
Savior With Honor

Sitting inside the hall, the three princes were gossiping.

''The palace is no fun place''. Hui Jian Yu stated. ''The Tiahenmen sect is full of jollification''.

Before they could keep their conversation green, the respectable grandmaster Kang Ruogang entered the class. He was holding a thin book in his hand. 

Silence filled the classroom, no one dared to move their heads as he walked up to the front. All the boys were sitting in a rigidly upright position in the room. 

Grandmaster was not too old but unfortunately, with the pedantic and prim air that surrounded him, nothing would feel wrong if one called him an old man.

He opened the book and the small book's pages rolled over the ground as soon as it opened. The book ''Code of conduct'' contained the rules and regulations and everyone's face's started turning dark. 

''Zhang Luoyang!'' Grandmaster called the young prince's name.

Zhang Luoyang answered, ''Here!''

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