
Chapter 138: Revealing to the world. 

Author: 1500 power stones for this week, and you will receive one bonus chapter! Last week we were only short of 100 ps! We can do this guys!

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Manhattan's outskirts. 

"We don't have jurisdiction here right?" Jessica said playfully as they were far away from their usual area of operation, the Hell's Kitchen. 

They are now on the opposite side of New York, stalking an abandoned warehouse – blending themselves in the shadows as they scanned the heavily guarded areas, the team was discussing their plan to break into the facility. 

The team: Ava, Jessica, Matt Murdock, and the new hire, Tarot. 

"Sup guys," Tarot said cheerfully as he stood a little further back from the rest.

"Kai sure did know a lot of weirdos," Jessica said sarcastically. 

She was unsatisfied with the new addition to the team. She felt that Kai didn't trust them enough to do this on their own.

"Don't belittle yourself like that. I'm sure you have other qualities," Tarot said mockingly, throwing back Jessica's insult to her face. 

She glared at him, and he didn't back down either. His emoticon face was showing a mocking expression, making Jessica want to hit him. 

"Enough… Focus." Ava ordered in a low voice. She was appointed as the leader of the operation, and Kai had given her specific assignments. She didn't care about Tarot, as long as he didn't betray them. 

 Jessica and Tarot shrugged their shoulders and turned away from each other. 

Ryan had planned to destroy the lab completely, that is why he was coming by himself. Thanks to Matt, they managed to find the lab quickly as Matt had stalked the surviving mercenaries from the Rhino attack. 

"We need to do it quickly. They are moving in a rush inside, presumably to destroy the data," Daredevil notified the team as he had been hearing the sounds inside the research lab. 

"Okay then, see you on the inside~" Tarot jumped from the building and stormed the front of the research lab. He threw some cards toward the mercenaries guarding the entrance. 

The card charged up with kinetic energy and exploded an inch away from the mercenaries, knocking them out. He called this trick -  Gambit. 

"You guys are lucky I couldn't kill…yet… using this persona," Ryan said mockingly, with no one to hear him. 

Humming cheerfully, he waltzed inside the research lab, triggering every possible alarm available, causing the police, FBI, and even SHIELD to come rushing for support. 

On the surface, the lab was a private lab that delved in the research of sensitive materials. The police may not know about the illegal human experimentations, but the others did. 

"Is he cra-"

"Let him be. Focus on our mission," Ava said, stopping Jessica amidst her sentence. 

Kai had already briefed her about the probability of Tarot moving on his own, that's why she didn't stop him or let Jessica do it. She stared at Tarot for a second before she commanded Jessica and Daredevil. 

They will split into three, encircling the perimeter – keeping all the people involved inside the lab and cutting off their escape route. 

Daredevil nodded easily, as he knew the woman's capability. Jessica was a little dissatisfied, but she was going to do what she was told. 

Kai decided to test Ava and Jessica during this mission. If they managed to recover the serum in the chaos, then he will increase their training level and even teach them new stuff. A reward was prepared for them. It could make them stronger than they were now. 

Skye had been learning from the islanders, and she was en route to become stronger. Jessica and Ava would fall behind if Kai didn't do something. 

Ryan had planned to create big chaos,to show the world what the lab was really hiding. An anonymous message was already sent out to J.Jonah Jameson and April O'Neil, due to which reporters and cameramen were coming to the scene. 

Sending out cards one after another, Ryan was blocking the thirty energy gun siege on him. 

"Come on, give me your best shot," He said teasingly as he continued to make a mess. Easily breaching the entrance, Ryan was humming as he waltzed into the experiment area. 

"What is he planning?" Ava muttered as her figure flickered inside the lab. She disappeared and reappeared in front of a mercenary, knocking him out in an instant.

She entered the storage compound for the serums, where she  knocked out a researcher who was trying to destroy the serum she needed. Recovering the sample of the mutagen, she retreated after storing the sample in her suit pocket that also acted as a mini icebox. 

Her top priority was to get a sample of the serum. Her mission being complete meant she could leave the research lab, but instead she decided to go to the experiment area, where Tarot was going. 

She reached the place in mere two minutes. However, she saw Tarot standing still in front of the research lab when she arrived. 

"Why aren't you going in?" Ava said as she passed Tarot to enter the room. But, like Tarot, her steps also stopped the moment she saw the scene inside the experiment area. 

The surrounding area had already turned into a zoo. The police were encircling the perimeter, blocking the crowd of reporters from coming into the area.

"Let us in!" a reporter yelled. The police were helpless as they were still waiting for SHIELD who had hijacked their entire command. 

They couldn't storm the building as the Hydra inside of SHIELD would never allow them to. Hydra still didn't know whether the facilities were cleaned up or not. 

Flashes of the camera light illuminated the dark areas of the lab. 

Suddenly, the ground shook and the walls of the building collapsed, revealing the tragedy inside the building. 

"Look!" One reporter yelled as she saw the figure of Tarot standing with iron cages around him. His emoticon face was shut down, as even he didn't know what he was feeling. Blood had pooled around Tarot, making his figure look ruthless. 

The crowd of reporters gasped after seeing what was inside the cells. Hundreds of corpses are strewn in a horrid state inside of the cells, some with deformed appearances.

"What is this-" One police officer muttered. 

They were told that the facility was conducting highly sensitive research, so whatever they did, they needed to keep the reporter from covering any incident inside the facility. 

The police were agape, and they finally understood the situation. 

"No matter how they twist it, they are conducting human experiments… HERE! IN NEW YORK!" 

A police captain said angrily as he saw the figure of a 10 years old boy with a bullet wound on his head. 

The officers saw Tarot coming out slowly from the hole in the wall, and heading toward them. 

They put their guards up as the man was suspected to be an accomplice in creating the Rhino and had been put in New York's wanted list as of this afternoon. 

The police knew that Tarot was trying to help, but it seemed that many other higher organisations were interested in Tarot. 

Unfortunately for them, they couldn't go against their orders. 

"Freeze!" A police lieutenant ordered as he aimed his gun towards Tarot. The lieutenants were ordered to instigate Tarot so that they could justify their wanted list and for engaging the man. 

However, Ryan didn't even spare the cold gun muzzle a glance. 

A few moments before…

The head researcher had given the orders to kill everyone involved in the experiments as he got reports that the Rhino was caught by the Avengers. 

He already cleaned up one base, now he had to do another one. It was hard for him to cultivate the lab and people who were loyal to him, but his safety was more important to him than others. 

Hundreds of kids, teenagers and young adults who were captured because they possessed the greatest adaptability toward the serum were restrained with metal handcuffs connected to the building walls. 

Some were in a deformed state as they already went through the gene morphing experiments. Some had bat ears, some had spider arms and eight eyes, and some had tails like a lizard. 

The deformed ones were kept in a malnourished state, with only skin and bones left on their body. 

These deformed lab rats were no longer important as the experiments were already complete and the researchers had gathered their data, causing them to get ignored by the researchers there. 

If Ryan came an hour earlier, maybe there was hope for them. A hope…to be human again. 

However, it was too late. 

The brainwashed mercenaries had executed all the young childrens and others, before Ryan could get to them. 

Ryan was stunned as he saw the situation before him, causing him to halt his steps in front of the holding cells. Ava reacted the same way as him when she saw the situation inside the cells.

Ryan managed to stop the mercenaries inside the room from burning all the evidence and stopped the time-bomb that was planted inside as a fail-safe by teleporting the entire thing into the Pacific ocean. The only thing the bomb would disturb were some fishes. 

'Even when I'm this strong, I…' 

Regrets and guilt flooded his mind as the sight of the dead children kept replaying in his mind.  

Using his gate card, he opened a rectangular portal and teleported Ava, Jessica and Murdock back to Hell's Kitchen as he was planning to do something dangerous and didn't want to implicate them. 

The trio was shocked at that time seeing his capabilities, but Ryan didn't allow them to process their thoughts and just slid the portal through them. He closed it directly after and removed any traces of them.

Removing the walls that were covering the sights of the inhumane condition, Ryan showed the scene inside to the reporters. 

*Click* *Click* *Click*

The cameras flashed non-stop and even a live broadcast was ongoing. The horrific sights were shown to the entire city of New York, barely managed to be cut off by SHIELD after it was imprinted inside their brains. 

"What is going on there?!" Fury said angrily at the incompetence of his officers. A human experiment was conducted inside of New York, but they didn't even have any leads on it? Pressing the pedal of the SUV furiously, he sped on the streets to get to the research lab with Natasha beside him. 

SHIELD had cut off one live broadcast, when three more popped out. Fury was agitated and swore to breach the security of the newly famous media company, The Daily Bugle, after this. 

The only reason he didn't do that already was because SHIELD had more important things to focus on like the Insight Project and were short on agents. 

He had just finished processing the Rhino issue at the Avengers outskirts base when he got the notification on his phone about the incident. It was hard to convince Tony, but he did manage to procure some samples of the humanoid beast. 

Back to the scene near the lab. 

The lieutenant was pointing his gun at Tarot, wanting to bring him into custody. 

"STOP, OR I'LL SHOOT!" The lieutenant said again as Tarot wasn't stopping from his earlier orders. 

"Damn it," The lieutenant opened fire, as he couldn't let Tarot live to uncover the whole truth of the experiments otherwise it would be him losing his job and life. 

The bullet was shot at the back of Ryan's head, but it bounced off when it hit the armour. 

The bullet seemed to get Tarot's attention as he turned slowly toward the lieutenant. 

"Are you involved in this?" Tarot said coldly, making the lieutenant quiver in his boots. He took out his deck of cards, and picked out a special one. 

"Tarot, you are arrested for killing the childrens-"

Before the lieutenant could finish, the card with the label <Truth> had stuck itself on top of his forehead.

Based on the lasso of truth, the card could pry the truth from anyone that was stuck with it. 

Veritaserum – a truth potion that Ryan learned to concoct from Hogwart textbook was injected directly into the lieutenant's brain from the card, making him spill everything he knows.

"I'll ask again. Are you involved in this?"


The reporters and the cameraman were shocked when they heard the lieutenant's confession. 

Ryan started his interrogation in front of the reporters. 

"How are you involved?"

"I helped to cover up the trafficking."

"In exchange for?"


"Who were the ones conducting the experiment?"

"A researcher from Roxxon Industry."

The cameras flashed quickly as the lieutenant confessed his wrongdoings and the culprit for the incident. Ryan nodded as his hypothesis was confirmed. Now he needed to find the researcher and stop him before he caused any more trouble.

The police captain got the order to shut down the interrogation and capture Tarot, but he ignored it. Although the police reputation would take a hit, he had always suspected something was wrong with the lieutenant. 

"Hey… Tarot. Can I interrogate him?" The police captain asked politely. 

"Sure," Tarot answered in a cheerful manner. Ryan at the same time is using his drones to transfer the broken computer on the research lab to his private base. He will trace the culprit the moment he achieved what he wanted here. 

The police captain ordered the reporters to be pushed back, and he started his private investigation on the lieutenant. 

'He can make people tell the truth?' Fury, who was watching the broadcast, was stunned. 

'This type of talent…he is even better for me than the Avengers,' Fury thought silently. 

Another SHIELD director was also watching the broadcast. However, his urgency to cover up the incident was even higher than Fury. 

"The Winter Soldier still hasn't arrived at the scene?" Alexander Pierce asked. 

"No sir!" a random hydra agent replied. Pierce was feeling the  urgency of the situation as the lieutenant was a part of his faction. If Tarot asked the right questions, he feared…

Ryan had purposely shown the trick to the camera to ensure that this would happen. He wanted Hydra to target him. 'And when they do.. Hehehe!' 

The police captain had finished his interrogation with the lieutenant. Some rape cases, some murder cases and drugs cases had been solved as the captain finally knew the culprits that the lieutenant had covered up for. 

The police captain handed the interrogation back to Tarot. 

"Why were you trying to kill me?" Tarot asked with curiosity. He already hypothesised who was behind this, so this was just a farce. 

"Because you're dangerous for us," The lieutenant answered. 

"Who is 'us'?"



The lieutenant was sniped from 500 metres away and his brain matter and mucus splattered on Tarot's helmet. 

At the last moment of the interrogation, the lieutenant was killed by his faction to avoid revealing their identity to the public.

Dissatisfied that he was interrupted, Tarot turned to see the long-haired, masked man with metal arms turning his gun nozzle toward himself from 500 metres away. 

"Barnes?" Tarot muttered as he recognized the man hunting him. 

"Good god! He killed him!" A random person in the crowd yelled after seeing the police lieutenant with a fist-sized in his head. 

After yelling, the stranger covered up his face with his hoodie, and ran away from the scene, fearing that Tarot will find him and interrogate him next. 

Sensing that the people had become wary of him, Ryan smirked inwardly. He knew that he would fight the world if he crossed paths with Hydra before SHIELD fell. After all, Hydra was too influential at the moment. 

'Before I got to tier 5, I may have been afraid of a direct confrontation…but now…"

"He ran away!" The police officers who got the order to kill Tarot on the spot was puzzled as Tarot had disappeared from the scene after supposedly killing the Lieutenant. 

Barnes, who was targeting Tarot with his sniper scope, tried to find out his position, but the man had disappeared. 

"Looking for me?" Ryan said eerily as he whispered into Barnes' ears. The winter soldier reacted quickly and jerked the sniper rifle to hit Ryan in the head as he was too close. 

But Ryan grabbed Barnes' neck before he could do anything. The winter soldier struggled and flailed in the air as he gasped for breath. 

There was a camera on Barnes clothing that Alexander Pierce used to monitor the winter soldier. 

"Wait for me. I will make sure that you, and whoever is responsible for the experiment, will be wiped out from the world."

Ryan declared in front of the camera. Then, he crushes the camera, making Alexander Pierce lose his footage. 

The Hydra head sighed as he had lost an important asset that day. 

"Well, I can create better ones now," Pierce muttered. 

There was a silver briefcase next to him, labelled Roxxon. Inside it were several vials of stable strength-enhancing serum – allowing him to create an army of monsters. 

Kai had received the pure sample of the mutagen from Ava. With it, he had created a stabilising serum for the pair of siblings. After a few hours, the siblings woke up sluggishly. 

Jessica and Murdock were watching the news of the entire incident. The news was reporting that the supervillain Tarot had killed a police lieutenant in cold blood after a confrontation near the lab building. 

"They are covering up the incident," Matt mumbles. By exaggerating Tarot's crime – if there was one, then the attention on the human experiment will be lowered. 

Between the victims who had died and a supervillain who still walked free. Of course, the attention will lean more toward the supervillain news. Also, the attention would be reduced when the public learns that the victims were not American citizens. 

The female sibling still couldn't walk, so Kai had gotten a wheelchair for her. Her bone condition was cured, but she was still too weak to stand up on her own. 

Her brother pushed her wheelchair with his bandaged hand. He had regained the mobility in his arm after Kai had finished his treatment. The siblings were still silent. Living as lab rats, they would be punished if they even made a sound. Kai had brought them to the Kingsman base after he had cured them.

Ava led them toward the common area, where Jessica and Matt Murdock were watching the news.

The siblings had frozen up after seeing the cages reported on the screen. 

"Wait. What happened?" Ava mumbles as she waved her arm in front of the siblings' face. 

However, they still weren't reacting. Like a doll, they just froze there without even daring to breathe as they feared the noise would bring the guards.

"Hmm…" Kai sighed inwardly. It seemed to him that fixing their memories was a mistake. 



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