
Chapter Twenty Five

"(y/n)-!?" Mixed voices muffed themselves in your ears as you stirred. It took a moment for your lungs to restart. You gasped in deep gulps of hot muggy air, coughing you rolled onto your side. You peeled open your eyes, blurred light filled your sight as you struggled to catch your breath feeling like your ribs had been kicked in.

Katsuki stood above, legs rooted on each side of you, he was locked onto the two villains who had been pushed back. Class C1-A stood as a barricade, daring them to try to step an inch closer to you!

"(y/n)?" Mina's voice called from above, trying to stir you awake.

"Who are you!?" Aizawa stood in front of the class. "Why are you attacking my student!?"

You rolled onto your stomach, slowly pulling yourself up. Katsuki turned to you as Mina panicked.

"I don't think you should be moving right now (y/n)-" Mina's hands hovered over you, she wished to keep you down but didn't want to hurt you. Your arm snaked around your ribcage, feeling a few had broken as you stood on shaky legs.

You ignored Katsuki's warning to stay back and moved to the front of the barricade designed to protect you. Your eyes never removed themselves from the two villains.


"I'm sorry who now-?" Kaminari turned.

"Hello little sister." Puzzle held her arms out.

"I'm sorry-" Kaminari shook his head, "-S-Sister!?"

"How..." You shook your head in disbelief, "...How are you alive?"

"You think you're so special Shadow Jack would kill us over you?" Puzzle darkly laughed.

"Where have you been all this time?" You furrowed your brows as your mind raced. "Why the hell are you attacking!?"

"I'm sorry little sister-" Puzzle tilted her head, "-but I can't give you another chance to fuck up."

"What does that mean?"

"You ruined Shadow Jacks operation, and now you've fucked up Shooters."

"You...You knew I was with Shooter?" You shook your head, your brain had been rocked against your skull and refused to register what it was being told. "Why didn't you come stop him!?"

"Oh, my sweet innocent sister-" Puzzle a simper laughed, "-who do you think sent him?"

"What?" You were stunned in place, barely keeping yourself upright.

"You sold your own sister to Shooter!?" Midoriya stepped up, "How could you!?"

"Hm?" Puzzle turned to the greenette, then finally realized they had an audience. "I see my acting skills aren't what they used to be."

"What does that mean-?" Midoriya frowned, not understanding what this half-shelved villain was spouting on about!

"You know-" Puzzle snickered, "-my poor baby sister was convinced you were going to come rescue her-"

"We-" Midoriya cut himself off as Puzzle stretched her arm out, thick goop dropped from her wrist.

"-but of course-" Puzzle continued her mind games, "-you never did, and she gave up on you."

"Wha-?" You breathed watched the globs form into grayish human forms.

"Man-!" A clone laughed, "-I'm so glad (y/n) isn't here anymore!"

You sucked in a breath, feeling like you had submerged in icy water.

"I am going to miss the paycheck though." Another clone dramatically sighed nearby.

"Smart move-!" The clones mocked turning to you. "-getting her to date you for a bigger pay out!"

"She fell for it didn't she?" Katsuki's voice smugly toyed with your head.

The words circled around you, each letter a knife in your gut.

"It was you?" You breathed in incredulity.

"Wait..." Mina's stomach churned the breakfast in her stomach, "...is this...is this what you heard!?"

You slowly turned looking to the people who rushed to your defense with bewilderment and a little bit of perplexity circling your eyes.

"That's what you heard!?" Katsuki stepped forward, shaking his head. No, it couldn't be! You hadn't been walking around all these years all alone thinking he had been paid to be in your fucking life!

"Pretty shabby don't you think?" Puzzle tilted her head, the jester mask rested against her face, a bright red smile painted over the mouth impression.

"You did all this..." You turned to her, "...to sell me to Shooter?"

"Well how else would I have been able fix what you broke?" Puzzle waved you off.

"How did you even know where I was?"

"I've always had watchful eyes on you (y/n)." Puzzle snickered, feeling smug about the brilliant web of lies she twisted around your life and doing so right under your nose.

"What the fuck does that mean?" You breathed, slowly one of the clones in the middle of the field grayish skin began to bubble and morph. You felt the heroes behind brace for an upcoming fight.

Katsuki stormed his way to your side, once there he took a hard glance at you, daring you to say one word. You turned from those enchanting red eyes as your sore heart began to flutter with a dangerous sliver of hope beginning to chip away at the stone you encased yourself in.

Look ahead, your mouth dropped open in an instant there Yui stood beside Puzzle. You felt a sharp tear run across your heart.

"That's-!" Mina gasped, covering her mouth.

"I really didn't think you would survive those Nomu." Puzzle shrugged. "But I shouldn't be surprised, after all you are my sister." She smiled, "Aw, look at those beautiful devoid eyes." She mocked you, "They look so much like your mothers."

"My mother?"

"Before I pulled them from her skull!" Puzzle madly laughed, throwing her head back.

"You sick bitch-!" You cursed, marching your way forward but Katsuki wrapped his arm around you, preventing you from venturing any closer to your siblings.

"Tell me little sister-" Puzzle wanted to rub salt in the open wound. "-how does it feel to be breathing but still be so dead inside?"

"You tell me-" You sneered trying to push Katsuki off, but he wasn't going to let you slip away a second time. "-when I get my hands on you-!" You went to step on your recovering leg, but instantly it gave out. Katsuki quickly tightened his grip before you crumbled to the ground.

"Oh, careful now-" Puzzle waved, "-that leg of yours is still shattered, yes? I know how you work (y/n). Your body is so overworked your little healing quirk can't function. You're not healing from anything, anytime soon."

"Is that why you went after (y/n)?" Aizawa called, trying to get the fixated focus from you and onto him. "So, she couldn't stand against you?"

"I'm going to kill you." You seethed, glaring up to the same big sister who used to sit beside your cell during a thunderstorm.

"I love the declaration-!" Puzzle happily clapped, "-but you still got some work to do before that happens."

"Let's find out." You sneered.

"Mm, don't worry little sister you'll be seeing us again real soon-"

"You're not going anywhere!"

"-until then, keep my package nice and safe."

"What-?" You pulled your brows together, taken back a bit. "-I don't have anything-"

"Until next time-" By Puzzle and Tanks feet black smoke began to bubble up from the grass.

"No!" You shouted, trying to stand but your leg protested, you helplessly watched as your two siblings went up in smoke, and the clones melted as you fell to the ground gasping out in pain.

Aizawa dropped beside you and Katsuki shouting at Ojiro to call an ambulance!


Aizawa sat arms crossed in the chair the hospital provided watching you sleep. His mind looped around the encounter with your sister, how did they get on U.A. property? Why didn't the alarms go off? How could that villain so easily portray a student for years!? Clearly the faculty had some work to do.

The hospital door burst open; All Might frantically scanned the room quickly running to your side.

"What happened!?"

"We met her siblings." Aizawa stood with a grunt.

"What aren't they dead-?"

"Come on." Aizawa nodded, "We shouldn't wake her."

"Oh-" Dr. Shuzenji blinked, almost running into the two heroes exiting your room. "-perfect, I need both of you." All Might and Aizawa looked at one another before following her down the hall away from your room.

"What's going on Doc?" All Might's stomach felt sour, he just wanted to go sit and be with you.

"Well-" Dr. Shuzenji exhaled, "-I ordered multiple tests on (y/n) and her x-rays just came back."


"I have found multiple injuries that either have healed improperly, or not at all."

"What does that mean exactly?" All Might pushed, his chest felt so compact he might explode!

"I can't tell what is from her hero work or..." Dr. Shuzenji inhaled, "...or from Shooter."

"That bastard-!" All Might cursed tightening his fist. "-when I find that-"

"What is the plan?" Aizawa asked Dr. Shuzenji ignoring All Might's ramblings.

Katsuki peeked from the corner, licking his lips he quickly glanced behind him before darting across the hall while the three adults weren't looking. No one was allowed inside your room until further notice, clearly the angry blond wasn't going to listen.

Katsuki smoothly got down the hall, slid through your door and quietly closed it without being spotted. He knew the others would question where he wandered off too. He claimed he was getting snacks from the vending machine only to shut down their questions.

Katsuki turned and instantly froze seeing your eyes open, the television's sound low.

"What the hell!?" He staggered.

"I think that's my line."


As always there are more chapters to come! 💙 Check back around 8/5/2022!

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Caution: Plot Twist up ahead 😈

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