
Chapter 189: Existence war (Part 5)

Inside the Skrull's lab.

"When I was 10, I got to thinking, why can our race shapeshift?" Doge Unu Fedu, the Skrulls scientist said, his voice resounding among the giant hall. Adam Warlock teleported himself toward the source of the voice, but the man in front of him wasn't the true Fedu.

'Is it possible to veil oneself's existence from the universe?' Adam thought deeply as he tried to search for the true scientist. However, he couldn't. Even if he absorbed the soul of the dead scientist he had killed and brought them to the Soul Space, they won't tell him anything.

"I decided then, to pursue the truth of this so-called fact." Fedu's voice resounded again. Quill shot his Quad Blasters toward the source of the sound, but no one was there. "Is it me or are things getting creepy in here?"

Gamora looked at Quill for 2 seconds, and said, "It's just you."

A group of Skrulls with the same looks surrounded Gamora, Quill and Adam, but they didn't attack any of them.

"The fact that, because of the ability our race has, we are met with prejudice everywhere we go." Doge Fenu Edu said. Adam Warlock stopped in his tracks, as he sensed the truth behind the sentence.

The scientist was among the refugees of their planet being destroyed. He had to migrate and live in another civilization where the old years old and his mother were treated with contempt and prejudice.

"Every so-called friend. Allies. Even our own race were suspicious of one another, just because we have the ability to mimic them.." He said with a certain sadness in his voice. Then, his voice carried traces of anger "... and we can do it better than they did."

His mother was killed by the officers of the civilization as they thought she was a spy for the Skrull empire. She was beaten in front of him until her life finally gave out. But all they wanted – all he and his mother wanted, was to live peacefully and become free.

Just like the Skrull refugees on Earth.

Adam Warlock, Gamora and Quill had breached the veil and moved closer toward the chambers containing the Fantastic Four. Gamora stopped the energy siphon by pressing a few buttons on the control panels nearby the chamber. "It's no use. Their energy was already drained. We're too late."

"Even if you did that, prejudice, hate, and war will still exist." Gamora replied to the voice. "You must know that even within the skrulls there are factions."

"I know." Doge Udu Fenu said. "But I can try."

"Shut up and close the device already." Quill said, blasting the mechanism with his Quad Blast. However, his blast was returned back toward him, knocking him tens of meters backward.

"Why do you resist?" The scientist asked.

"When you want to kill everyone in the galaxy, that's when I will resist." Quill replied as he held his hurting chest.

"But I don't want to kill everyone. The kings want to kill everyone. What I want is…to make everyone the same."

"What?" Gamora widened her eyes.

"I will re-write everyone's existence, so that all of the races in the galaxy are Skrulls. I won't kill, just change them, and make them forget about their previous race. "

The scientist shared his true intention. He didn't intend to follow the King's intention in the first place, even though he knew he would meet his end if he disobeyed. He would rewrite every gene and existence, so that every single intelligent life was that of a Skrull.

The universe rewrite would be his last experiment in the world – Whether or not people will find peace if the prejudice among the species was eliminated.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Quill asked agitatedly. He liked his race, albeit the earth was a little primitive – they made good songs.

"When everyone is the same. Couldn't we understand one another more?"

The trio was silent for a while. Then, Adam whispered to Gamora. " Get the people out of the chambers."

He had a feeling that even without their powers at the moment, they could play an important part in this matter.

20 minutes left before the reality rewrite. Will they make it?

On the battlefield in front of the palace.

An islander by the name of Cersei was fighting alongside a group of the islanders. She had silvery hair and wore medieval knight clothing. The weapon of her choice was a rapier, where she took down her enemies with a rapid thrust of her weapon.

They were moving pretty well across the battlefield, until they found themselves being surrounded by 10 hover tanks from all sides.

"What the?" Cersei exclaimed.

"SHOOT!" A Skrull Captain ordered. 10 destructive ion blasts were aimed at the group of 10 girls, and they couldn't escape!

One by one, the girls were hit by the Ion blast. Cersei managed to dodge it from hitting her fatal part, but she was injured from the blast.

"Damn you!" Cersei said, angered that her sisters had disintegrated after being hit by the ion blast. She ran toward a hover tank and stabbed her sword on the tank's core. The thin steel penetrated the core, and caused the tank to be destabilized.


The tank exploded and the explosion engulfed the silver haired Valkyrie.

"Sir, 20 of the pirate crew has been incapacitated and most of them disintegrated." A Skrull officer reported to the Captain.

"Good. Inform the command central. We need the next strategies to fight against the true monster." The Skrull Captain said.

Although the islanders were strong, it was impossible for them to be unscathed in fighting a 1 million strong, advanced civilization army. The resourcefulness of the Skrulls had allowed them to fight back against the warriors from the pirate crew.

The Captain was satisfied as more than 10 of the female warriors had fallen from his hand.

Cersei, one of the victims of the Skrull captain, found herself back in the mess hall of Arcadia ship.

"What the-" She lost her words as she saw all of the sisters who were supposed to be dead from the hover tank blast.

"You still have the ring Ryan gave?" Meowth asked while holding a tray full of broken rings.

Cersei then remembered about the ring she placed inside her necklace. She pulled out the chain and took out the ring from her armor. The blue sapphire embedded on the ring was broken, and the ring lost its brilliance.

"Protection?" She asked. Meowth nodded and took the rings from Cersei.

"Yes. Wouldn't want you to die there right? That's why Mr Knight said." Meowth said as he threw the ring with the others.

"Can we go back and fight?" A black-haired Valkyrie asked. Cersei found her wounds were being healed by being in the mess hall. Something about the arrays Ryan had carved within the walls helped to heal the grievous injuries the Valkyrie had received. Her wound that would take 2 months to heal normally had now healed in barely 30 seconds.

"We didn't have any extras. Maybe Mr. Knight has it, but there is none on the ship now." Mewoth replied. "You can choose to fight without it, but Mr Knight implores you not to do so."

"Why not?" Cersei asked.

"Because…I don't know. Maybe he loves you all so much?" Meowth said while scratching his head.

The answer was like an insult toward the Valkyrie. For a band of elite assassins to be protected as such was incomprehensible for them. Maybe by the Deer God, but Ryan Knight was only a human.

"We're going down." Cersei said, his tone was more of a statement than a request. Not only her, but all of the saved islanders have a cold look on their faces.

'Again. Again. Again!' Cersei thought. 'Why are we always a burden for them?'

"If that is really what you want." Meowth replied as he led them to the drop site. However, he stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the warriors before they dropped back into the battlefield. "Did you feel insulted when he wanted to protect you?"

The Valkyrie didn't reply, but Meowth gets the answer. "Is it wrong to want to protect someone close to you? And someone you love?" He asked, his memory brought him back to the time when he first met his trainer.

"You would give anything for their safety, and would be there for them for all of your life together. Is that really wrong?"

His trainer didn't sell him, but he was captured by illegal pokemon smugglers. When he returned, the old man who took care of him before had already passed away. "Is it wrong to want your loved one to live?"

His life with his trainer was one of the best memories of his life. But now, he wondered if his trainer had once felt insulted like the warriors were currently feeling.

"Meowth. You're not wrong." Cersei said her expression softened after she realized that Meowth was sincerely asking them, not to guilt them to stay. "I too, want my loved one to live."

"That's why I'm going down." Cersei said with determination. "To protect them." Even at the cost of her life, she wanted to be with her sisters until the end.

The memories of him being protected by his trainer surfaced inside Meowth's mind. When he was sick, when he lost a battle, or fighting a huge pokemons they met in the forest, his trainer was with him all of that time, protecting him from danger.

"I see. Then. I want to go down too." Meowth said unexpectedly. "All of us want to go down too."

"All of us?" Cersei asked in puzzlement. A huge fire-breathing monster scoffed from behind Cersei, startling her.

"C-Charizard?" She muttered as Charizard walked past her. Not only that, Dragonite, Arcanine, Ponyta, and various other pokemons wanted to join the battle to protect those that they love.

"Miuu Miuu." Eevee said as she led the pokemons from a podium. Suddenly, her whole body glowed a pinkish light.

"What is happening!?" Cersei asked while covering her eyes with her palm. The light soon died out, revealing the new evolution of Eevee. She had a ribbon on her neck, her fur turned white with red on her ears and paws, and her eyes turned a blue-sapphire color.

She had turned into Sylveon, a fairy type evolution of the Eevee. To evolve, one needed the highest possible affection level with the Eevee as one of the conditions.

"So..Cute!" The islanders exclaimed!

Sylveon then turned toward the drop site, and nodded toward Charizard. A few non-flying pokemon climbed onto the pseudo-dragons' body and they exited the Arcadia together with the Valkyrie!

On the battlefield, the strategy to pick off the weaker Valkyrie had caused some pressure on the islanders. A team of 4 Valkyrie were surrounded by 10 hover cannons, and would receive the same fate as the previous ones.

Annika noticed the situation and wanted to help them. She kicked the air a few times to reach the direction of the hover tank. Suddenly, a giant orange figure flashed past her, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Charizard?" She muttered, her eyes were in disbelief about the pokemons existence there.

Charizard opened his mouth and spit fire toward the handler of the hover tanks, burning them all.

"The backups are here!" Cersei said while riding dragonite, circling the area where the team was pressured. She stood from the pokemons back and jumped toward the same Skrull Captain that had attacked her before.

"Rapid fire Thrust." She muttered as she thrusted her rapier toward the Captain. The Skrull tried to use an energy shield to protect himself, but the rapier managed to break through his protection.

"ARGHH-" The Skrull captain yelled as the blade attacked his thigh, arm, abdomen, and even neck. He choked on his own blood and staggered. Cersei wiped the blood off her rapier with a white handkerchief.

"A life for a life." She muttered.

"Fuck you pirates." The Skrull Captain said in a raspy voice. Then, Charizard flew down and snatched the Captain's body inside his jaw. Biting into the Captain's torso, the body split into two and the Captain lost his life. Charizard spit out the alien flesh from his mouth, and then he grinned at the other Skrulls who were shivering in fear at the sight of him.

Sylveon on the other hand.

"Awwww…" The Skrulls who laid eyes on her put down their gun and surrounded the pokemon, trying very hard to please her. The hostility that they had for the opponent melted instantly when Sylveon came into their life.

Slyveon walked slowly with her head up along the battlefield, causing anybody who laid eyes on her to give up fighting immediately.

"That's awesome." Ryan grinned, realizing that Eevee had gone through an evolution. Kly'bn tried to punch him while he was distracted, but his figure disappeared again and appeared behind the Skrull god.

"I am suddenly in a happy mood, so I will make this simple." He said. "Tell me what I want to know, or the God butcher will be the least of your problems."

The Skrull god smirked. "No."

"Origin and Unbeing. They were only a card we played in all of this. If you want to know my purpose, then I won't tell you."

Kly'bn held his hands together, and a cosmic lock appeared on Ryan. It locked him from even teleporting away, slowly trying to crush him to death.

"I see. I have no use for you then." Ryan replied and placed his hand on his cage. Suddenly, Kly'bn found out that he had lost the powers he had been born with.

"What?!" He snapped. Ryan controlled the magic circuit inside of him and ate away all of the cosmic energy on the cage, shattering it into pieces. "You know. God's power really helps me to advance. I think if I absorb your wife's powers too, I can ascend to the 6th level."

"You dare!?" Kly'bn said angrily and wanted to punch Ryan, but he found out that he couldn't move one step forward from his position.

Putting his palm together, Ryan started to make a few gestures with his hand.

"Hado no 90." He said, black walls appeared and started to surround the Skrull god.

"Black Coffin of Death."

The walls started to lock up the Skrull god inside of it, cutting him off from the outside world. Black sword made of spiritual energy appeared on the outside of the box, and started to thrust into the box.

Soon after, blood can be seen flowing on the bottom of the box, staining the floor below.

"Oh. He still isn't dead. Good for him." Ryan said and moved toward the research lab unobstructed.

Kai and the fake Captain Marvel were fighting physically on the air. It was survival for the Super-Skrull, but Kai was using the battle to hone himself.

Every photon blast, every light speed kick, every tackle and solid defenses the Super Skrull had taken out raised Kai's excitement even more. He has a few injuries from his body – gashes and blisters from the Super-Skrull power. But then, his healing factor kicked in.

"Are you done already? Is this the best you can do?" Kai asked the huffing Super-Skrull in front of him. The Skrulls' power was like a battery, and the longer the battle took, the faster he was out of his cosmic power.

The Super-Skrull decided to attack the widows and the pokemons to make way for his escape.

"No. No no no." Kai muttered casually while shaking his head in dissatisfaction. Then, he used his wind God art to create a wind wall alongside the targeted people, bringing them out of harm's way.

"We could have ended this battle gracefully." Kai muttered sadly. He took out his demon sword, and inserted his sword qi inside of it. Blade of light started to come out from the blade, making the sword bigger until it reached 50 meters long.

"Too bad." He muttered and swung the blade down. The Super-Skrull who had run out of energy was then split into two, from top to bottom before he could even get out of Kai's range.

"I really expected more." He muttered, his sword qi dissipated, leaving only the 2 meter long sword in his hand.

Turning his attention toward the fighter jet that was increasing in number and 2 warships that took the risk to descend into the planet's atmosphere, Kai disappeared from his initial position and appeared next to the warships above the battlefield.

"The nine mountains and eight seas…constitutes one world. A thousand of them form a small chiliocosm. And when I gather and cube the chiliocosm, there is nothing I can't cut." Kai muttered coated armament Haki into his sword. The already dark sword turned pitch black as he pointed it toward the warships in front of him.

On the battlefield, Park Shin watched her master facing the warship with glittering eyes.

Kai took out another sword and held it in his right hand, while another was held by his mouth.

"Three- Sword Style Secret Techniques." He said while spinning the sword in his hand in a circular motion.

"The Billion-Fold World Trichiliocosm! (Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai)"

His blade cut through the 200 meter long warship of the Skrull empire, and he swung another blade to cut the warship next to the first one. Both of the warships were split into a clean half without even exploding.

"As expected of sensei." Park Shin muttered with extreme excitement. She couldn't wait to reach Kai's level one day in the future.

The warship remnant fell on top of the Skrull army, crushing almost 200 Skrull who didn't manage to run away.

"I am the last one to contribute huh." Kai realized it after watching Hela's mighty army and the remnant of Ryan's 50,000 army knockout in one glance.

Using his wind god art, Kai raised his hand up and created countless wind swords in the air.

"Rend." He said as he threw the sword on the battlefield. The Hover tanks, the heavy infantry, the commanders of the battlefields, were all attacked by the wind sword. Then, Kai disappeared again and appeared in front of the shield palace.

The palace shield was comparable to the shield protecting the city that Hercules had broken before. The mighty palace stood at 600 meters tall, and had a width of 900 meters.

Kai took a deep breath and used the same techniques he used to cut the warship before. He swung his sword toward the palace.

A destructive but elegant sword slash started to clash against the energy shield around the palace.

Hercules who saw it became excited as he could sense the immense strength behind the slash. The slash took the attention of everyone on the battlefield, and all of those who saw it held their breath.

After clashing for 10 seconds, the shield finally gave up! The sword slash cut apart the entire palace building in half, stopping just before it hit the empty throne. The building then fell into the opposite direction, revealing the empty throne to the Skrulls.

"Did the King leave us?" A Skrull officer muttered in fear.

Kai decided to make the biggest contribution on the battlefield today. He decided to break the morals of the enemy.

A few of the Skrulls started to ran away from the battlefield against the monsters. They didn't want to die and become a zombie, getting bit by a dragon, or slashed into pieces by the ladies. The numbers of those who ran away quickly becoming tens of thousands.



We Will Have Fun There!


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