
Chapter 26: USJ Arc (1)

Chapter 26: USJ Arc (1)

~Ren Y. POV~

[A few Days Later, U.A. High School, Gates, Japan]

In no time at all only a few days, the media began to hound UA like nothing bothered the students. The news that All Might had come to teach at UA shocked the whole country. The media uproar went on for several days.

That was when I saw other members of my classmates were getting bothered answering their questions to the reporters.

"Tell us what the symbol of peace looks like in front of the class!"

"How he looks?! Um… Super muscly!! Yeah!"

"Tell us about All Might the teacher."

"Every day with him is a reminder that I'm enrolled at this preeminent educational institution, beyond…"

"When All Might is… huh?! You're the kid from the sludge incident!!"

"Buzz off."

Seems like Ida, Ochaco, and Bakugo are dealing with their issues handling the news reporters. But I was soon called out by one asking in a noisy tone, "What's it like learning from All Might?"

Turning around, I smiled with a calm tone even though my voice wasn't loud, they all heard it as I continued while looking at the clock, "Even though he is new at this, he is a pretty good teacher. However, it was a bit weird seeing him in a hero costume on his first day of teaching. He even the door like a hero. I must say that it was quite a fun class that we had with him. You could also say that it could compare to the first class we had with the homeroom teacher. Oh my…"

Checking the clock I began walking towards the gate and waving at the reports while saying in a casual tone, "I'm sorry but that is all the time I have. I wouldn't want to be late for class after all UA is the best and requires the best out of their teachers and students too."

Then I just went inside as I soon heard the gates shut with Bakugo moving past us ahead. Ida was next to my side, smiling at my answer in a stoic tone, "I have to say Ren-kun, that was an excellent answer in handling the reporters."

Ochaco even chimed in as I turned my face towards her with a light smile as she agreed with my words in relief, "Whoa Ren-kun I didn't think you were that good under pressure from the reporters. It seemed like you were a pro handling them."

Hearing her compliment, I responded in a neutral tone with a light shrug, having logic in my words as they think upon it as I advise them, "True, but I had some practice. Still, it would be best if you tried to act nice in front of them. Or they might not like you when you become a hero. A working relationship with the press is good. You could have some type of scheduled interview and not have them try and dig into your personal life."

They seemed surprised by my answer as Ida paused considering my choice of words nodding his head in understanding in a stunned tone, "Yes, I see your point Ren-san. To think you would think this ahead when dealing with the press…"

Turning my head to Ida's side glancing at him I responded in a neutral tone as we all walked towards class, "Yup! They're a pain in the ass but one a Hero must deal with daily. It's best to be on their good side to not have them slander you in the future. And to keep them off our personal life."

They both agreed to see the logic in my words as Ochaco sighed out loud, walking through the school grounds, "Sigh… man, being a hero is going to be rough having a steady relationship with the press…"

I eyed Ochaco as she gazed at me. I winked at her with a sly smile making her blush a bit as I explained in a cool tone, "True but it's also a nice way to ensure they won't slander you with nasty propaganda or lies. But then again for someone as cute as you, I doubt they'll resort to that."

She awkwardly smiled, looking away from my compliment as Ida intervened, being a stickler for the rules, "Ren-kun, while it's admirable you're teaching your classmates valuable lessons, please keep your flirting to a minimum. We are in UA, and we can't be late for class. Come along now."

I rolled my eyes, but I understood what he meant. There's a time and place for everything, I suppose, and it's better not to piss off Aizawa Sensei…

Since he is eyeing us with a cheeky grin…


Right… onto class we go!


[U.A. High School, Class 1-A, Japan]

Arriving inside class 1-A we took our seats as Aizawa began with his small praise to the class because of our training with All Might in a stoic tone, "Good work on your combat training. I saw the video and results."

He sighs as he puts down a few papers that he was carrying. He turns to Bakugo pointing out our flaws, "Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a child. You have what it takes to be a hero. Just get your temper under control and think more rationally."

Bakugo just looks to the side but nods confirming his words in a whisper, "I know."

Then he addresses me I stiffen at the mention of my surname with a cheeky grin on his face, my flaws in a blunt tone, "You, Ren, need to use your power full next time. The more you get used to your top performance, the more control you have over your abilities and Quirks. You have the power to use it responsibly."

Nodding my head understanding my flaw I replied in a serious tone, "Aye, Aizawa-sensei."

Then, he proceeds to tell us our flaws and where we need to improve. A nice surprise since he hasn't said this in the anime or manga. I should stop seeing it like that from my perspective, being fiction into reality.

Once he praises or scolds us on our flaws, he then addresses the whole class with a bored expression as he speaks stoically, "Now onto homeroom business sorry for the sudden announcement, but today… you'll pick a class president."

Everyone sighed in relief, "Such a normal school-like thing!!"

What happened next was everyone yelling to be the leader. In normal schools, the position just entails mundane tasks, so nobody wants to do it. In the hero course, however, it would mean leading the group to a position suited for a top hero in the making.

"I'd like to do it."

"I wanna be president!! Lemme do it!!"

"In my administration girls will have to wear short skirts!"

"The position was made for me."

"I wanna be a leader!!"

"Pick me!"

I only smirked, seeing everyone's reactions as Ida soon spoke out loud in a serious tone, raising his hand in the air, "Leading the many is a task of heavy responsibility…! But ambition does not equate to ability!! The sacred office demands the trust of its constituents…! If this is to be a democracy, then I put forward the motion… that our true leader must be chosen by election!!"

Tsuyu soon points out a fact that can't be dismissed, asking in a blunt tone, "But Ida, we haven't known each other long enough to build any trust."

That was when I voiced my concern with a neutral tone resting my head on my desk suggesting an idea, "And everyone just vote for themselves. But then again that's precisely why anyone who manages to earn multiple votes will be the best suited for the job."

Ida nodded his head agreeing to my words as he turned his head to Aizawa-sensei in a serious tone, "Absolutely right Ren! Will you allow this sensei?!"

Squirming back into his caterpillar-like sleeping bag in a bored tone, leaning against the wall and chilling, "However you do it, just make it quick."

Thus, the favorite pastime, voting, commenced as everyone began voting for who they think will be the class president. Frankly, I'm hoping I'm the guy they choose since it'll look good for me when I go pro. I'm voting for Momo for president.

Still, I'm a bit jealous of the teacher. Aizawa just got ready to take a nap while giving the class a free pass to do whatever we wanted. I want that abusive authority.

It wasn't long till the votes were in. And I expected as much considering I increased my social link with everyone. But in the end, we couldn't decide as Aizawa says with a wicked grin making my spine tingle, "Oi! I said to make it quick. Now you have till the end of the day or else everyone gets detention. My specialty."

Everyone felt their spines tingle hearing that. That man… a fucking sadist. No wonder Midnight is his friend.


[U.A. High School, Lunch Rush, Japan]

Having no one chosen yet I decided to sit with Ida, Ochaco, and Shinso joining in the cafeteria Lunch Rush. I still couldn't help but marvel at the number of people with powers in a neutral tone, "So many kids here… besides the Hero Course, there are also students from the Support and Business courses."


Ochaco meanwhile takes a bite of the rice bowl she got in a satisfied tone switching topics about our Class President Election, "This rice is tasty! Say, Ida, didn't you wanna be the president too? You've got the glasses and everything!"

Taking a sip from his glass cup of juice Ida responded in a humble tone with his eyes closed with a bead of sweat trickling from his face, "Again, ambition and suitability are different matters… I humbly made the choice I felt was correct."

Shinso remarked at Ida with a raised eyebrow, having been chill with our classmates, and said in a curious tone, "The way you talk… Ida, are you a rich kid or something?"

Ida soon confessed, acting a bit bashful, revealing his family name, but smiled, speaking in a proud tone following his brother, "… I don't like people to know, so I try to hide it, but… yes. Mine is a renowned Hero Family, and I'm the second son. The Turbo Hero Ingenium is my brother he leads the people with his unwavering adherence to rules and regulations. A truly beloved hero!! It's my admiration for my brother that's inspired my desire to become a hero like Ren's dream. However, I realize I'm not yet ready to lead anyone yet. I voted for you because of your insightfulness, Ren-san."

Rubbing the back of my head I was a bit embarrassed by his praises I responded in an embarrassed tone, "O-Oh really? Thanks, man. I know one day you'll be a great leader yourself Ida you just must give yourself time."

Ida smiled as Shinso jabbed at me with a mischievous grin seeing this side of me, "Oh? You get embarrassed this is news to me big guy?"

Slapping my back, I rolled my eyes at his antics but slyly grinned, responding in a smug tone, wiggling my eyebrows, "Really? Then you must be a tsundere saying baka when Toga is around."

He was about to make a snarky remark but stopped when the sounds of the school's sirens began to blare, followed by a mechanical voice stating, "SECURITY LEVEL 3 HAS BEEN BROKEN. ALL STUDENTS, PLEASE EVACUATE IN AN ORDERLY FASHION. I REPEAT –"



The alarm system began to speak and the sirens of the bells ringing. Students ignored the automated voice's direction, and the students in the cafeteria began stampeding toward the exits as if they were fleeing for their lives.

A Level 3 breach meant that villains had invaded the campus, so those from the General, Support, and Business Departments pushed, shoved, and bumped into each other as they fought to be first to flee.

Seeing the frenzied reaction of the other students, tensions among my fellow members of Class 1-A increased rapidly with Ochaco asking with a bead of sweat forming, "What should we do…?"

Noticing a few people looking toward her when she asked her question, I observed the window to our left to see Aizawa-Sensei and Present Mic stopping a bunch of reporters. I smirked seeing this as I answered in a calm tone, "What the next generation of Heroes ought to do? Can you bring Lunch Rush here to de-escalate the situation?"

She nodded her head as I flew up using [Attract and Repel] levitating myself and rubbing my hands together as I widened my hands having [Full Cowl] active and…


Clapped. When I did so instead of the normal clap, it was heard as if it was the sound of a bullet that brought immediate attention. The sound drowned out any cry or shout as everyone looked to the source of the sound.

Me. When they all looked and gave their undivided attention, I responded in a neutral tone easing the worries of the masses pointing at the reporters to the left, "Will you all just stop for a moment and think? You're running like a bunch of headless chickens trampling whoever falls to the ground with no regard for their safety. If you look out the window, you'll see it's just a bunch of people from the press that somehow got in. So, take it slow, help those who fell, and see if they need any medical attention if so then bring them to the nurse's office. Think before you act folks."

I noticed some people were not satisfied with what I said, and some were even insulted as I responded to these people in a neutral tone shrugging, "Your people who got into UA… you're smart, so use your head."

Though not everyone listened at first my next words comfort them being called smart they'll listen to what they want to hear. Soon the situation calmed down when Ochaco got Lunch Rush the retired Hero who prepared meals for UA's staff and students, the one that nearly everyone respected took over the evacuation becoming that much smoother.

My classmates were giving me surprised expressions on how I handled the situation. All according to cake. And just on cue, the police sirens were heard, and the whole situation was over.

Only I knew that someone had sneaked in here and stolen the class timetable… tomorrow will be the day. I must think of some plans and workarounds when the USJ incident occurs.

There will be plenty of villains that have very interesting or useful Quirks. Especially that teleporting warp Quirk. It's the main reason, along with Tomura, that I allowed them to take the class timetable.

Let's see what tomorrow has in store. But first, I have that class president spot to secure and abuse the heck of my position. I want that ability to sleep during class, too.

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