
Second out of coffin

Eve quickly rolled to the other side as she had expected someone to say start and not start without any notice. Soon she had to defend herself from being hit by Vincent's grandmother, who continued to test and push her. 

When Eve almost attacked the woman, Lady Ravette dodged it. They moved across the floor, fighting and continuing to land a blow at each other. While Lady Ravette moved, she failed to realise that the chamber key from her pocket fell and slid away. 

Carla's eyes fell on the shiny object, and she carefully moved towards it before picking it up and running towards the underground chamber. She knew that if there was one person who could stop Lady Ravette, it was the woman's husband, who was sleeping in the coffin. 

Lady Ravette was ruthless as she caught Eve's hand and turned the mermaid around, before throwing her to one of the nearby pillars. Eve winced, feeling her muscles ache. 

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