
Evolution I

Today is, finally the day Sen finally decides to learn about space.

( Author note:please don't forget. The power is not an exact copy of the naruto series, and also hand knots exist )

"Stella, give it to me" but insted stella denied.

"I recommend you to buy a book not direct memories, and also space skills must be practiced outside, the imaginary space has a different space structure"

"That's a boomer, why not put it all in my head directly"

"Learning space involves not only the result but also the process. So, I recomend you not to learn it directly and also, buy the earth attribute Genes it makes learning space manipulation easier"

"Sigh, I thought of learning it all today, but it's going to take more time than expected, well Stella buy them both"

A book, which almost had a hundred pages and 3-shining orbs appeared, one black and two brown.

The book of space time and earth attribute genes!

"Status... show the learned skills to"


Name:Sen supreme




Attributes:Wind, fire, lighting

Eye power:none

Body level:none



Resources:105k mid-low level souls, 80k high-low level souls.

Skills:Wind javelin

Wind sword

Wind blade

Wind needles

Wind bullets

Wind armor


Fire ball

Fire bullet

Giant fire ball

Fire dragon

Lightning hand( Ref:chidori)

Lightning armor


"Ok, Stella start the insertion of genes"

"Evolution commencing "

"Eh? evol-!? "


The 3-orbs started floating the black one got into his chest and the other two brown ones started forming a silky white cocoon.

The white cocoon got hold of sen, and fixed itself into the ground.

This event was happening in the imaginary realm, all the happenings within IR will not influence the real world.

Then something magical happened. The cocoon started pulsing like a heart beat with a white glow.Then all the energy that was concurrently existing together. Fanatically rushed towards the cocoon.

The energy from surrounding or precisely pure natural energy. Reached the premises of the cocoon, and calmly started spinning around it.

It was a wondrous seen for the eyes. Energy started slowly entering the cocoon, which brightened even more.

Slowly, all of the natural energy within IR flowed here.

The realm of imagination, was only 1Km in diameter, with trees buildings and a arena. what happened next was, totaly unexpected.

The free energy within the surrounding was dissipated, but the cocoon wanted more. The trees started withering nonstop, the rocks started losing it's luster, buildings started turning into dust and a black and brown coloured dust was prominent. As if the life itself was sucked out of the non living things too.

Even the air started creating the same kind of black-brown dust.like black snow.

It was because the energy within the atoms was also absorbed. So the atoms transformed into a lower energy state. Which was various forms of iron.

And it was also the fate of a world without sustainable energy.


Every object has the tendency to return to the lowest energy state.

And that's the fate of a universe without life to collect energy. And at the end, there will be no burning stars formed, and only void and iron stars will exist, and that will also cease to exist by time.

And if life thrived in a universe, they will refuse to perish and find another way to survive.

For it is not the universe that matters but the life it created.That is it's greatest legacy...

Comming back.The cocoon, which sen was in almost absorbed all the energy around. And cracked.

Crack pat.

A naked boy with raven and a few pure white hair came out. His light blue eyes released a deep glow, it was obviously our sen. But his face was confused face with a frown.

"Hey stella, what do you think you are doing, melting my clot-nevermind, I can get the exact same replica from the shop!.By the way, were are we? and why do I smell a lot of iron?"

Stella began explaining him about every thing.

"Iron stars huh?"

Sen looked around and took a deep breath. The place was comparable to a black desert.



Name:Sen supreme




Attributes:Wind, fire, lighting, earth

Eye power:none

Body level:Stage 1:Body transformation




"Hahaa...hell that was a sudden increase in strength and what is this unique energy around me"

Well i didn't want to do a science

class, just happened

Ur_Papacreators' thoughts
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