
Every revelation (5)

It was after some time when Nian finally calmed down and prevented his anger from getting the best of him. Xing Bi was in danger, but it was the time to be cool headed and not take any step in haste.

Chyou had also arrived at the base, her fingers already rapidly pressing her laptop's keyboard buttons to track Hou Lin as soon as possible.

"Did you find anything?" Nian asked, trying to control his urge from punching something.

"I am trying. Both of their phones lost signal from some ice cream shop. I am trying to track the possible places where they could have gone after that."

"Do you see his car in any CCTV?"

"That's what I am doing. But he is driving weirdly. It's as if he has but also doesn't have any particular destination in his mind. But after a certain point I don't see his car anymore."

Jian sneered. "He is smart because he knows we will track him that way."

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