

"They're much weaker than expected…" A Nightshadow Elf, following Nightingale, voiced out when he cut down another guard.

Calling them guards was already too much of a compliment in the Elf's opinion because it didn't take even three slashes to end the life of one of them.

Only the Guards at the Keltia rank were somewhat decent, but that was to be expected. They were the mercenaries that had been hired by the cowardly Shelturion to make up for the low fighting skills of their guards.

"Just be happy about it. Would it be better if all of us were forced to use our whole strength and fear dying…for a mission like that?" Another Nightshadow Elf pointed out with a shrug.

The current situation was pretty simple, Nial had separated from the Nightshadow Elves, and the group of Nightshadow Elves had split up as well.

There had been three paths leading away from the entrance of the hidden laboratory and they had decided to use all of them.

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