
Chapter 56: Hosu Incident Aftermath

Chapter 56: Hosu Incident Aftermath

~Third POV~

[Nighttime, Hosu City, Japan]

There were 6 Nomus in the vicinity of Hosu City, and the Pro Heroes managed to take care of them as fast as possible. Everything was soon fine with 3 of the top 10 Heroes present which was to be expected.


With everything that has been done with Mirko, I received a call from Ren. They shared numbers in case emergencies were to occur or meet up.

She had been expecting him to call her since they were separated doing their duties. Mirko picked up her phone bluntly asking, "Oi brat where the heck are ya? The battle is already over."

Coming from the other end of her phone, her eyes perked up along with a few other Pro Heroes as Ryukyu, Nejire-chan, and Aizawa on the ground widened as they heard Ren's voice from the other end, "Oi you crazy hare we got the Hero Killer! And Pro Hero Native and Tenya Ida need medical attention. The address…"

That was when they all followed Mirko, listening to the news of the Hero Killer; she immediately went towards the coordinates and direction. Hearing that, they rushed forward ahead to where the Hero Killer was located.

Eventually, Ren's group was seen to be talking to Endeavor, and Shoto was present when Shinso sent their location for assistance. The group of heroes soon came, with Endeavor speaking in a stern tone, "Hmm… You 2 seem to be out of your way from your usual patrol. Mirko, Lady Nagant, and Ryukyu, you managed to handle the Nomu's on your end."

Making correct assumptions, Mirko pouted with Ryukyu, keeping a professional manner, respectfully responded, "Yeah. My intern informed me of the situation and came as soon as possible with Uravity and Nejire-chan. We managed to calm the situation when we came onto the scene."


The sounds of sirens could be heard as the police arrived at their usual pace. Soon one of the police members comes out looking to be a very tall, sturdily built man with the head of a beagle. The area around his eyes and his ears is a dark brown, the two sides separated by a tan line that runs down his forehead, widening at his muzzle, which is flecked with pale brown. He has a large, black nose and dark eyes, and, although the rest of his body is of normal human shape, his skin appears to be the same tan color as most of his face.

He wears a suit, consisting of a dress shirt, and waistcoat, over which he wears an unbuttoned black blazer and matching dress pants underneath. He has a belt with a large buckle and a black and white tie that resembles a Dalmatian's coat.

Approaching the group, his eyes laid over Ren's group as he introduced himself in a formal tone, "Hello, I'm Chief of the Police Force Kenji Tsuragamae. Tell me, are you the ones who took down the Hero Killer?"

The paramedics came by, taking Native on a stretcher and speaking out loud in a defeated tone, "Just leave them be. I'll own up to this. These kids saved my bacon, after all; it's the least I can do…"

Hearing this, the Chief of the Police Force sighed as he exclaimed for the group to listen in a stern tone, but his smile betrays his real emotions, expressing pride, "Sigh… You're lucky Native is taking responsibility for everything here. If something comes up, we'll be in touch. Till then, I'd advise keeping a low profile. The public might appreciate it, but the men in the high towers don't. You want to be a hero, right? Then you'll need to make nice with them. So follow my advice, and don't make it any harder for yourself."

They agreed as they responded, "Yes, officer."

With that done with, Endeavor scoffed but turned to leave as he spoke in a stern tone, escorting Stain personally with the police, "Tch. Come Shoto, we must file the report and be done for today. At the very least, the Hero Killer won't be escaping under my watch."

Shoto nodded as he gazed at his classmates Ochaco, Ren, Ida, and Shinso in a respectful tone, waving away, "It was great seeing you guys. Hope we meet up back in class and Ida… good luck with Aizawa-Sensei. Later."

Ida suddenly shivered as he turned to see Manual and Aizawa glares. He could only look down in shame with Mirko going over to her intern with a feral grin, "Didn't I tell you to help the evacuation with the people the hell happened to that?"

Ren cheekily grinned, gazing at Mirko in a defiant tone, pointing out one of his clones taking care of that, "I did well my clones did. I was gonna help the people, but when I noticed Ida was gone, I had Mindjack accompanying me if things went south. Or Ida was being unreasonable, but seeing the Hero Killer… well, you know how that song and dance goes, right? But the guy was sort of strong."


Slamming her fist over his head, his eyes twitched, transferring the force into the ground using his [Flowing Battle] Mirko responded in a proud tone, "You cheeky brat, how dare take all the fun! Send us home already, and don't think not listening to my words would escape with your ass getting kicked?"


Ren merely scoffed, summoning a portal using [Wormhole]. Mirko had already gone inside as he turned his attention to his classmates with a sheepish tone, "Well… it was great seeing you guys, but I gotta bounce. We'll text in the group chat or meet up back in class. Good night, everyone."

Leaving the group, the clone of Ren opened up a portal, preparing to leave with Ryukyu entering, followed by him and Nejire-chan. Ochaco took a second to turn, waving at Shinso and Ida in an awkward tone, "It was great seeing you guys, but I gotta go. Hopefully, you all stay safe bye, guys."


Lady Nagant and her clone of Ren soon followed suit as he entered inside. Lady Nagant took a moment to gaze at Aizawa as she smiled in a kind tone, "Good work out their Eraser Head. Hopefully, you have better luck taking care of your students. See ya later."

Exiting through the portal, Aizawa rolled his head with Shinso nearby. He gazed at him stoically, speaking with a sly grin on his face, "Mindjack, you did good work helping your teammates. You helped in taking down the Hero Killer that took down other Pros. You don't have to put your head low about your Quirk, got it?"

Shinso's eyes widened as he curtly nodded his head, smiling behind his mask. Turning his attention to Ida with his eyes looking down along with Manual, he spoke in a stoic tone, "Manual, you don't mind if we stick around to ensure Tenya Ida doesn't do anything rash with a few remedial lessons."

Manual smiled curtly, nodding his head and slapping Ida's back in a neutral tone, agreeing with Aizawa, "Of course, Eraser Head. I believe some lessons he needs to learn, but I need to take him to the hospital first."

Aizawa curtly nodded his head, with Manual taking Ida away to a hospital to have his left arm checked that Stain pierced through with his katana. Looking at the night sky, his eyes flickered to the top of the building with a helicopter approaching.


But his eyes widened seeing a purple mist disappearing from the scene. His eyes narrowed as he thought to himself in a serious tone, 'Oboro… no matter what I'll find a way to see you again old friend… I'll make sure my students won't die on my watch.'

Closing his eyes, he soon turned his attention to Shinso speaking up feeling a bit in a good mood, he spoke stoically, getting Shinso's attention, "Come on, Mindjack. I'll treat you to a café shop that's best around. Hopper's Café. My treat."

Shinso nodded, following Aizawa closing the events of Hosu City…


[Next Day, League of Villains Base, Kamino, Yokohama, Japan]


Slamming his fist onto the table, Tomura observed the news about him releasing the Nomu's arguing almost in a tantrum, "Those damn heroes…! Those three cheats weren't supposed to be there, and it was because of HIM again!"

Kurogiri remained silent as he cleaned his glass cups, and he spoke in a neutral tone with the monitor on, allowing All for One to listen, "Yes, Tomura. But it seems like the boy has upgraded my abilities into those portals. If the info from our informant is true."

Tomura could only grumble, not caring about that. All for One, on the other hand, has his interest perked, continuing the topic, "I must admit the boy is truly unusual. Ren Yuki is certainly talented. And a difficult obstacle for you to overcome, Tomura."

Tomura's eyes narrowed, looking down, annoyed. Soon, Doctor Kyudai Garaki spoke through the speakers on the monitor, "Hmph! Unlike in the USJ, we managed to obtain some useful pieces of information about our test Nomu's data. Still, while lacking, provided some ways to improve the Bombers from the Villain Factory experiment."

The Villain Factory was a name given by the Police Force to refer to the criminal organization known, particularly in the Naruhata area, for its Quirk-based experiments. The ones behind the organization are All For One and Kyudai Garaki, with their main objective being the pinnacle of their experiments that will eventually lead to the creation of a being that can rival All Might in power.

To achieve this main goal, they do not hesitate to resort to all types of unethical methods, like human experimentation, terrorism, and a laundry list of other crimes and wrongs. The Villain Factory imports large quantities of illegal substances, among which the Trigger stands out, a drug that gives a boost to an individual's Quirk, simultaneously weakening their sense of reason.

All For One and the Doctor contact and supply their agents with Trigger, who in turn distribute the drug through the streets for free, causing numerous incidents when drug users transform into Instant Villains, all for research purposes towards his goal.

If they consider that one of these Instant Villains has potential, they kidnap them and subject them to all kinds of bioengineering experiments and modifications, transforming them into a Next-Level Villain, who is released in the city to cause problems, all to collect even more data and information for the main goal.

All for One soon spoke, with an evil grin shown on his face, speaking in a curious tone, "Fortunately, we managed to recover the samples of No.6 body to create mindless drones of Bombers at the ready along with remodeling No.6. You'll have fun with them soon enough, Tomura. Make sure to learn from this encounter."

Tomura reluctantly nodded his head. All for One, from his secret location, pulled up a file with an intrigued expression and spoke to himself, "Interesting… an orphan from Kyudai Garaki orphanage marked as missing. One of the vessels in the case of Tomura was to happen to him…."

All for One merely grinned, learning more about Ren Yuki's past learning he was supposed to be one of many backup plans if Tomura were to suddenly happen to him. He carefully motioned his plans accordingly with this piece of information…

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