
Lose Yourself, New Beginning, Country Z, Time Jump



While taking a shower I start to think about what my next course of action would be.

I do not know whether to move to another country when I have enough money, there is also Oliver that I can not abandon it.

I guess I'll call him later and see what I do.

When I finish bathing, I go to my laptop and go to my SuckTube channel and I'm really surprised by the number of views, subscribers and downloads I had in 1 day.

Visits: 300.000

Subscribers: 50,000

Downloads: 200.000

I guess it's logical, there are too many people in this world. If the numbers continue like this, in a few days I will have enough money to move out of this country and get a good place to live.

Okay, let's call Oliver.

I put the cigarette between my lips, and I pull out my cell phone to call Oliver.


"Brother, have you given up on your music career yet?" Oliver's mocking voice was heard through the cell phone.

"Heh, you can search for my song 'Lose Yourself,' and really see what I did. Outside of jokes Oliver, I'm thinking about leaving the country in a few days, are you coming?" Speak slowly, while exhaling the smoke.

"Mm, if you're really about to make so much money from your song, I guess we could go to Country Z, there's the headquarters of 'Crown Saint', remember the oath, right? If we leave, we have to go to the headquarters directly, we haven't seen the boss for a long time" he said in a serious voice, it was really rare to hear him speak seriously once.

Thinking about the oath, I remember the exact words I said.

"I swear on this point of a dagger bathed in blood, to be faithful always to this body of society of free, active and affirmative men belonging to Corona Santo and to represent everywhere its founder, Giuseppe Rogoli."

("I swear on this blood-soaked dagger point, to always be faithful to this body of society of free, active and affirmative men belonging to the Holy Crown and to represent its founded, Farga De Santis, everywhere.")

[NOTE: I decided to change the name from Crown Saint to Corona Santo.]

Crown Saint is a mafia criminal organization from the Puglia region, in my other world it would be Italian, but there is no Italy here.

Holy Crown is composed of three different hierarchical levels.

The lower level, the Società Minore, is made up of low-level members who do street work. It's who we are with Oliver.

The second level, the Società Maggiore, is only granted to members who have killed at least 5 people for the Holy Crown.

And the last and highest in the hierarchy is the Segreta Società, the nucleus of the organization where transcendental decisions are made and that the rest of the members must follow.

With Oliver we can go to the Società Minore, it would only be necessary to go through the corresponding baptism.

And speaking of the boss, we know him because he was interested in adopting me, unfortunately it could not be achieved, since a mishap arose and he had to quickly return to country Z to solve the problems.

"Well, I guess it's decided, we're going to country Z, we'll take the baptism for the Società Maggiore, I'll focus on my music career, I have to find several people for my team" I told him with a smile on my face, I was really happy for this second life and to have someone to fully trust." Okay, Scar, I'll get ready, and try to quit this shit, since we're leaving for a better life, the best thing would be to stretch a few more years, haha."

"Haha, it would be perfect, see you in a few days"

"See you"


[System Updated]

[Unlocks features: Store and Inventory]

[Status Update]

[Hidden Mission Completed: Be a hit with your first song.]

['Lose Yourself' is one of the best songs in the world valued by the system, therefore, rewards will be given for creating such a song.]

[5% increase in statistics]

[Rewards made, Keep working hard, host!]

Mm, state.


Number: Gael Black

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Money: 210,000

Popularity Points [1:10]: 30,000


Lyrics: 31.5/100 [You're bad, but not so bad]

Voice: 47/100 [How well]

Production: 57/100 [You're set to produce some hits.]




Pretty good, with the system I will definitely be at the top of the music industry, if I can't make it, it's because I'm totally stupid.


Minutes become hours, hours into days and days into weeks, the number of downloads, views and subscribers kept increasing very fast, in a week the number of views has reached 15,000,000, which did not surprise Gael, although he was sure that he would reach many more visits, but for lack of publicity, other songs by famous artists were also released, overshadowing Lose Yourself, although it won't last long.

Lose Yourself, without a doubt will be the most listened song on SuckTube, Gael had no doubt about it.

And of the contest he wasn't worried, his top 1 was assured and the comments about the song were going wild.

{This song is the best one I ever heard in my life.}

{Thanks to this song I was able to get out of depression.}

{I need to see him live; I want to see him sing this song.}

{I've listened to this song 100 times and I still can't get enough of it, what kind of witchcraft is Scar using? Because it's working.}

{I played this song to my coworker and now he can't stop listening to it, he even set it as an alarm, GOD}

{I need a video clip of this diamond}

"How long until we arrive?" A male voice came, it sounded dull and lazy.

Looking aside, Gael replied with a smile.

"In 30 minutes, we will be landing in country Z"

That's right, they were already traveling to country Z, they already spoke with the head of the Holy Crown, so that they can go through baptism, after that they will look for a place to stay momentarily.

Gael already saved all his equipment in the 'Inventory' of the system

After a leisurely 30-minute flight, Gael and Oliver finally landed in country Z. Country Z was known for being home to the headquarters of Corona Santo, the criminal organization to which they belonged. It was a place full of opportunities and dangers, but Gael was determined to make the most of his new life.

Once they left the airport, Gael and Oliver headed straight to the headquarters of Corona Santo. It was an imposing and discreet building at the same time, with an elegant appearance, but without attracting too much attention. Upon entering, they were greeted by some members of the Società Minore, who welcomed them with open arms.

After the initial greetings, Gael and Oliver headed towards the boss's office. It had been a long time since they last saw the boss, and they were eager to meet him again. Upon arriving at the office, they were greeted by the chief and other members of the Segreta Società.

The boss, a middle-aged man with a cold but piercing gaze, greeted them with a smile. "Gael, Oliver, welcome to country Z. It's been a long time since I last saw them. I'm glad to see that they've grown up and are ready to take on new challenges."

Gael nodded respectfully. "Thank you, boss. We are ready to perform our baptism and become members of the Società Maggiore. We are also willing to contribute to the organization in any way we can."

The boss nodded and looked at Oliver. "And you, Oliver, have made a good decision to join Gael in this new chapter of their lives. I'm sure you'll find a new purpose here."

Oliver nodded determinedly. "That's right, boss. I'm leaving my past behind and I'm ready to give my best for Corona Santo."

The boss smiled contentedly and stood up. "Very good, then. Prepare for baptism. Once they have completed that step, they will begin their training to become members of the Società Maggiore. I wish you success in your new life."

After the meeting with the boss, Gael and Oliver prepared for the baptism. It was an important ritual in the Holy Crown tradition, and symbolized commitment and loyalty to the organization. Both were ready to make that commitment and prove themselves.

Once the baptism was completed, Gael and Oliver immersed themselves in their training. They would learn new skills, improve their physical condition and become members of the Società Maggiore. They knew that the road would not be easy, but they were willing to overcome all the obstacles that came their way.

Meanwhile, Gael was still working on his music career. He took advantage of his free time to compose small pieces that were not going to be published or were going to be left for material, he also began to record small samples with his sampler.

Gael and Oliver immersed themselves in their training at Corona Santo.

On the physical side, Gael and Oliver underwent a rigorous fitness program. They performed intense daily workouts that included endurance, strength and agility exercises. They also received training in hand-to-hand combat and weapons handling, preparing them to face dangerous situations.

Gael was already very good at fighting and using firearms, since in his previous world he already went through this, but it does not hurt to continue practicing his skills and keep improving.

As Gael and Oliver progressed in their training, they also encountered other members of the Holy Crown. They established bonds and friendships within the organization, sharing experiences and learning from each other. Although Corona Santo was a criminal organization, there was a strong sense of loyalty and camaraderie among its members.

Over time, Gael began to gain recognition within Corona Santo for his musical talent. Many members were already fans of his music.

Meanwhile, Oliver was also facing his own challenges. He was determined to leave his past behind him and find a new purpose in the organization. As he progressed in his training, he discovered new skills and talents that he didn't know he possessed. This gave him a sense of renewal and self-confidence.

As the days passed, Gael and Oliver found themselves closer to their goal of becoming members of the Società Maggiore. They had passed many tests and proved their worth through their dedication and effort. They were anxious for the day when they would finally be granted that status and could take on new responsibilities within the organization.

Three months had passed quickly, Fantasy Studio's 'New Star' contest was about to end, and Lose Yourself, was going to be the undisputed winner.

With more than 1.6 billion visits, 500,000,000 downloads, and more than 50 million visits.

Scar, he was already a very big celebrity, but compared to the tops of music in this world, his achievement was not much.

Only the artist The Weekend, with his song Blinding Lights, reached 10b views.

Many artists were much more successful than Scar, but he only had one song.

When he finally signs with Fantasy Studio, he will begin his next course of action.

Create one of the best albums ever.


Nota of the author:

I'm sorry, for the abrupt time jump in this chapter, but it was necessary for me, I want our love interest to appear, I want to write the challenges that Gael went through to make his album, the chemistry between the characters, more interaction with celebrities and that his future in Corona Santo holds.

Of course, thank you very much for the support.

You know, power stones are welcomed with open arms. And leave your reviews, I would love to read what they think of the story.






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