
- Discussion with the Nightblade (2)

"You know, as funny as you might think this is, I hate conflict," Gus said absent mindedly. "I used to try utterly avoid it. Don't get me wrong, I was willing to fight anything, I saw the need to do that. It's necessary in a way, like its built into us. And conflict is useful as a tool for staving off things like oppression, no matter the form it comes in. But I still hate it for what it is"

"As funny as you might think this is, I utterly understand what you mean," the Nightblade surprisingly said. "Life is something that can so easily be snuffed out, even though it is such a precious gift to us. But you mustn't be afraid of conflict, you mustn't despise it. Back home, years ago, my people relied on our world for sustenance. But when the world doesn't like that, it lashes out and drags us into conflict. Now, it is the Elders that drag us into conflict, because we see the necessity of this war. We fight for the same thing."

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