
Chapter 76: Eve of the Party

Gwen walks into the room 12 hours later since she got kicked out. She is surprised to see Ryan is still meditating. 

'What is he doing?' She is curious, but she didn't disturb him. She closes the bedroom door slowly and goes to sleep on the sofa. It is now midnight.

'Tomorrow is the Asano's party, which starts at 6.30 pm. However, there were many invitations for a party at that time. Most take us out of New York though,' She thought before falling asleep.

Tim Knight will be going to take a look at New Mexico town tomorrow with Hiddle. George Stacy and Helen Stacy will be going to Newark for a police captain conference. Gwen is invited to Philadelphia University to give a speech.

Ryan got exceedingly numerous invitations. From Symkaria, Somalia, Harvard, the Oscars ceremony, and many more. All of them on the same day. Someone is working very hard to make sure that the Knights family won't be in New York today.

Inside the mirror world. 

*BOOM* Ryan is dead for the 8th time. He finally got to the bomb and opened it up. He almost disarmed the bomb but it had a built-in fail-safe when someone is trying to diffuse it.

It took him 24 hours to get this far. He is now wearing his full iron armor that is connected to ALBUS in his lab. After his fourth death, he uses everything he has to complete his mission. He is too focused on examining the bomb that he forgets about something else.

The bomb he is fixated on only has ONE arc reactor on it. 

He opened his eyes after his death. *Drip* A red fluid dropped on the floor. He checks where it is coming from. It comes from his nose. He had been too focused until he got a nosebleed in real life. 

"Urgh, this is too tiring. I could just call Kamar Taj and let them bring the bomb into the mirror dimension and let it explode there. But if I don't figure out the mechanism behind the room, I won't be able to let them step foot there. "

Getting up from his meditation pose, his bone squeaked when he stood. *Prap* He cracks his joint and spine. 

He goes out to drink a glass of water, where he sees Gwen sleeping on the sofa. A soft smile appears on his face. He approaches her and kisses her forehead. He picked her up in a princess carry and brought her to the bed.

He does it so smoothly that she isn't even waking up. After she gets settled, he goes outside to the living room to meditate there.

'I need to send her away. At least to the island. Incase…' He fears the end of the thought. Then, he slaps himself in the face.

"Now, I can't lose our home right? Only 12 hours left until the party. That is enough time I think. Let's do it again." He mutters to himself to get motivated. 

He entered the mirror world for the 9th time that day. 

On the island. Dawn is in the lab with Yinsen and Park Shin. There is also another individual there. The individual is in full surgical attire and is holding a scalpel to the chest of a Jotun's corpse. 

Yinsen will be his assistant while Park Shin will be their helper. 

"Kai, are you sure we are enough? We can call others here. I'm sure they will help out." Park Shin said to the surgeon. She doesn't know why she is picked to be here. Seeing the blue giants lying coldly on the surgical table, she got acid reflux.

"No need, you're enough," Kai said sternly. He cuts the corpse's chest. The skin is extremely durable, so only Kai could do the autopsies. He coated the edge of the scalpel with sword qi. 

"Suction" he ordered Yinsen. The physicist is now sucking the blood from the opened chest of the blue giant.

Blue blood flows along a transparent tube into a container. 

"Change the container Shin," Kai ordered without even looking at Park Shin who was gagging.

Yinsen is a little dissatisfied. He picked Park Shin to be there as she is the most intelligent girl on the island. But lately, she is becoming a musclehead. He needed to steer her back to the right path.

"You have no problem cutting up humans. Why is this bothering you?" Yinsen whispers angrily to Park Shin. The girl had tears in her eyes. 

"But…they are really ugly… and the smell," She explained herself. She couldn't help it. Their smell reminded her of the blue cheese. 

"The solution helps them from freezing up. Otherwise, all that is left is some ice. Yinsen, container. " Kai interjected. He put the Jotun's heart inside a vacuum container, and they will research it later. 

"[ Preservation]," Dawn cast a magic spell on the organs. Suddenly, he got notified by R.Q.

"Hela and her army are coming to the lab." 

"Kai, let's take a break," Dawn said before he teleported outside. 

Kai shrugged his shoulders, puzzled. "We… barely started." He claimed.

Outside the lab, Hela arrived with her army of ducklings. Dawn goes to greet her at the entrance.

"Morning Your Majesty, how can I help you today?" He said.

"Dawn, they are not going away. Make them." Hela ordered.

"Will do my king." Dawn bowed slightly and approached the kids. He crouches to meet the kid's eye-line (even though he wears a mask) and starts to scold them.

"(Loudly) Kids! Don't bother her Majesty! She had more important things to do!"

"(Whispers) Good job kids. Make sure she doesn't stray away from your eyesight. Thank you for helping her around the island. She had too much pride to ask for help"

"(Loudly) If this is at Asgard, you will be thrown in jail!" 

"(Whispers) All of you will get ice cream later. Go pretend you're sad, then continue what you are doing okay?!"

Sive whispers while smiling. "Okay Dawn God." 

"(Whispers) No need for a god. Just Dawn now."

"(Loudly) I don't want to see you bother the Majesty again you understand!!" 

"(Fake crying) Yes Dawn god!" The kids dispersed. "Psy?" The Psyduck who was following along was stunned there after the kids left. He had been having so much fun following the crowd. Sive pulled his wings to drag him away.

Hela is satisfied seeing Dawn's loyalty to her. She feels a little weird after seeing the kids left. 'Why do I feel uncomfortable with them?' 

For someone who had been feared all her life, even feared by her family, she doesn't understand why the kids are happy seeing her.

"Your Majesty. I have completed your orders. If they are naughty again, just tell me about it." Dawn starts to bootlick.

She nods while having complicated thoughts. She changes the subjects. "What are you doing with Jotun's body?"

"Mostly learning. I also want to see if there is some useful part in their body, " Dawn said while leading Hela to the surgical room.

"Your Majesty." Kai, Yinsen, and Park Shin bowed slightly to Hela.

"Continue what you are doing," Hela ordered.

Unexpectedly, she started to share something with the group after seeing Park Shin gagging at the corpse.

"There used to be some beautiful Jotuns, with green eyes and fair skin. It was before Odin started his conquest. He had killed all the beautiful Jotuns there. " She walks to the corpse.

"Now all that is left is the abominations." 

Kai talked casually to Hela, greatly surprising others there. "Can you tell us more about why the Asgardian want to kill them?"

Hela turns her attention to Kai. He is still relaxed. A small smile appears on her face for some unknown reason.

"Beauty. We can justify that the race is a warmonger,  protecting the nine realms and more. But that's it. Beauty. It's because the Jotuns are different from our acceptance of beauty. "

"So you killed them because they are different from you?" Kai speaks again. Other than Dawn, both Park Shin and Yinsen are nervously sweating.

"What's your name healer?" Hela inquires. 

"Kai Vera your Majesty." 

"To be able to cut open the Jotun's body so easily, you must be very strong." Hela is looking excitedly at Kai.

"Not stronger than Dawn your Majesty." Kai skirts off the topic. He didn't want to go to Hel when Odin was sleeping to get a 'reward' from Hela. Last time, Dawn got a hip fracture. 

"But strong nonetheless." Hela walks to Kai and swipes her finger gently across his shoulders. 

She is greatly interested in Kai's way of cutting open the Jotuns. She can't feel what type of energy Kai is using, but as it can injure the Jotun, it can do the same to the Asgardians.

She wanted to coax him to become her champion alongside Dawn. But then.

"I am just a mortal, your Majesty. I won't be able to do the things you expected me to do." Kai rejected instantly, making the atmosphere cold. 

Dawn quickly breaks the silence. "What I think he meant is that, when you were released from the seal later, will he still be alive? "

After all, the lives of mortals are nothing to a god. Hela seems to accept the explanation. She turned off the holographic projection and respawned at the center square of the island city.

"Kai, she got her eyes on you," Dawn said teasingly.

"Let's get back to work," Kai said to his assistants, ignoring Dawn.

"Hey don't ignore me, you bastard."

In the square, after Hela respawned, she is walking toward the cold weapon storage. Without her realizing, some ducklings started to follow her from behind.

In New York. 

"Isn't he ready yet? We need to get going now" Tony said to Gwen who received his call.

"It's only 3 in the afternoon? Isn't the party at 6.30 in the evening?" Gwen asks.

"I had to stop by to get some Krabby Patty for lunch," Tony said. 

He had been addicted to the crab meat burger Happy brought to him. At first, he is dissatisfied that it's not a cheeseburger, but after he tasted it, he can't live without it.

"He will meet you there. He still isn't up yet" Gwen said, a little worried. Ryan is still in meditation. It's been over 30 hours now.

"I'm up" Gwen hears a voice from behind. Ryan said to her. "Aren't you flying to Philly, why are you still here?"

"I was waiting for you. Is everything okay? Should I get the doctor?" Gwen takes out a handkerchief and wipes out the blood from Ryan's nose. 

"No need. This is just from concentrating too much. Stop worrying. Bryan Mills is waiting for you outside the house." He sends Gwen over to Bryan the bodyguard. They will be flying to Philadelphia tonight.

Gwen reluctantly parted ways with Ryan. She is still worried about him. 

Ryan is waving her off. Finally, he finishes his work.

"It's the most difficult challenge I have faced so far. " He mumbles in the empty house. 

Two hours back, after his 11th death. In the mirror world.

"Finally I get to the core." Carefully, he takes out the uranium element core from the nuclear bomb, disarming it completely. 

"Phew. Now I can study this thing without it exploding. " He lays down his tools near the nuclear frame and takes them apart piece by piece. 

He takes out the detonators. "11 Detonators!! How could he be so paranoid? " There is a fail-safe on fail-safes. The more he takes it apart, the more astonished he is.

"Time-based detonator. Set the time and it will be activated. Sensor-based detonator. People get near, then boom." He listed out every type of detonator there is.

"He could also activate it remotely. I presume the switch is with him." He had to make some equipment to block the transmitter from Asano. It couldn't be a random tech, but a highly specific one as Asano uses specific frequencies.

"I couldn't even hack into the bomb, as most of the thing is analog." He admired the design a lot. It was the most creative design he had ever seen.

"I hope there isn't a scene, where Stark gets stabbed by Pepper who is taking revenge for her father that Stark kills, the assassin league leader, Ra's al- Ghul, and Stark have to bring the bomb to the sea for it to explode. " Ryan mumbles.

"Sir, that is Batman. Not Iron Man" ALBUS chided.

"I know ALBUS, but it is fun imagining it. It is also fun to imagine Bane breaking Stark's back."

He finally finishes his study in the mirror world. When he gets out, he sees that Gwen is just hanging up a call. 

After waving Gwen off, he started to get ready. He goes to the 3D printer to build his transmission blocker and some tech he is going to use to disarm the bomb. He finishes his preparations at 5.30 p.m.

Looking in the mirror, he starts to prepare for the party. "Hmm, my hair is a little too long." He measured his hair length in the mirror. 

While he is deciding what to wear today, he sees the screen on the TV.

[Coming up Next: SpyXFamily]

"That's it!" He had a eureka moment. Copying the hairstyle of a certain spy, and the spy wardrobe too, he meets up with Stark in front of Asano's Building. After all, he can't get in alone as he got no invitation. 

In Shield Headquarters. 

"You will infiltrate Asano's party. These are your targets." Phil Coulson gives a file to a certain assassin.

"Didn't you call me back to give me a break?" Natasha said teasingly. She starts to read about the targets. It is a simple mission, to bug the target and monitor their conversation.

"Do you think it's easy to pull you back to New York? Otherwise, you will still be chasing a dead end on Oni girl." Coulson said sarcastically.

Natasha laughs a little. She knows what Coulson had done. She is thankful for him.

"How do I get in? With Stark? " Natasha asks. It's a very rational assumption, but she then notices Coulson's awkward expression.

"Well, Stark's plus one was…already decided. We can't change it now to avoid the person's wrath." Coulson explained. They wanted to ask Pepper, but Tony said Ryan Knight is going to be his plus one.

Natasha is stunned. "How could you be afraid of him?" She is very curious. 

"Something happens. It's like this…" Coulson explained what had been going on with Ryan.

"Oh… he knows about me too. Will he interfere in the mission?" She confirmed all the variables.

"He won't. But stay out of his way. "

"Okay good. You still haven't told me how I will enter the party." 

"A champagne server. You will run around the hall in a miniskirt giving people drinks." He laughs a little.

"I know what that means, Coulson,"  Natasha said, a little irritated. That means she will get groped by a lot of old men tonight.

All of the pieces are now in place. Looking at the guests coming into the building, Yoshida Asano is very glad.

"Now, my revenge can start." 

In the hall, classical music is playing. Tony is greeting some Senators and some military generals. He is wearing a black suit with a red shirt. He is also wearing a striped tie.

He isn't late to the party because he is giving some respect to the Japanese man. That guy is obsessed with punctuality. 

He didn't expect some legendary figure in the army to be there. These guys are the heroes of World War 2.

"General Hawk. How are you? Looking rectangular as usual. " Tony greeted a stern-looking general who had a cigar in his mouth.

"Stark. Don't know if you have changed your orientation. Why? The woman isn't enough for you? Hahaha " The General joked crassly. 

"No General. He couldn't have my heart. Only one person could have it now." Tony then joked about Ryan not receiving an invitation, which greatly confused General Hawk.

"Why doesn't he get one?" the old man asks curiously. He had been in a secret base training some elite agents, so he didn't know much about useless news.

"Don't know. Not popular I guess." Tony said with disdain. Because of the kid, he couldn't have a good time with Pepper.

"He is even more popular than you." General Hawk said. His instinct is telling him there is something more to this. 

Tony quickly changes the subject. "How is Duke?"

At that time, Ryan is stuffing his face with some hors d'oeuvre. He saw a familiar-looking ass walking around with a champagne tray. He also knows that she is avoiding him.

So he called her to get some champagne. "Demoted from a secretary huh. Be strong, you will find another job. Or did you come here to steal again?" He teased the assassin.

Natasha is wearing a straight black wig, red hot lipstick, and red high heels. Her work clothes are a white shirt with a gold and black blazer, and a very short miniskirt. Her legs are bare without any pantyhose for the old man's enjoyment.

She responded to Ryan. "New look? It's a good look for you?" 

Ryan is wearing a light green three-piece suit with a red tie. He wears a lapel pin on his left lapel, in the shape of a dagger with the symbol of WISE. He is copying Loid Forger's outfit as he is going to do some spy stuff.

"I always look good," Ryan said cockily. The event is about to start.

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