
Chapter 12: Mysterio's Choice 2

John after picking up the mask quickly hides it in his bag before starting to make his way off campus. John looks through his phone to find a nice park nearby where he can go to try out this mask.

After a rather long drive via taxi, John makes it to the park he notices that although there are people there not enough to be worried about being seen. John eventually finds a nice secluded part of the park and slowly pulls out the mask from his bag before putting it on.

As he does John finds that his field of vision immediately changes to the entire mask making him able to almost see his feet while looking ahead. The new viewpoint almost disoriented John but after a short while, he got used to it.

The other thing he noticed is that he wasn't having a hard time breathing like most masks that block people from breathing normally this one seemed to not prevent him from breathing.* Navi please tell me, is the enhanced vision the only passive perk of the masks? *

Navi responds * No John it also has minor filtration functions and can block most minor toxins from passing through the mask. * John blinks finding this new news to be rather interesting

John then starts to test out the mask's main function, as after he put on the mask it was almost as if he just knew how to use it instinctively. Looking at a spot about 10ft away where a couple is sitting on a bench John activates the mask's ability and as he does the eyes and smirk on the mask slowly fade into nothing and fog covers the mask.

10ft away at the spot John chose fog starts to slowly form not alarming the couple in the beginning. But as the fog goes from nothing to mild annoyance to vision-blocking in a matter of seconds the couple could be heard freaking out slightly before walking out of the fog after a few minutes slightly damp.

John nods as he watches this go down from further away before walking off and taking off the mask and putting it away. * yes this will do nicely for my plans* John then heads back to campus around an hour later and sees that most people have left for the day or are doing assignments here and there.

Heading to one of the closing engineering labs John talks to the teacher and asks if he can work on a project inside. " Please Mr. Faraday I promise to lock up as I leave" he looks at John before sighing " fine but no funny business in there got it."

After being allowed to stay and work in the shop John immediately gets to work, the first thing he does is draw up a design for some menacing-looking gauntlets with built-in electroshock capabilities. After designing them he gets to work and after a short hour has a pair of black gauntlets with gold accents running across it that channel the current.

John looks them over before putting them on and activating them causing them to spark to life literally as volts of electricity follow the gold accents. John smirks * yes these will do nicely now I just need a suit I refuse to wear any sort of spandex that shit is honestly stupid.*

Just then Navi speaks in her monotone voice * John might I advise that you find something temporary as you may get something from the blueprints.* John blinks he had almost forgotten about the blueprints that he will get after his second task.

John now remembers that fact thanks to Navi deciding that for now something low-tech will be fine he then leaves the lab and locks it like he promised and starts the head off campus again. John thinks to himself as he hails another taxi as the trains are probably crowded at this time* hmm I think that an airsoft shop might have some gear that I could use*

After getting in the cab he looks up the nearest airsoft shop and tells the driver where he is going, everything was going fine until the driver suddenly slams the brakes before getting out of the cab. Worried John also exits and what he sees shocks him a train car is falling from the unfinished track and instinctively both he and the driver start to turn and run but suddenly shouts and gasps could be heard.

John stops and looks back to see what happened only to see something he truly wasn't expecting floating there while holding up the train was Ironman. John blinks a few times before screaming internally* holy shit this makes no sense what is he doing here he shouldn't be here till later, right? Oh I am so confused*

Ironman then slowly lifts the train before putting it back on the track which causes everyone around to start cheering, after putting back the train Ironman flies off into the distance. Shocked John just stands there for a bit but as the driver gets back into the cab he does as well lost in thought.

* Ok it's official I have absolutely no idea which marvel universe I am in and that scares the fuck out of me I need to start accelerating my plans asap* John then looks out the cab window while thinking. After arriving at the shop John pays for the cab and heads inside and searches the gear section and finds lots of camo gear that makes him shake his head.

But eventually, he finds something interesting in the store a black tactical outfit with a hood. The hood doesn't obscure the view and the outfit itself has multiple pouches and is thick fabric-wise but not too uncomfortable looking happy with it John takes it to ring up and the guy at the counter smiles at him.

" Nice choice you get out much? I used to myself but I find that I have very little extra time lately." the man finishes ringing him up as John looks at him awkwardly " No sir I have not I just recently got into airsoft and like you can't really find the time what with classes"

Using his acting skills John convincingly lies to the shopkeeper who just nods his head as John pays before bagging up john's stuff and handing it to him. " Well let's hope that we both find the time to in the near future." John nods and waves as he leaves.

John eventually makes it back to his dorm before sitting on his bed. * I need to speed up my plans rapidly no more fooling around* he eventually gets up and starts drawing a weaker design of his illusion tech one slightly bigger and weak to heavy impacts. After drawing it up he then gets the paperwork ready to patient it as well as sets up a meeting with a rising telecommunications company called Pear to discuss a deal.

Hey guys author here sorry for the delayed chapter had to decide a few things on how I wanted the OC to move going forward enjoy

Demonicgundamcreators' thoughts
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