
- Escape Route

Now that the immediate problem of escaping the cell and the prison had been overcome, there were a number of new, different problems that Gus had to contend with.

He had to escape, which caused a slew of issues itself. He had to find out where he could go to escape, which meant he needed to make a detour to find out. He had to get there once he knew where there was. He had to fend off any Bloody Dawn that came to try and stop him. And, possibly the most difficult thing, he had to get back to human territory with his life.

But before he could do any of that, he had to deal with something right now.

Outside of the prison, or more accurately all over the prison, was a group of Shenia whose only purpose was to ensure that none of the prisoners could escape. When he came back from the arena, he made an effort to take note of their positions around the building to the best of his ability.

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