
The dream of a generation

"You can lower your shirt now," the doctor tells me, removing the stethoscope as he turns to the worried looking sister Lawson, "I don't why, but somehow he shows signs of recovering from things that by all rights he shouldn't be able to recover from."

"Will it affect him badly doctor?" the doctors' words however don't set her at ease.

"Ma'am he shows no sign of asthma, and his leg is somehow healing despite severe nerve damage that should be impossible to recover from. Frankly sister, this is a modern miracle that I have no explanation for," the doctor deadpans as he packs up his equipment.

It has been a little over six months since that first test of the Essence Creation array and I was currently having the time of my current life.

I wasn't cured of all my ills or anything like that, I still had asthma and I still walked with a bad limp.

But for the first time in two years, I was able to take a deep breath without taking a puff from my inhaler and run, albeit with a weird gait, on some grass.

Of course, my miraculous 'recovery' had caught the attention of sister Lawson, who ran the orphanage, and she had for some reason thought that I might be dying or something which led to my current situation.

But at least it's looking like I'll be let go without much trouble and will finally be able to get back to planning out the next steps to my grand plan, now that I've finished step one.

The first thing I would have to plan for, of course, would be to find out exactly how I'll be doing the… let's call them missions, from omnipotent me.

See, when omnipotent me had said that he'd put the information for (essentially) world travel into my head he'd also decided to put a couple of missions that weren't related to world travel.

These 'missions' were far and varied, ranging from inane stuff like getting all O's in my owls to insane stuff like killing a dragon with my bare hands, with each having rewards based on the difficulty. However there was one singular mission that stood out to me and even seemed to be the main mission, if I could call it that.

Defeat Voldemort!: Defeat the Dark lord Voldemort, destroying all his horcruxes and making sure he never returns back to life. (must have at least minimal contribution to Voldemorts downfall)


- Next world becomes available

- Depending on your involvement you may take people with you to the next world

A simple mission, but one that made just moving to another country until Voldemort is defeated an impossibility.

Actually, no. I could still move to another country but it'd cost me the ability to move on to another world, something that just didn't sit right with me. After all, as much as I liked the world, Harry Potter wasn't quite as great as some of the more… futuristic worlds when it comes to quality of life.

There's also the sheer allure of possibly also becoming omnipotent that I really had a hard time giving up.

So, yes. While I could indeed leave if I wanted to, it would however mean rejecting the possible power which I just don't want to do.

"Noah!" the sudden calling of my name, by the matron, knocked me out of my thoughts, "you may leave now. But even if Doctor Prithcer has said you're healthy I still want you to be careful, understand?"

"I understand sister," I quickly shuffle out of the room as I say that, immediately going for the hideout to make more essence to drink.

After all I only have six months till Hogwarts and I really want to no longer need medicines or crutches by then.

- 6 months later –

It was finally time. My eleventh birthday and with it the dream of millions of adults and children combined.

However, as I look in the mirror and move closer to get a better look, I can't help but wonder about my 'new' looks.

It was only two weeks ago that I had barely managed to consume enough essence to completely 'recovered' and no sooner had I done so that my look had begun transitioning into my current looks.

My dark brown, almost black, hair had gotten a shade darker, my brown eyes now had a reddish hue to them, and I was looking a shade paler. Truly the changes weren't even visible unless you knew what you were looking for but the fact that they were occurring was bad enough.

I'll admit I'd panicked at first, thinking that I was becoming a vampire or something but a quick ritual, that told me if a hair was from the same species as another hair, and I calmed down, though not fully, as it told me I was still human.

"Noah! Are you proper?" sister Lawson knocked on the door, "there's a teacher from a private academy here to see you."

But for now, I was willing to put it aside to deal with the Hogwarts professor (probably), quickly tidying up my appearance with my hands "one minute sister!"

-Exactly one minute later-

"Good evening, Mister Adams," the strict form of Professor McGonagall towered over me, sister Lawson having left the room, with the infamous letter in her outstretched hand, "I am sure you heard from the sister, but let me congratulate you for your acceptance to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry."

What followed that rather legendary moment, though disappointingly she didn't say 'you're a wizard Noah', was the expected song and dance of me acting like a clueless muggleborn child and asking for proof and McGonagall turning my closet into a goddamn lion, causing me to finally 'accept' the existence of magic.

"Excellent, now that you have accepted the invitation I will be leaving," she said with a satisfied tone, "my colleague will be arriving tomorrow to take you to Diagon Alley. Until then please keep in mind that you are not allowed to tell anyone about magic, is that understood?"

Of course, I agree and soon, after telling me some more minor stuff, she's gone and sister Lawson comes into the room to give me a surprise hug.

"I am so proud of you," she ultimately say, after finally letting me go, "I've always known you were a clever boy and I am so… glad, that people are able to see that."

"It's not really that big of a deal sister," I squirm in embarrassment at the unwarranted praise, after all it really wasn't hard to excel in primary school with my memories.

"No, it is a 'big deal'," unfortunately she just didn't seem to want to let it pass like I wanted, "in fact, we can all have cake today to celebrate that."

"Wait, sister no!" I try to stop her, knowing she was going to dip into her own savings to get that cake, but it was all for naught as she just ignored me. In the end all I could really do was return to my room to work on my 'trump card', what I like to call the 'shanker'.

It was a pretty ordinary looking vintage switchblade, though it wasn't really 'vintage' since it was nineteen ninety, that I had carved some parts of the Essence Creation array. Of course, it wouldn't really produce any essence's or anything, that feat was way out of my skill level to create.

What it did do however, was cause the same decomposing rot to occur on any cuts made by it which, from what little test I've done on small vermin, is apparently painful but survivable. Though obviously someone would die if I stabbed them in a bad place anyways.

"Everyone! Come to the kitchen! We're celebrating Noah getting a scholarship with cake!"

Unfortunately, by the time that sister Lawson came back with the cake, I had only really managed to half sharpen the knife, with a whetstone I 'borrowed', before I had to go down and get embarrassed as everyone congratulated me.

Though I still appreciated the cake, a very lovely pound cake, especially since I hadn't really had a cake since last Christmas.

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