so higher, my hands were actually starting to hurt the longer I gave it my best to cling to the charred remains of the facility. Beneath me, Shizu and Guidance were considerably lagging behind, hours upon hours of constant activity starting to take a toll on their physical health.

Well, I couldn't really blame them. It had probably already been around thirty hours since we last had some downtime.

"How... much further... up is this..." Guidance whined beneath me. "C-Can't we... take a break?"

"I kind of agree," Shizu audibly approved, her voice also starting to show her fatigue as she panted beneath me. "We're... Surely we won't need to be there right now anyway, right?"

"Yeah," I nodded, my fingers digging into a particularly jagged piece of molten metal. It hurt, but my passive regen was good enough that it didn't even matter much. "Let's stop by the next floor then."

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